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Looking for good slash threesomes

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Guest Help me

I'm totally up for anything with Harry in the mix! Though Snape/either male Malfoy/Harry is top of my list.

I very much like Harry in odd pairings, though not creepy- like something with Dumbledore, though Voldemort is totally okay. ;)

Please help? I'm really bored and need to kill a few hours tomorrow.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest hope21108
I'm totally up for anything with Harry in the mix! Though Snape/either male Malfoy/Harry is top of my list.

I very much like Harry in odd pairings, though not creepy- like something with Dumbledore, though Voldemort is totally okay. :unsure:

Please help? I'm really bored and need to kill a few hours tomorrow.

Ok I have got some for you

Choosing loyalties by ntamara


this is a great story


Ten minutes before Hagrid arrives to tell Harry of his wizarding parentage and destiny, Harry is kidnapped by a Voldemort controlled Quirrell while Peter Pettigrew casts a doppelganger spell and takes Harry’s place. Nobody could suspect that the Harry Potter at Hogwarts is an impostor, and that the real Harry Potter is locked away in Riddle Mansion. HP/SS, SS/LV; SS/AD and HP/LV implied

Control Issues by ShivaniBlue


Good but a reveng fic all the way.Sick, twisted, perverse—that would be Severus Snape. And yet, his blindly obedient little soldier boy ran away, and to guess who? Features abused!Harry, creature!Harry, sadistic!Harry.

Come back to bed by Jamee43

Summery: Harry gets a letter from his parents stating that he is a Hermoso and that he will soon come into his full powers, wings and all. He also finds out that he has some veela powers as well. Now, how do the Malfoy's fit in to all of this?


Warning: Male pregnancy, kind of incest. Don't like, don't read.

Title: Salir

Author: Batsutousai

Pairings: Harry/Tom(Voldemort)


Thrown back in time by Lord Voldemort, Harry must adapt. Who should he befriend, and fall for, but the man who sent him back in time himself.

If you like any of these email me at midnight21108@yahoo.com

  • 3 months later...

ummm, hmm, lets see,.

are you against creture fics?

-ldDurhams stories are always my favs. but almost everyone knows about them. (S/D/H-----AFF, Livejurnal, Spiral or skyhawk i think.)

-I recently read Guilty as Sin by RiffRaff, its pritty good but dosnt have a lot of 'Draco loven', my only complaint. Summary: Harry and Draco are submisive creatures, snapes a dominant, twist is they feed of magical blood and are not protected in the least by any law and like/feed off of violence. Its different but still very interesting. (H/S/D--AFF)

-And Malfoy makes Three, by Abstract Concept, Summary: Cute and hummerus, kinda a slow beginning, but the end is sweet. Sad its only three chapters. i think. (h/s/d)

its on skyehawke.com---skyehawkes a good place to start looking for three somes, it may not have a supper supper lot deppending on the pairings but there serch engin on the direct pages, alouws you to put in three names directly.

-Furry Magic by neichan (another love of my life) isnt exactly a three some, though there is one in there with draco, but it has multipul parings. Concept of wereleopards so its good to keep an open mind. (in my top ten so i think its a must read, woot!)

Some unfinished ones are..

-Pirfect Bliss, by Angel, Summary: DomHarry, SubLuciusSeverusDraco, diferent kinds of cretures. Sevs a mermaid. Dumbledores a bad guy. overdun some might say, but Sev as a mermaid is so cute!

-Visions of an Empath by Amy, (read it a while back, liked it, cant exactly remember what its about)

-Also theres FW/GW/HP ones out there, like Pretty Kitty by Cherry Starburst and Acats Tale by Kanaro, i think. (hav not read this last one personaly)

---theres a lot out there if you dount give up looking, youl be surprised. i hope this helps nmakes people happy! :rolleyes:

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