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Keith Inc.

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It might be an obsolete OSX/Firebox issue.  I don’t like Safari, though I’ll try it later today.  I loathe Chrome, and “Edge” is so “edgey” that Microsoft won’t port it onto other operating systems.

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The Chatbox went from “working” to not with no changes of any kind on my part.  If you’re running Linux/Firefox, you are probably running a newer O/S than me, since Linux by default supports both new and “old” iron in the same base version.  I’m running “max-patched” el Capitain, which is old.  My other working box is a G5 Mac Pro.  Firefox hasn’t run on that in years, and even TenFourFox hasn’t been updated in years.

Maybe the G5 might run a newer Firefox, but it won’t run the version of Office I have a license for.

Oh, well...

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