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Survey about fandoms and fictional characters

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Hello hello, 

and welcome to another survey about fanfiction. I’m glad it’s been more and more under the attention of researcher. But researcher can’t do it by themselves. So I need your help! (and the help of your friend is also welcome ;) )

Who am I? 

I'm a University student from Antwerp (Belgium) and I'm doing a survey about fictional characters and fandom. I study Economics, just in case you wanted to know. It's summer holiday now but I hope to finish the survey against September. (Don't worry the survey can be filled in long after that :) )
I would like to ask you to fill in my survey. Either through the link or you can send me a mail filling in the questions below. Just so you know you won't be the only person having filled in the survey nearly 300 fans and writers of fanfiction have already joined this broad scale research.

You can always share the link with others. The more people that fill in the survey the better the understanding that other people will have about fanfiction.
As a lover of anything faninspired (should I say fanon) I'm determined to shine the spotlight on the underestimated (and undervalued) art (and writers) of fanfiction. Are you the person to help me do that?
I have been a fanfiction reader since I was 12. I really value the people that write fanfiction. Fanfiction is an important part of my life.
I hope I didn't make too many spellings mistakes. I'm dyslexic.

Thank you !


The link: 
The name is in Dutch but the survey is in English. 
The survey is named fictional characters and fandom. 
How do I make the link work? 
Copy past it in the Addressbar (not google !) or maybe it works if you just click on the link (?)

I need 250 to 350 respondents more and then I can process the results. If you are interested in the results, I probably (hopefully) have them by Christmas. 

Well I don’t want to click on links that I don’t know ! Although the link is perfectly safe. I got a solution for that: below are the questions that you could fill in (they are exactly the same) 

Vraag 1 : With which gender do you identify yourself ?
Vraag 2 : How old are you?
Vraag 3 : In which country do you live?
Vraag 4 : In an average week how many hours do you spend reading fiction ?
Vraag 5 : On monthly basis, how much time do you spend; looking up information or fanfiction of your fandom?
Vraag 6 : Do you buy merchandise of your fandom or favorite characters?
Vraag 7 : On what do you spend your money on when it comes to your fandom or favorite fictional characters at the moment? For example: buying a collecters item, books, movie ticket, tickets for comic con, materials for cosplay, paid subscriptions,... Be as specific as you can.
Vraag 8 : What is your budget to spend on these products per month?
Vraag 9 : Do you have a fandom or favorite fictional character?
Vraag 10 : Would you like to interact/connect with your fandom or favorite fictional characters?
Vraag 11 : Do you see yourself interacting or connecting (more) with your fandom or favorite characters in the future?
Vraag 12 : How would you like to interact/connect with them?
Vraag 13 : Would you spend money to interact/connect with your fandom or favorite characters?
Vraag 14 : What would you be comfortable spending per month to interact or connect personally with you fandom or favorite characters.
Vraag 15 : Only a few more questions to go ! Almost at the end. What makes your fandom the best or why is it your fandom? Again be as specific as you can. What do you like about the storyline, characters, ...
Vraag 16 : Maybe the most difficult question of all... What would make your fandom or fictional characters even better? What don't you like about them.
Vraag 17 : Did you know the concept of connect/ interacting personally with your fandom or favorite characters already?
Vraag 18 : Where did you hear about this concept?
Vraag 19 : Do you like this concept?
Vraag 20 : If you want to leave any comments or feedback for the creator of this survey, feel free to do so in the textbox below.

  • 3 weeks later...

Hey everyone, 

I just want to thank everyone who took the survey. 17 days later and I got 399 respondents. 

If you want you can still fill in the survey. I only need one respondent more to make the university qualifying number respondents for survey’s. :D

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