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From ANON - LemonSmut on September 23, 2016

1. I clearly stated that I didn't like this cockolding fiction, not because it's badly written (it's not), but because cockolding is not turning me on what so ever. Just like Yaoi and other fandoms... 

2. How can Naruto got Hinata pregnant twice? Ask the asians... They have the tiniest dicks arounds the world statistically, but the biggest population. And considering the Manga... no body is a bull there... i have the feeling you dont know what a "bull" is...

3. Sasuke wasn't even mentioned once in this fic... so either you're just retarded or didn't read the fanfiction... either way your reaction is moronic

4. Why need i compare my REAL life against the life from a fictional character just because you dont like what others write about? Are you gonna ask me next why i'am not jumping from tree to tree or use Kage Bunshin to make my chores? You can't compare those... LOL

5. So whats the matter with yaoi, cockolding etc... i dont like them as well... i skip yaoi completely and i just take a look in this one because of the many comments and to see if i like or not... Imagine this: those fics all disappear... Then there would be maybe 10-20 storys max... because most use a theme you dont like.... by the way i never see you flame fiction in which Naruto has a harem, treats women like slaves etc... 

6. I have the feeling you really love Sasuke as well... I mean you mention him all the time, even though he isn't even mentioned in this story... 

7. Last point... If you want variety, start writing yourself. I'am dying to see what... bullshit..., huehuehue, you're coming up with...



You’re STILL my favorite reviewer LemonSmut!





From ANON - LemonSmut on September 23, 2016

Ok this is my last time trying to put some sense in you...

1. Naruto was made in asia and asian people are humans like you and me, so my statement that they have, compared to the rest of the world, the tiniest dicks is ofc statistically true.

2. I dont care who you like and you don't like. Different people have different tastes. You can't force your opinion on other people. 

3. Personally my life was not as bad as Naruto's, but we share some similarities and I certainly have not cracked. There are other charaters in Naruto who had it very hard themselves. Besides what does that matter? Naruto isn't real. You wont hurt his feelings. Site like these are made to get out of boundaries. If only straight canon would be allowed than... wow pretty boring fanfictions.

4. Just because he got Hinata knocked up twice doesnt mean he is a bull... People get other people pregnant even without some kind of sexual experience... they are all bulls? Besides Hinata loved him to death and even sacrificed herself to save him. She would never leave him, because of mediocre sex. By your logic Sasuke must be a bull as well and what kind of a bull he is: He is almost never in Konoha, gets Sakura knocked up anyway and she still loves him like a puppy even though he is never there. He must have literally fucked her brains out. ... 

5. Naruto is asian and to be more precisely japanese(asia): their names, history, relgion, architecture etc is all asian... if naruto has not an asian background to you then what background has he? 

6. There are no ton of cockolding/bull fics on this site... Most fics are either: a) Narutox??? with him like a sex god. b) yaoi c) cheating <- doesnt count as cockolding...

7. To answer your question... There is only 1 Story currently on front page that futures cockolding and what probably irks you even more: Naruto bashing. It's this story... The rest are either yaoi or Naruto x ??? ...

8. The only reason i chose this fiction to defend the writer has nothing to do with the fanfiction or the writer himself, but people like you, who come here anyway even though they have been warned and insult, and insult, and insult anyway ... no constructive criticism. I dont like yaoi at all, i'am a straight man but these people have the right for porn just as i have and if i dont like these story, then i simply ignore them. The same goes for every fucking fandom on this site and if you dont get this, then you simply aren't mature enough to be on a site where people can post smut as they like. Simply as that.



… I think I’m beginning to love you.





From ANON - Tenjou on September 23, 2016

I was honestly a little surprized at this story.  I was half expecting Kushina's bull to be Kurama in human form, since canon is out the window, why not.  And Kiba to be Hinata's bull.



Those would have been obvious. I decided to go with the unexpected choices. More unexpected choices to come (with a single expected choice).





From ANON - Django Fisk on September 24, 2016

Hey Dog Sage, I just wanted stop by and say dont listen to some of the reviews on here just trying to troll you. I myself dont like yaoi or cuckolding, I'm also a fan of Naruto as character, the reason why I am a fan of his is the reason that I don't think that one guy on here reason all this fuss gets, Naruto is an interesting character because he has very little character, in the manga alot of his true fleeings, as well as his parts of his past, are largly left up for interpretation but then agian alot of characters in Naruto are underdeveloped as well, which is why I think the series lends itself so well to the world of fanfictions.

So your version of Naruto is no less accurate then let's say someone who writes him as some all powerful god of destruction or a loveable goof, so please, for the sake of creativity don't let some bitter petty trolls get you down, Shine On You Crazy Diamond and keep fighting the good fight.



You, you I like too. You could’ve been my favorite reviewer, but LemonSmut fought Link29’s rambling nonsense on my behalf, so he’s still my favorite.

And I’ll shine like the brightest fucking crazy diamond you’ve ever seen! I’ll be the goddamn SUN of crazy diamonds, I’ll be so bright!





From ANON - CaptinCronic on September 24, 2016

Love the story so far can't wait for the next chapter and can't wait to see what hinata and konohamaru do to naruto next



You’ll just have to wait and see.





From ANON - Guests guest guest on September 25, 2016

Could we get a spinoff of kushina and Kiba ending with a  "litter of pups" and tsume telling kiba job well done son



Maybe Guests guest guest. Maybe.





From ANON - xsummers on September 25, 2016

cool story. Usually it's tough reading about hinata with anyone else. But I liked it. You could get around it by just having hinata using transformation jutsu or making her futa.



But then there wouldn’t be cuckolding, and the challenge I took made cuckolding a requirement.





From ANON - naruto17 on September 26, 2016

great new chapter. cant wait to see more.

maybe next chapter we'll see hinata start looking for more bulls.



That’ll happen soon. Maybe not next chapter, but soon.





From ANON - Ynk on September 26, 2016

This story was great! I hope you right some more like that! Maybe with Sasuke being cuckolded?



I don’t think I’ll do the Sasuke cuckolded story, because despite what people think according to this story, I like Naruto. I just have a very bi-polar way of showing it.





From ANON - plshurry on September 28, 2016

this is awesome hope u update soon



Will do.


Okay, I’m done here. I am hiding the flame-baiting responses, and locking this thread. 

TheDogSage, I approached you via email to see if we could settle this down, because we actually have something called Terms of Service here at AFF. Really. And even more astonishing, we expect our members to comply with it. So, for all  the challenged out there, which apparently includes you, let me quote it:

“You agree to conduct yourself in a responsible, mature manner on the site. This means that you will remain polite and respectful to all users, staff, admins and owners and will not 'flame' other users.”

Now I’m not sure how much clearer this could be, and I expect everyone involved, starting with the author of the story and including anyone who wishes to review it, whether from their AFF profile or not, to act like the adults you are all supposed to be. There will be no flame-baiting on the forums, and I am going to ask my admin to clean the review board. Further instances will result in the story being hidden for violating the Terms of Service, to wit, encouraging a flame war on the boards.

We may not censor content, but we will enforce the site’s Terms of Service.

This topic is now closed to further replies.
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