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Guest arora

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I am completely embarrassed.

I am going to tell you why. I had a heart dopler today and wouldn't ya know it I had to do it w/o a shirt, bra or anything else to cover up the girls.

I am thanking my lucky stars that the guy who did it has a good sense of humor.

I am hating my doctor for bringing in the computer guy while my breasts were completely exposed to rattle off a shopping list of new leads, cords and monitors.

I am wanting to punch the computer guy for groaping me with his eyes and fixating on my tattoo. (He even said nice tit tattoo!)

I am wondering why my doctor chose to ignore it.

I am trying hard not to use the number I got off of the dopler guy for a cheap thrill and a lay.

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Guest Big Samurai

I am amused that L29 had to deal with Randy Computer Man , but I am also slightly sympathetic, as I would not like to have Jerry the Plumber come into the doctor's office while said doctor has his hand up my ass or something.

I am hoping that Red comes up with a good summary.

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Guest SilverFox-chan


I am also wondering why your doctor ignored that.

I am upset I can't go to karate due to my strep throat. dry.gif

I am missing an opportunity to earn another stripe this week

I am hoping I can go Thursday at least.

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Guest SilverFox-chan

I am feeling a lot better after taking 500mg of amoxicillin 3 times a day.

I am hoping that all goes well today at the Doctors office..

I am posting number 600 with this post. ( for me )

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Guest SilverFox-chan

I am agreeing with Leonhart29.

I am much better according to the doctor and can start kicking butt again!

I am hoping that I'll be able to earn my second stripe tomorrow.

I am crossing my fingers.

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I am giggling because, at first glance, I thought SFC was talking about karaoke, which made the rest of the posts seem odd, until I finally caught on that I'd read it wrong.

I am not much for working out (jumping around and getting all sweaty), but I do a large amount of sit-ups everyday, and occasionally some yoga.

I am guilty of doing sustained crunches for 2 hours while watching my shows.

I am laughing again because I happened to think of a commercial on VH1 with Danny Bonaduce where he opens his shirt to his rock-hard abs and the screen says, "700 sit ups a day...bitch."

I am finding this funny because my husband pointed at it and said, "Look! It's you...if you were a drunken, stoned, angry, resentful man with a strange-looking wife!"

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Guest SilverFox-chan

I am an orange belt in wadu-ryu karate

I am upset since I wasn't able to particpate Thursady or any day this week.

I am not going to get my blue belt next month at this rate crying.gif

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