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Looking for a SasuNaru fiction

Guest Guest_SasuNaru25_*

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Guest Guest_SasuNaru25_*

Alright, I know that I have the story saved in my favorites somewhere, but I can't remember what this certain story is called and I have so many stories that it would really take too long to go through them all, so here I am, asking for some help. B)

I am almost positive that the story is from this site, but there is a little part of my mind that thinks it might actually be on ff.net, but I digress. I am also almost 100% positive that this is a longer multi-chapter fic, but again, I have read so many that I might be wrong…but I highly doubt I am given the lengthy plot of which I remember it having.

(This recollection of the story is going to be just random bits that I think might be helpful in the search, and might not even be in order B))

In the beginning of the story, Naruto is proposed a mission in which he would have to dress like a girl to collect information. Sasuke sees ‘him’ at one point being groped then proposes that he becomes Narue’s, Naruto’s female name, partner since it wouldn’t be safe for a girl to be alone on this sort of mission. They get caught at one point in Sand, where their mission is located, and Sasuke is taken to the prison and Naruto is taken care of by Gaara, whom has a crush on Naruto/ is in love with him. Umm…I remember a lot more, but I think this maybe should be good…? If not, let me know and I’ll unfold the rest of the story to you, but I just wouldn’t want to spoil the story if someone saw this and they were in the middle of the story or something like that!

Thanks a lot for anyone who can help! :D

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