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NecroNOMNOMicon's Review Replies for I'm Half Crazy...


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Welcome to NecoNOMNOMicon's review replies/discussion thread for the drabble "I'm Half Crazy..."

The honor of the first review comes from JayDee (who wrote a Flashfic based on the same prompts):

JayDee 2015-05-24 id # 3000070551 ...I can't get that damn Daisy Daisy song out of my head now. When you first asked about a Thomas category on the forums I had a mental image of a naked Sir Topham Hatt. I suppose when you're a big train and you're pissed with a smaller train that's one way to deal with it, but Toby was lucky not to derail! I can genuinely say I've never seen anything quite like that.

I am so pleased and proud to hear you say you've never seen anything like this before! Yay! :D

Never for a moment did I consider Sir Topham Hatt's bare bottom making an appearance -- but I did briefly mull giving Toby an mechanical... uh, appendage... with which to terrorize Daisy, but then I figured you had pretty much covered that ground with the Tin Man in your Oz story, so, I went with something else. :whistle:

Toby was indeed lucky he didn't end up doing himself in -- that guy definitely needs anger management! :pissed:

If I'd have had more room, after Daisy went over the side I wanted to give Toby an '80s-style action quip, like, "Betcha wish you'd hauled the milk now, bitch!" B-)

Next comes praise from one of our respected Archive Mods, BronxWench:

BronxWench 2015-05-24 id # 3000070554 I'll admit that I approached this with trepidation, since the NoSex tag has never been a guarantee that I won't come away scarred for life, but this portion of a largely misspent childhood remains unsavaged, to my great relief.

Clever use of the prompt words and a much-needed treatise on the dangers of insulting anyone's carriages. Or cabooses, for that matter. Well done!

I'm blushing getting a compliment from you! That means a lot to me!! :worship:

I'm relieved that I did not scar your psyche or retroactively ruin your childhood :blush:

(Guess I'll have to try harder next time...)

Keep reading and reviewing, folks! :Eye: :Eye:


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The challenge prompts are way too much fun, really, and I'm glad you're playing. You might even inspire me to start doing them again.

Now I have to go sort out the bins of Thomas trains and track for my nephew... :lol:

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