Snake_King Posted November 18, 2018 Author Report Posted November 18, 2018 Sorry for the lack of response. I would mainly suggest keeping the story simple and not complicating it too much. If you do want a more complex story, ease into it. Also, for the girls, how many do you have in mind? Quote
Snake_King Posted November 18, 2018 Author Report Posted November 18, 2018 Another suggestion to consider for vampire girls or vampires in general, the strengths and weaknesses of vampires in the original Dracula novel’s canon, along with some lore that other versions left out: Strengths: Immortality & eternal youth sustained by blood if well-fed No shadows No reflections Transforms into a bat Super-strength Transforms into a wolf Weather control Riding moon beams Slipping through very thin spaces Can see in the dark Weaknesses: Can only enter with invitation Repelled by garlic Powerless during the day (though unharmed by sunlight) Repelled by holy symbols Can only transform at noon, dusk, or dawn Cannot cross running water A wild rose on his coffin traps him Quote
Strange_idea Posted November 19, 2018 Report Posted November 19, 2018 (edited) I’m well aware of classic vampire lore. they also have to compulsivly count seeds, grains and the like or untie knots. they can turn into mist, are only PARALYSED, not killed by a stake through the heart, are repelled by mustard seeds, cannot cross salt lines, can control any ‘night’ creature incluing rats, spiders, flys and bats and can mesmerise victims. my current list of candidates (and the thing I’ll make them into if i go that angle) is: Mavis (a vampire, no question) Wednesday adams (either a vampire or just an adams) Draculaura? (punk vampire) Gothella/Grufftine (vampire) Rachel ‘raven’ roth (probably a witch) Agatha penderghast (witch) Coraline jones (living doll, and probably also a sort-of witch) Lydia deetz (poltergeist) Marlyn munster (transfer student) lenore the dead girl (zombie) creepy creature (bug person) rei ayami (clone, homunculous or frankenstein) misty (phantom) Lacey shadows (drawing a blank) shrinking violet (dark fairy) and maybe but i’m not sure: Alessa ghaletspy? tak (alien) Elisabeth from ‘end’ nancy from ‘the craft’ ruby gloom girls danny phantom girls jinx (gremlin or imp) my current plan is for a ‘vampire’ and ‘witch’ clique conflict and interpersonal drama going on. also, they’ll all be of age Edited November 19, 2018 by Strange_idea Quote
Snake_King Posted November 23, 2018 Author Report Posted November 23, 2018 I wish you luck with it. _ I recently watched a video that talked about romantic subplots between characters in stories. Among the things that they pointed out was something that I myself had noticed. Namely, let’s assume that you’ve written and established the character dynamics of the couple, you’ve led up to their big romantic moment with adequate development of both characters and their dynamic, and they’ve officially demonstrated their love for each other in a way that the characters and the audience find compelling. What now? Well, now you have two characters in a relationship. And here’s something interesting that’s bothered me – many, many writers seem to have ridiculous amounts of trouble writing characters in a relationship. In fact, most stories with major romantic subplots will end on the big-romantic-relationship-seeling moment and never have to directly address the consequences. And if they do have a sequel, a major issue in the sequel plot will frequently be that the couple is either having relationship problems or is actively broken up or (in the extreme cases) one of them is dead. Or sometimes, if the romance is a major component of a long-running TV show, the authors will just drag it out and pace it with drama rather than just have the characters get together as a healthy couple. And this is true even in situations where the characters have legit chemistry. It’s a bit difficult to understand why this is. After all, the writers will often resort to… Literary shortcuts like the characters having 5 seconds of prolonged eye contact that fast-track the romance into being an actual thing Literary shortcuts like the big kiss that clues the audience in on the relationship becoming official “Will they? Won’t they?” drama to keep the audience on edge and invested in the relationship …and then have next to no way of handling the actual relationship they spent all that time and effort building up to. This problem isn’t universal, but it’s pretty close. Most romantic subplots will end with the big kiss to establish that the relationship is official, and once that happens, it just kind of stops. It’s like “subplot over, relationship achieved, achievement unlocked.” Admittedly, a part of this may be that the process of building up a relationship can be more exciting than maintaining one, and is, therefore, more interesting to include among the actual on-screen interactions, but I do believe that we have a hard time portraying healthy relationships on screen. Now, I confess that I’m not the best person to talk about how real-world relationships work, but I can give an estimate for how fictional relationships can work. This comes from the few examples I’ve seen where the characters stay interesting after they’ve gotten together and they stopped all the “Will they? Won’t they?” nonsense. The unifying thread seems to be that the characters act the same before and after the big kiss, minus the “will they/won’t they” stuff, plus a little more PDA and something resembling total openness with one another. You know, like how people would logically behave in a mutually healthy and supportive relationship. Basically, they stay in character, but they also support and trust each other, and share a deep, mutual, and compassionate bond. And if one or both of them can’t be in character while having that kind of bond, then they shouldn’t be written with that kind of relationship, simple as that. Characters who can’t stay in character and be in a relationship at the same time shouldn’t be shoehorned into relationships. This obviously doesn’t mean that they can’t undergo character development during the relationship – in fact, they probably should – but if the only way for a character to be in a relationship is for them to stop being themselves entirely, then it probably shouldn’t happen, for everyone’s sake. Well, what do you guys think? RexFan12345, Praetor, Hide_My_Sins, Strange_idea, Red_Light_Zone, do you agree or disagree? Quote
Strange_idea Posted November 23, 2018 Report Posted November 23, 2018 I too would like to see more healthy developing relationships. Whipe i enjoy the aill they won't they set up and narrative i find mhswlf wanting s sequel based on developing and MAINTAINING that relationship. To ise a very strange example, order of the stick is a fantasy webcomic which established an unlikely relationship betaeen two characters developing right away. They stretched it out a bit, but the minute the feelkng were out in the open they were recipricated and they've been working together to maintain it ever since, even when apart. To use a slightly more controversial (in some odd way) example, it's why i never objected to the final relationship of legend of korra (no spoilers). To me it wasn't realisign they should date Nd keep dating, it was realising they already WERE, and we'd sewn them working on it for at least two seasons. Please forgive my examples if they are confusing. Quote
Snake_King Posted November 24, 2018 Author Report Posted November 24, 2018 On 11/23/2018 at 11:54 PM, Strange_idea said: To ise a very strange example, order of the stick is a fantasy webcomic which established an unlikely relationship betaeen two characters developing right away. They stretched it out a bit, but the minute the feelkng were out in the open they were recipricated and they've been working together to maintain it ever since, even when apart. To use a slightly more controversial (in some odd way) example, it's why i never objected to the final relationship of legend of korra (no spoilers). To me it wasn't realisign they should date Nd keep dating, it was realising they already WERE, and we'd sewn them working on it for at least two seasons. Please forgive my examples if they are confusing. Expand 13 Can’t say that I’ve ever heard of “The Order of the Stick”. I was one of those who felt that the final “get-together” in LOK came out of nowhere and that it felt more like a gimmick for a cause. My opinion hasn’t changed, but let’s not go into it. Still, glad we agree on the need for stories showing how characters MAINTAIN their relationships. Quote
Praetor Posted November 24, 2018 Report Posted November 24, 2018 It's ultimately besides the point. There's usually far more pressing concerns in a story than the romance sub plot, hence the 'sub' part. The story typically runs its course and ends with the ship officially starting as part of the climax. The story doesn't go 'they live happily ever after, and then the next morning started to make pancakes but realized they didn't have the anti stick spray so they went to Denny's.' One of my headscratchers is when a romance progresses but there is nothing in the narrative to suggest that the relationship will work out. Part of the action/adventure formula is the hero gets the girl, but how do we know that'll turn out well for all parties involved? Unless the narrative focus is on maintaining a relationship, there isn't a point to delving into it. Maintaining a relationship is more of a passive process, it's something you do day by day. Stories are about active processes, things people are deliberately instigating and tangibly achieving. Maintaining a relationship is also an infinite task, it ends either in failure or when someone dies. There's no satisfying 'conclusion' or achievable goal. All especially when there are other things going on competing for a viewer's attention. Quote
Strange_idea Posted November 24, 2018 Report Posted November 24, 2018 Excellent points, but i disagree. A relationship can form naturally and independently of the focus drama amd be maintained or shaken while other things are going on. If it isn't the main focus then it can be part of the natural character growth and flow. Should you need a goal, one cpuld consider reqching the point of understanding where they've gotten a feel for a relationship and it starts feeling natural to BE the goal. An unspoken, they're going to be happily ever after, of you will. And should the relationship work with no narrative reason why you can always turn to finding out why it works. Ultimately a relationship is a very unique and nuanced thing, so it's natural that it not be bound by the three act format. Quote
Snake_King Posted December 24, 2018 Author Report Posted December 24, 2018 On 12/19/2018 at 6:31 AM, Rexfan12345 said: Hey guys Expand Sorry for the long wait on the response. What’s up? Quote
Snake_King Posted March 31, 2019 Author Report Posted March 31, 2019 This is just a clarification for some people, but since this keeps being brought to my attention, I have to say it – I have not seen, nor am I interested in seeing, Star vs The Forces of Evil and Loud House. I’m not trying to be a jerk to those who have seen them, as I may check those shows out at some point, but not now. My interest lies elsewhere. Also, while I haven’t seen those 2, I have seen Gravity Falls and I did enjoy it from start to finish, though I’m not going to gush over it like some other people have. Quote
Snake_King Posted April 12, 2019 Author Report Posted April 12, 2019 Hey everyone, I don’t normally do this, but there’s a couple of hentai I’d like to recommend. They admittedly do involve rape but hear me out. They are Kamyla and it’s sequel/spin-off Shin Ban Megami Tantei Vinus File (let’s call it Venus File for short). Kamyla – it’s about a group of three sexy policewomen, the busty fighter Agatha, the snarky sharpshooter Koyomi, and the tech & forensic-savvy Lily, tasked with taking down a criminal organization that deals in sexual slavery. The criminals have come up with a new mind control drug called Kamyla, and end up using it on the policewomen, with the fighter of the trio, the busty Agatha, being the most affected. However, the women are resourceful and end up fighting off the drug and turning the tables on their would-be masters. The criminals are stopped and most are taken down, though the mastermind gets away in all the commotion. Venus File – this follows two female detectives, Karen and Rio, and their male assistant/apprentice, Masafumi, as they work to take down another group of sex traffickers. Karen’s a former trained sex slave who’s in danger of falling back into that lifestyle with the traffickers, and Rio has a grudge since one of the traffickers caused her younger sister to die of an OD during an attempted rape. In the end, Masafumi helps them get out of being turned by the traffickers, and the bad guys are taken down and arrested, but at least one of the crooks is killed by the unseen mastermind in an attempt to tie up loose ends. In both Kamyla and Venus File, the sex is good, isn’t too long or too short, and it actually goes somewhere. Plus, the women have personalities and are clever and resourceful, though they still end up being raped. It’s disappointing that the main baddies got away in both, but their operations are disrupted all the same. What do you all think? Quote
Red_Light_Zone Posted May 25, 2019 Report Posted May 25, 2019 On 9/3/2018 at 3:26 AM, Snake_King said: A sexy version of the post-apocalypse setting. A guy wakes up finding that the world and himself have changed. He’s now got a large dick and increased stamina His mother and every other woman and girl in the world have been transformed by a toxin into super-strong, primitive-minded, amazon-figured, sex-fiends Because of what the women have been turned into, the majority of the world’s male population have been literally fucked to death (think snu-snu from Futurama but on a global scale) If the changed women can be satisfied, then they become docile, but not many men survive long enough to see that Our protagonist travels the world with his changed mother at his side, amassing a harem of the changed women in order to survive. This isn’t based on any particular franchise, as it’s an original story. Expand Didn't I tell you this story? Also hi man, what's up? Quote
Snake_King Posted May 25, 2019 Author Report Posted May 25, 2019 On 5/25/2019 at 8:25 PM, Red_Light_Zone said: Didn't I tell you this story? Expand Yes, and I acknowledged that and said it was something we talked about and I decided to write it. On 5/25/2019 at 8:25 PM, Red_Light_Zone said: Also hi man, what's up? Expand Not much, busy with life and the stories are slow to make. You? Quote
Rexfan12345 Posted May 26, 2019 Report Posted May 26, 2019 What's up? Also how's the stories coming along? Quote
Snake_King Posted May 26, 2019 Author Report Posted May 26, 2019 On 5/26/2019 at 12:56 AM, Rexfan12345 said: What's up? Also how's the stories coming along? Expand I’m fine. You? As for the stories, it’s slowly coming along, but it’s impeded by current IRL stuff at the moment. Quote
Red_Light_Zone Posted May 26, 2019 Report Posted May 26, 2019 On 5/25/2019 at 9:23 PM, Snake_King said: Yes, and I acknowledged that and said it was something we talked about and I decided to write it. On 5/25/2019 at 8:25 PM, Red_Light_Zone said: Expand Sorry, I just reread this thread and forgot when I posted this. On 5/25/2019 at 9:23 PM, Snake_King said: Not much, busy with life and the stories are slow to make. You? Expand Same. But I got good new. I’m making real traction with my stories. Quote
Snake_King Posted May 26, 2019 Author Report Posted May 26, 2019 On 5/26/2019 at 1:45 AM, Red_Light_Zone said: Sorry, I just reread this thread and forgot when I posted this. Expand Don’t sweat, it happens. On 5/26/2019 at 1:45 AM, Red_Light_Zone said: Same. But I got good new. I’m making real traction with my stories. Expand Awesome! Quote
Red_Light_Zone Posted May 26, 2019 Report Posted May 26, 2019 On 5/26/2019 at 1:46 AM, Snake_King said: Don’t sweat, it happens. Awesome! Expand Thanks! Yeah, I got three stories going on right now. A fanfic and two lewd fics. Quote
Snake_King Posted May 26, 2019 Author Report Posted May 26, 2019 On 5/26/2019 at 1:58 AM, Red_Light_Zone said: Yeah, I got three stories going on right now. A fanfic and two lewd fics. Expand I think I know what the two lewd fics are, but what’s the fanfic? Quote
Red_Light_Zone Posted May 27, 2019 Report Posted May 27, 2019 On 5/26/2019 at 3:25 PM, Snake_King said: I think I know what the two lewd fics are, but what’s the fanfic? Expand A Loud House SI fic where the protagonist, an artist whose never known love in his own home, is now in Lincoln’s body. Now he has to deal with being in a family of 10 sisters with no privacy. His only solus is that he can abuse his own cartoon physics to get through life. Quote
Snake_King Posted June 1, 2019 Author Report Posted June 1, 2019 On 5/27/2019 at 9:31 AM, Red_Light_Zone said: solus Expand You mean “solace”. On 5/27/2019 at 9:31 AM, Red_Light_Zone said: A Loud House SI fic where the protagonist, an artist whose never known love in his own home, is now in Lincoln’s body. Now he has to deal with being in a family of 10 sisters with no privacy. His only solus is that he can abuse his own cartoon physics to get through life. Expand He’s not going to be a jerk, is he? Also, those 2 originals you were talking about, are they the ones you’ve discussed with me about? The Overlord & reversed-standards stories? Quote
Red_Light_Zone Posted June 1, 2019 Report Posted June 1, 2019 On 6/1/2019 at 4:14 AM, Snake_King said: He’s not going to be a jerk, is he? Expand A bit, but I think we all would if we were reborn as cartoons and put into families that aren't ours. On 6/1/2019 at 4:14 AM, Snake_King said: Also, those 2 originals you were talking about, are they the ones you’ve discussed with me about? The Overlord & reversed-standards stories? Expand Yeah, though I revamped the dark lord one, and I'm taking one of TBLs challenges Quote
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