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  • 2 weeks later...

Ginny Weasley and the Hospitality of the Orcs takes the hoary old crossover special of a character magically transported to Middle Earth (admittedly, more commonly an OFC with incredible skills and beauty) and fucks it.

While a reviewer elsewhere was happy to see the Orc use oil for the anal so as to avoid chafing himself, the poor dear, the AFF review is as follows:

Wow. And interesting contrast that she ends up with orcs rather than heroes as she usually would in mary suish fanfics.

Very brutal but at least she survived unlike a lot of your other protagonists.

And the ending! Wow! At least the teachers will probably be able to stop them... eventually.

Thanks for the review! Yeah, the Orcs pretty much succeeded entirely via element of surprise. The teachers or even less-surprised students should be able to thrash them pretty soundly, the run-of-the-mill LOTR Orcs aren't all that challenging, no wonder the Urak-Hai look down on them!

I guess for a follow up I could Bamf Galadriel amongst Death Eaters over in the Potter universe. "...and within seconds, the Death Eaters were all dead," yeah, too short, maybe.

Thanks again!


I guess for a follow up I could Bamf Galadriel amongst Death Eaters over in the Potter universe. "...and within seconds, the Death Eaters were all dead," yeah, too short, maybe.

Or she could take them over. "Instead of a Dark Lord you would have a Queen! Not dark but beautiful and terrible as the Morn! "

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