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Beyblade burst fanfic????

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Guest YoUr WoRsT NiGHtMaRe

Why tf do we have the ancient Beyblade cartoon fanfic collection rather than the burst series, which is more modern and interesting??


Moved to a more appropriate forum since this is not a Category Request. 

As for why we only have a certain collection of stories… we only have the stories that our users post to our Archive. Perhaps our users haven’t seen or written fanfic about the new series. 

Willow Darkling, forum moderator. 

16 hours ago, Guest YoUr WoRsT NiGHtMaRe said:

Why tf do we have the ancient Beyblade cartoon fanfic collection rather than the burst series, which is more modern and interesting??

WillowDarkling is correct. However, if you actually have a story and require the category, we can put in the request. I’ll add the caveat that our tech admin is working surreal hours in RL—80+ hours a week—so the implementation might take longer than normal. 

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