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This is a bit old, but I noticed this while browsing (Plaigerist)

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Guest CanITellUSmThin

While browsing through some stories via the search function, I came across this story: http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600041139

In the summary the "author" actually admits the original came from here: http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600040943and that they were making minor adjustments because they didn't like some of the content featured in the original work... The only adjustment I can tell is the very first paragraph, otherwise the rest of the chapter is word by word of the beginning portion of the original author's work.

It was posted back in 2007 and hasn't been touched since, but I thought it should be brought to your attention anyway!

Guest CanITellUSmThin

Upon further review, the original author does say this in their last chapter, "If anybody wants to know, yes, you're free to use this story as the basis for another one. Or MST it. I already did the first chapter, but hey, feel free." I'm not sure if that qualifies as permission to copy full portions of their story or not but I'll let you guys decide!


Thanks for bringing this to our attention. As we work through the subdomains for clean-up, we catch a lot of things that were missed, but clean-up is a project that is going to take quite some time.

Now, looking at both these stories, the original author was hoping people would MST his work, or do their own versions. It's a theme he's repeated in other stories as well, so I'm not seeing this as an issue since the second author was clear as to his source as well. It's unusual, but appears to have the original author's consent and permission. Unless my admins differ, I'd let this one stand as is.

Guest CanITellUSmThin

I do apologize if I wasted your time. :D I should have properly checked through the entire story first, but that only occured to me AFTER I already posted the topic and there was no way for me to delete it (I don't know if I'd be able to even if I was registered to the forum?). Though I still had some doubts even after...

It appears I've only made myself look stupid, especially since i didn't even type plagiarist right... In my defense, I was up till the wee hours of morning!

As a side note, I was going through the old forums and just wanted to say how awesome this site and their moderators are! You guys do a wonderful job keeping up with everything, and as a new user I appreciate it very much!

Posted (edited)

No, no, it's not a waste of time at all! Actually, we do get a great deal of help from our members, which since we're a small staff, we appreciate enormously. So please, never think that you can't post something up, or ask about anything. Personally, I have no trouble checking comething out or answering questions, because in the long run, it keeps our site running smoothly. :D

Edited by BronxWench
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