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Posted (edited)


I don't know if I'm being dense, but I can't seem to be able to post a story on aff.org.

I've followed the instructions (My Control Panel > Harry Potter:Add) but it takes me to a page which looks like a story page, but with no text where the story is. I'd post a screenshot, but I can't figure out how to do that either D:

I've tried using a different browser, but it's exactly the same.

I don't know if I should be posting this somewhere else, let me know if I'm in the wrong place.

I can't help but feel completely incompetent, so any help/advice would be appreciated


Edited by Melrick
Moved to the correct forum.
Posted (edited)


That sounds like you're not logged in properly. When you first create or activate an archive account, you use the center fields to log in, but after that point, you need to use only the fields in the upper right corner.

Go up to the upper right corner of the archive page, and log out, even if you think you're already logged out. The fields should revert to blank. Then input your email address and the password in those upper right fields. Remember that passwords are case sensitive, so if you used a capital letter anywhere when making the password, it always has to be a capital letter.

Once you go to Control Panel > Harry Potter > Add, you should see a screen with a number of fields:


The rest is pretty self explanatory. You complete the fields, enter the recaptcha, and get taken to the Rich Text Editor where you can add the first chapter of your story.

Adding additional chapters will bypass this screen and take you straight to the Rich Text Editor, so that part is easier.

I hope this helps! :)

Edited by BronxWench
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