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Hello everyone. The next chapter is finished and I'm partway through proofreading. It should be posted in the next few days. I ran out of room for any special events, like the black tape modelling runway show, so that'll have to wait until next chapter.

This chapter shows a typical day for Lara at Green Manor (formerly Croft Manor), and expands upon Lara's sexual conditioning, Sarah's psychological manipulation and Lara's relationship with Sam.

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Guest LHunt

We waiting in the wings as Sarah continues with Lara's mind fuckery....while Sam  continues Lara's play room fucking.



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Hi everyone, Chapter 16 has posted. It ended up being a rather long chapter, but there was a lot I wanted to cover. I needed to show what Lara's typical days at Green Manor (formerly Croft Manor) are like, to establish the baseline before I move on to special events. Hope you enjoy it, and the direction that I'm taking Lara and Sam.

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Guest Indubitably

I love your writing style! 

Will you ever do a happy ending for Lara? Where she comes out on top and turns the table on her "captors". 

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Guest LHunt

Hey CrossroadsMk2,

Just awesome as usual….hotter than a cattle branding iron. From the time Lara gets up till she goes to sleep -constant manipulation. The 15 minute shower with Sarah was a nice touch I think. You know me, anything with her BFF Sam, gives your story that special touch too. Now, Lara thinking it’s not Sam using her, then wishing it really was –cooler than three day old grits! The photo shoots, and then adding them into provocative poses were priceless as well.

You rock!

Lead the Way Sir! 

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Hi LHunt, as always, thanks for reading and glad you liked it. I think next chapter will be some nude modelling and then the next Charity event - a fancy dress party with Lara appearing as Lady Godiva. I was going to use the black tape modelling as a way to trick Lara into public nudity, but I've decided to go in a different direction. I want the nudity to be Lara's decision.


Again, Lara's instinct will be to refuse Sam's idea to do a tasteful nude shoot, but after a couple of weeks of maid work and bullying from the other maids (and Sam refusing to let her see fan comments until she agreed - so no attention or validation either), she'll agree. Then she'll do more nude shoots. When Sarah tells her about the fancy dress party and her idea for Lara's costume, Sarah can counter Lara's resistance by saying she's already done naked photo shoots, so what's the big deal? But what gets her over the line is that if she agrees to go a Lady Godiva, she can attend as a guest instead of a servant.

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Guest LHunt

Hey CrossroadsMk2,

Yeah, when you first mentioned a while back the Lady Godiva dress up, that would be awesome and fit better. As sexy as black tape modeling is….nude is totally better.  After the first time Sam denies showing Lara her fans comments, I think Lara would be more and more willing…..just to get that rush of reading what her fans are saying. To think about it, that’s the only connection to any outside communications she really has that’s positive, at least to Lara. But Sarah dressing her up as Godiva and allowing her to attend as a guests – love where that could go. I can see Lara weighing the pro’s and con’s….fucking maid duty – or reading how her nudies please her fans. Party or servant…

Keep up the great work, and continue to Lead The Way!   

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Hi Indubitably, sorry I missed your post somehow. In terms of happy ending for Lara, I hope none of the ends are too despairing for her. I would argue the ending to Professor Croft was a "good ending". I suppose I haven't given it much thought because endings where Lara wins out against her enemies is basically the plot to every mainstream story, so I feel like it wouldn't be adding much. That said, I'd be open to it in the future. After Voluntary Enslavement is finished, I'm going to focus on Short Stories like BDSM Raider and Bliss (still have to finish that one as well).

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Guest ABigFan

Hello Cross,

I enjoyed the story. I love how you amazingly pace your stories, they smoothly transition from one point to another. Loved the moment when Sam was thinking and making conclussions about Charity event and people in it. That was a brilliant touch! Highlight for me is Lara losing her inhibitions and begging to be ruined. I love when her inner whore, her true self, takes over and bursts out from the facade of a strict aristrocratic woman :)

As always, looking forward to more to come.

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Hi ABigFan, glad you're enjoying the story and pacing. Bringing out Lara's inner whore is the direction I'm going in. At first, I was going the route of having Lara tricked into doing stuff - for example, the black tape modelling was going to feature a deliberate wardrobe malfunction. But I think it's hotter if Lara decides to do stuff - albeit it being manipulated into doing it.


The nude modelling in the next chapter, for example. Lara will hold out for 2 weeks, during which time she experiences the hell of being an actual maid. Then Sam says she's convinced Sarah to give her not only the day of the shoot off, but the day after she gets a full pedicure, manicure, massage and hairwash/style - basically hours of pampering. She wants it so badly, and her fans keep begging her for more, and Sam promised the photos would be very tasteful and artistic... And so she talks herself into it. And there is our slippery slope.

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Guest ABigFan

Love the direction of the story. Forgot to mention that idea of her having an OF account which she knows nothing about is great. Makes Sarah earn more money from Lara.

Also I love messing with woman’s hair and that was another great touch by you. Women pay so much attention to their hair and have special relationship with it so any kind of messing with hair is very degrading for a woman. I believe it was in Scandalous Adventures that men came in her hair and she was angry about it. Would love if you could use that idea more in the future. Hope my ramblings sound coherent to you :D

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Guest New Fan

Great new chapter and love the direction you are taking the story. Lara begging to get stretched and ruined was a highlight. Can’t wait for the next chapter!

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Guest LHunt

Hey CrossroadsMk2,

I think the hair idea copies the real games. Ever time she gets out of water, before getting ready to fuck someone up, or discover a  hidden relic, she fixes her hair. Maybe, Sam can use some cum matted hair shots for her Fans at some point. Put her in a mix of bulls before the next running of the bulls somewhere in Spain.

Lead the Way Sir!

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Guest LHunt

Hey CrossroadsMk2,

I think initially, both angry and so annoyed, but in her throes of passion, a super turn-on for Lara. Don’t remember how long her hair is really, but as her hair gets matted and stuck together especially close to the ends….maybe stick some strands in her mouth when being used.

Lead the Way Sir!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest LaraCunt

Hi CrossroadsMk2,
Your story is getting better and better, your ideas are incredible, the Onlyfans part made me even more excited about the story, so much so that it inspired me to create a small 3D edition of the Onlyfans partnership with the Tomb Raider franchise =D


Looking forward to the next chapter of your incredible story.

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Guest LHunt

Hey LaraCunt,

That’s awesome. When you get a spare moment, got a quick question for you. Here’s my email – lgmhunt@gmail.com. Thanks in advance.

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Guest LaraCunt

I replied to your email LHunt, I created some more photos along with this one and sent them to you too.

I would also like to send my creations to you CrossroadsMk2, if you can and want just reply to me at larawombraided@gmail.com and I would be happy to share them with you, thank you in advance

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Hi Lara Cunt, are you the same artist who posts Lara's comics and photos on Imagefap? If this is you, I just want to say that I really like your pics, especially the ones with captions, and also the one where Lara is giving a blowjob to this fat, ugly, dirty guy :)

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Hi LaraCunt, sorry it's been a few days since I checked the forum and I don't seem to get notifications when people post anymore. Your artwork looks amazing - definitely inspires me to write some more 😁. I'll send you an email and would love to see your other stuff.

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