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Unhappy ending

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Okay, so this is gonna be a weird one but I read a fic some odd years ago featuring a post-war Harry and Hermione living at Malfoy Manor.

I distinctly remember Hermione dying or being dead early on in the fic. I think the total length was only about a chapter or so.

Draco and Pansy were in a relationship and I know that Argus Filch was some sort of caretaker on their property.

Now for the thing to turn most away: I also remember Harry being gelded by Draco with a cursed blade, and filch saying he was going to eat the testicle.

I have no idea where this fic originates, the title, an author, or anything else other than the details provided. I'm fairly certain it wasn't on fanfic or adultfanfic but I didnt want to miss anything so I figures I'd post here.

Any help would be appreciated.

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