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well the minions aren’t exactly clever, so oculdn’t teach him that much, and there aren’t too many sentients around the castle. plus the sorceresses would have to avoid SOME traumas.

and just because something’s ‘normal’ doesn;t make it appealing, or any less disturbing

I mostly meant living people and babies, but yeah, that too.

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  On 6/14/2018 at 5:04 AM, Strange_idea said:

well the minions aren’t exactly clever, so oculdn’t teach him that much, and there aren’t too many sentients around the castle. plus the sorceresses would have to avoid SOME traumas.

and just because something’s ‘normal’ doesn;t make it appealing, or any less disturbing

I mostly meant living people and babies, but yeah, that too.


This is a fair point…

Jumping topic again, and flipping what usually happens, but this time I have found a picture pertaining to an idea… I admit I don’t know how to put a link on here, but if you go to deviantart and search ‘fem Azog’ it should be one of the first results


Eh, is no problem and let me know what ye think of it… though to point out the obvious I am not anyway near skilled enough to have drawn it


Been struck by an idea to combine your ‘Hiccup rescues a shipwrecked queen Iduna’ and my passing thought of including Iduna’s two siblings from ‘Once Upon a Time’, which I have never watched…

What if the sibling that Hiccup rescued/offered refuge to was Ingrid, who sent herself into exile due to her ice powers, and Hiccup instead encountered Iduna at the peace conference in Arendelle, with Helga attending as the wife of the Duke of Weselton, who in the show was apparently her fiance before her death… which he caused by using her as a human shield after deliberately provoking Ingrid into lashing out trying to prove she had powers and was dangerous...

  On 6/14/2018 at 5:19 AM, Jwsponky said:

What if the sibling that Hiccup rescued/offered refuge to was Ingrid, who sent herself into exile due to her ice powers, and Hiccup instead encountered Iduna at the peace conference in Arendelle, with Helga attending as the wife of the Duke of Weselton, who in the show was apparently her fiance before her death… which he caused by using her as a human shield after deliberately provoking Ingrid into lashing out trying to prove she had powers and was dangerous...


while this is a workable idea, we don’t have a lot of character to work with for ingrid, and idunna is a lot less sympathetic here, plus she wouldn’t bond with elsa so much and ingrid wouldn;t have the maternal experience idunna does.

what if ingrid ran away like elsa did, and comes back after seeing elsa’s castle? then the sisters bond again.


or, she ran away and became a hermit,  and was captured by the empire when they came. elsa ran away inspired by the stories of the ‘witch’ but didn’t think she was real.


also, given she’s immune to col and probably doesn’t have a tailor, what if she’s a snow-nudist?

  On 6/14/2018 at 5:26 AM, Strange_idea said:

while this is a workable idea, we don’t have a lot of character to work with for ingrid, and idunna is a lot less sympathetic here, plus she wouldn’t bond with elsa so much and ingrid wouldn;t have the maternal experience idunna does.

what if ingrid ran away like elsa did, and comes back after seeing elsa’s castle? then the sisters bond again.


That is a fair suggestion, though to make myself clear I wasn’t intending to include the ‘kinslaying by way of angry outburst’ in my story, Ingrid would have left her sisters out of fear of such a thing happening, thinking they’d be better off without her, which Iduna and Helga would have vehemently argued against had they been given the chance


  On 6/14/2018 at 5:29 AM, Strange_idea said:

or, she ran away and became a hermit,  and was captured by the empire when they came. elsa ran away inspired by the stories of the ‘witch’ but didn’t think she was real.


also, given she’s immune to col and probably doesn’t have a tailor, what if she’s a snow-nudist?


The idea of Ingrid as a hermit had occurred to me, eventually hearing of the Empire’s occupation of Arendelle, and marching to do something about it, incidentally crossing paths with Hiccup’s forces as they march with the same objective, and Hiccup wouldn’t be one to turn down extra muscle on the eve of battle, but then you suggested the peace conference idea, which seemed a good one… 

On the topic of nudity, I have been struck by a thought about Hiccup and Aza’s duel…

If Aza were to go into combat as unarmored as her ‘canon’ counterpart, what if Hiccup was torn between mocking her lack of armour, or being genuinely and vocally concerned he was potentially assisting a suicide attempt, considering that an entirely different matter than just killing someone in battle?


how about this? Idunna has to leave on the ship and have her accident, so she should probably be the one to wash up at the tower (probably with ariel’s help), but we can still have Ingrid become a hermit and helga marrying the duke. she could be egging him on, trying to take back what’s ‘hers’.

I’d have Ingrid be a late-game introduction though, like on the way back to save elsa. hint at her a bunch though

ingrid and idunna could bond over their exiles


Aza nudity is hilarious. maybe the orcs consider warpaint a kind of clothing (hence the stripes). we could also have hiccup struggle to comprhend the battle strategy until he realises he can’t look at her so he can’t fight. also, fun fact, the celts did something similar, so maybe merida has similar ideas

  On 6/14/2018 at 5:49 AM, Strange_idea said:

how about this? Idunna has to leave on the ship and have her accident, so she should probably be the one to wash up at the tower (probably with ariel’s help), but we can still have Ingrid become a hermit and helga marrying the duke. she could be egging him on, trying to take back what’s ‘hers’.

I’d have Ingrid be a late-game introduction though, like on the way back to save elsa. hint at her a bunch though

ingrid and idunna could bond over their exiles


Aza nudity is hilarious. maybe the orcs consider warpaint a kind of clothing (hence the stripes). we could also have hiccup struggle to comprhend the battle strategy until he realises he can’t look at her so he can’t fight. also, fun fact, the celts did something similar, so maybe merida has similar ideas


The Ingrid/Iduna idea could work, I just thought the running gag (if two times can be called that) of Hiccup, as Grimhilde might say, “adopting strays”, first Zarina then Ingrid, that had been chased (so to speak) from their homes for being different, a fact he could relate to due to Mildew’s attempted killing of him, would be amusing/slightly sweet


I admit the distraction value had not occurred to me, though I admit I had technically not envisioned her nude, but wearing only a loin cloth and something similar to a bikini top, similar to Azog’s outfit of only a loin cloth…


Idle curiosity, but have you happened to find any ‘fem Lurtz’ pictures? I have attempted, but drawn a blank...


no, likely because of his face.


well, he could adopt ingrid after. it’s a good running gag, and if we wait to reveal who ingrid is she makes a good exception. plus having bonded with the others it makes some nice potential for interactions once she, and they, learn what she did. though i wouldn’t have her remember her sister right away, she probably didn’t know what happened and her children would be the bigger priority.

  On 6/14/2018 at 6:02 AM, Strange_idea said:

no, likely because of his face.


well, he could adopt ingrid after. it’s a good running gag, and if we wait to reveal who ingrid is she makes a good exception. plus having bonded with the others it makes some nice potential for interactions once she, and they, learn what she did. though i wouldn’t have her remember her sister right away, she probably didn’t know what happened and her children would be the bigger priority.


Fair enough to both… though now I’m struck by the idea of Merida, Lura, and Tauri if I make her her own character instead of Grimhilde’s disguise bonding over archery


hmmm… that does seem good, but we could have tauri half-heatedly trying to play along with the archery discussion. or snow actually learn it. arre there any other archers? rapunzel and anna seem like they’d try, and cassandra probably knows archery

  On 6/14/2018 at 6:12 AM, Strange_idea said:

hmmm… that does seem good, but we could have tauri half-heatedly trying to play along with the archery discussion. or snow actually learn it. arre there any other archers? rapunzel and anna seem like they’d try, and cassandra probably knows archery


I admit Cassandra slipped my mind, but can’t think of any others off the top of my head...

  On 6/14/2018 at 6:17 AM, Strange_idea said:

if we go the paladin route for eliza. i mean she WAS quite the marksman. or maybe she has a pistol like zarina


This would be a possibility… though did they ever show Eliza’s gun being fired besides the episode where Broadway shoots her, for the worth while lesson of ‘guns are not toys!’? I honestly don’t recall...

Posted (edited)
  On 6/14/2018 at 6:24 AM, Strange_idea said:

yes, in fact they showed her following proper gun safety down to the details in every following episode.


gargoyles was great writing


Its been many a moon since I’ve watched the show, I honestly couldn’t recall to the first, and for lack of a more eloquent response… yep to the second


An idea considering Aza has occurred to me, what if as a nod to Azog’s missing limb and sword prosthetic is ‘Battle of the Five Armies’ Aza wielded a mace in one hand, and a weapon similar to the Indian katar or pata with the other?

… That’s Indian as in ‘the subcontinent’, not as in ‘Native Americans misnamed by a navigationally challenged Spaniard’...

Edited by Jwsponky
  On 6/14/2018 at 6:41 AM, Strange_idea said:

i figure. that could work. or a claw-gauntlet.


The claw idea has merit… though do you mean a gauntlet with a metal claw projecting from it like a sword blade projects from the katar or pata, or an articulated gauntlet with daggers on finger tips?

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