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Looking for original wip slash fic

Guest Noah

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Hi there, I’m looking for an incomplete original slash fic that I’ve not read since 2011, if not before that.
I know it was taken down 

The title is Next Stop and it was posted on fictionpress way back.
It was about a young man in school who could see small demons following people, influencing them. For example a yellow demon would encourage a person to be abusive. They could also shape shift but retain their color. The main character's demon was a blue eyed thing if I remember correctly, and it would often take a cat shape and sit near him. The MC also had a friend who knew he could see demons and was supportive and it was also creepy because they both hated their fellow classmates.

I understand the author removed the story for serious reasons, . I think the last chapter was chapter 6, and then it was taken down.



Edited by WillowDarkling
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As is clearly stated at the top of this forum: 

If you know the piece of fiction that someone is searching for is removed from the site, but you retained a personal copy, please do not pass the story around. If the story is taken down either by the Author or Moderator staff there is a reason behind it that must be respected.

Therefore, I’ve edited your post, and we will only allow links where the story has been posted by the original author. 


Willow Darkling, Forum Moderator. 

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