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Fate Stay Night Bad End Lemons

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Guest Soulvanguard

Essentially its a forum where people can discuss bad ends of Fate Stay Night or create new ones in which whatever can happen to characters. This can range from twisted to perverse.

For example one idea that comes to mind is that in VN Iylla sicked Berserker on Shirou, Rin, and Saber after he healed up with fight with Archer. She was rather upset with how long it took as well as Shirou rejecting her proposal of being hers. Thus she ordered Berserker to kill him and rape Saber and Rin. Thus it goes as she commanded and both Rin and Saber are captured and at Iylla's tender mercies.

Another could be with Rin being tied up in church while Shirou and Archer were exchanging blows but this time there was no Lancer to save Rin and thus was left powerless in Shinji's hands.

Well you get idea. Feel free to post stuff with your ideas or if you feel up to it write a story. I'm sure everyone would love to read it. :dance:

Posted (edited)

Could we use characters from other Fate franchises, or even stuff from Tsukihime for bad end crossover sex? In addition to bad end sex from FSN.

Edited by warellis
Guest Soulvanguard

You know what, sure why not it's all part of the same universe after all:) Plus it opens up to crossover events and stuff. The sky is the limit as they say.

Posted (edited)

I'm trying to think of sexy crossover bad ends for Shirou where some girl fucks or rapes him but I can't.

Hm maybe Altrouge has fun with teenage Shirou?

Or maybe some sort of sexy OC vampiress has fun with Shirou?

But then what kind of Bad End stuff could either do with Shirou, alone together with him?

Know of any sexy bad ends for Shirou for crossover purposes, both within the Nasuverse and beyond (as in crossovers outside Fate, Tsukihime, etc.?)

Edited by warellis
Posted (edited)

Well, there's the end in Fate where he winds up bound to Illya, at least one where Rin takes the Command Spells and wipes his memories, I think one where Rin puts him under a geiss to control him, and, of course, Mind of Steel.


Plus there's at least one, maybe more, with Dark Sakura. The last bad end in the game, where Sakura consumes Rin and makes her experience what Sakura had lived through her whole life, and Shirou shows up too late to stop it.

Edited by VotedforKodos
Posted (edited)

True. That last bad end is more for Rin than Shirou so I can definitely see Rin getting every orifice filled and stuffed full of tentacles.

Mind of Steel I can't really see Shirou fucking anyone, at least during the Grail War. And I can't imagine Rin deciding to fuck her sister before killing her.

The Ilya one with Shirou did involve her raping him in the original draft of FSN so that could be used as a Bad End rape. Perhaps get Leysritt and Sella to help out as well.

Still outside the Grail War, like involving crossovers from other Fate franchises or Tsukihime related stuff, what other bad end lemons can we see involve the FSN protagonists? Because there's more to the Nasuverse than the Grail Wars and Fuyuki. An entire Earth is out there for fun.

Heck maybe we can do crossover bad end lemons with franchises outside the Nasuverse as well.

Hmm I'm wondering how a bad end lemon with Jeanne Alter and Nero Alter might go for Shirou? Endless sex and rape? I could imagine them sucking and fucking him dry again and again. Though I think he'd enjoy double paizuri from them...

Edited by warellis

Oh, the MoS one during the War I figured would be basically the same as the scenes in the game: prana transfer. After all, even with the assumptions that Rider will disappear without a Master and they killed Zouken at the same time as Sakura (thereby getting rid of Assassin), Berserker and Gilgamesh are still around, with the only "friendly" Servant being Archer. Presumably Gilgamesh winds up killing at least Berserker, possibly with Archer dying in there, too, and the only way left to stop Gil is Shirou's UBW, which at this point, he doesn't have the mana to use on his own. So to keep him from getting the Grail, they need to establish a contract to give Shirou the ability to counter Gilgamesh.

You have Shirou, who is doing this with the end-game of beating Gil and destroying the Grail in mind, while Rin is thinking about getting the Grail, and they're also being eaten up inside with guilt towards Sakura, because they both kind of always wanted each other, but now they feel like they're betraying her, so it's a mass of guilt and anger and hate and lust and desperation. Then when all is said and done, Shirou destroys the Grail before Rin is able to use it, driving another giant wedge between them. But since the situation is resolved at this point, Shirou sees no point in killing Rin if she's not a threat. They both want to kill each other (Shirou because she killed Sakura and went after the Grail, Rin because he didn't stop her from killing Sakura and destroyed the Grail), but also don't want to kill each other, and excuse the lack of violence as being for the sake of Sakura's memory. Their relationship winds up as "two people who can't forgive each other, but don't actively seek each other's destruction." After that, Shirou goes on to travel the world as a "Hero of Justice," opening up avenues for him to meet/work with/have sex with anyone from the outer Nasu-verse: Tsukihime heroines, Satsuki, people from Kara no Kyoukai, anyone.

For added depravity, in the process of trying to make sure Gilgamesh doesn't get the Grail, they grab Illya, whose body is in the process of shutting down from containing the Servants. When the discussion of a source of mana comes up, they realize "we have a Lesser Grail/the strongest Master here," and forcibly establish a contract with Illya providing mana to Shirou, as she's lying there unable to fight back.

And since that ties to Angra Mainyu, for the duration of the contract, it's able to influence Shirou, not to the extent of Dark Sakura, but he gets some physical benefits at the cost of going a bit crazy. Something to the extent that, in regular, everyday life, it would be controlled and he wouldn't even notice, but as long as he's doing the Hero of Justice thing, it'll rear it's ugly head sometimes. After the battle was over and they'd recovered, Rin went off on him about destroying the Grail, Shirou snapped, attacked her, and spent the day raping her. That turns into their twisted dynamic: Rin feels slightly less awful about Sakura after he's done, along with being glad to have made Shirou a little worse of a person as revenge against him, while he has a target to focus on, who even considers him attacking her to be a form of help.

Then he goes off to be a hero, but...well, the occasional rape-crazy fits are a little problematic. Working with Ciel turns out well, since she will sacrifice her body to help an effective hunter stay effective. Arcueid, if she shows up, doesn't feel the need to fight back if he's not looking to do permanent harm. Caren actually gets an assignment to try and be his handler, try to get him to do jobs in line with what the church wants done, but her teasing personality winds up with her spending every night Shirou isn't passed out after intense violence getting helplessly fucked into a mattress/floor/wall/whatever surface is handy. Altrouge watches, thinking it's funny to see him dissolving into a rabid beast more and more often, eventually deciding to use herself as bait and get herself a new attack dog.

Guest Soulvanguard

Wow... great idea man, no seriously that is a great idea.

Anyway you know, I still kinda like the one I mentioned up above with Berserker having his way and raping Rin and Saber. The idea with Shirou being Iylla's possessing is a nice one since as you said it was in the original draft. Perhaps tweak it so that Shirou ends up agreeing and is bound thus have him toyed and played with by Iylla, Leysritt, and Sella (they would follow Iyllas orders after all and besides they don't show up enough). Meanwhile Rin and Saber become Iylla's playthings and she sicks Berserker on them.

You know, there is rather new doujin somewhat similar to this except it's only Rin but still it was really well drawn and nice. Only thing was it was to short in my opinion so it would be really nice to be expanded. Also there was rather intense and well drawn picture of Berserker having his way with Saber and they even made a Gif of it.

Anyway to make it more dark and twist perhaps have Iylla show what is happening to Rin and Saber to Shirou and not do anything about it as well as girls knowing that Shirou is watching and quite a amazing spectacle is happening. Perhaps Iylla can command Sella and Leysritt to r@pe Shirou while this is all happening and she just enjoys the scene of what is happening to all her toys.

Posted (edited)

Nice. Hm what kinds of things might Sella and Leysritt do to Shirou if Ilya allows them to do whatever they want in raping him?

Anyone got any ideas for crossovers with Tsukihime or other Fate series like Fate Apocrypha or Fate Extra?

Edited by warellis
Guest Soulvanguard

Well they might do some S&M type things to him tying him up bringing him to verge but not give him release. That or they could simply do a 3 way, perhaps Shirou getting cursed so he can't stop going until they let him. Another one they could do is perhaps tie Shirou making him watch what happens to Rin and Saber or rather Berserker violently going at them making them squeal while Sella and Leysritt would be attending to his sword. Iylla would probably enjoy playing around with all her new toys.

Speaking on different servants and the like I had a few thoughts on that. One is basically having Sakura summoning Caster instead of Rider but not the typically Caster. Instead she summons TOHSAKA she is in the minor character list in Type moon wikia essentially its a HS Rin or rather Counter guardian Rin. Here is the description

TOHSAKA (トーサカ, TŌSAKA?), also known as TO-SAKA, is a parody version of Rin Tohsaka appearing inCapsule Servant, acting as an enemy Master. She is a "miraculous" Heroic Spirit born in a world line in whichShirou Emiya did not become the Heroic Spirit EMIYA. She made a pact with the world because of her never-ending debt.

Anyway as you know Shinji ends up wresting control from Sakura and thus putting this adult version of Rin at his mercy (who turned out surprisingly busty) as well as probably use her to get at her younger self as well and thus having both Rin's at his beck and call. Sakura would also probably make Rin suffer as well as take Shirou for herself when she eventually snaps to her dark half.

Anyway I had this one idea for a lemon that plays off the good ending of UBW but making it end tragically. It was originally a lemon challenge but (sigh) no one would bite at it at all. It went like this.

This story with Rin is something of a Dark Fantasy that I have always wanted to see after going through VN to which her character annoyed me. Though honestly Rin has always somewhat rubbed me wrong way for one reason. With said Dark Fantasy I for those interested to write it .

I don't believe you need much canon knowledge from this except a decent grasp on her character. If you have questions about this and that, I can easily supply with answers as I'm quite knowledgeable about series, characters, and mechanics of how magic work.

The idea goes after UBW good end going wrong with that while in CT Shirou’s Reality Marble gets discovered and he is forced on the run lest he get dissected. Rin unable to sustain Saber on her own is forced to find someone else to help her with it. After much searching she finally finds a male OC (a magi from moderate noble family) to take Shirou’s place but he has a peculiar fetish Chikan which basically means any form of unwanted

public molestation. It does not specifically refer to trains, or rubbing, or outright groping but in this case it does involve trains and doing it while

midst in public unnoticed.

Rin is reluctant to do this but as time is running out for Saber and she has no choice she ends up agreeing but ends up bringing in this one even

more merciless version of a geis is a SelfGeis Scroll. It is a written contract upon a scroll of vellum that would appear as only meaningless figures

and well made patterns to those who are not magi, it is a curse that directly binds the Magic Crest of the target. How it works is a signature of the

declarer is signed in blood and infused with prana to show that the spell has been established and activated.

The contract lists the target of the binding magecraft, an oath from the target, and the conditions to accept the contract. Once the conditions are

fulfilled, the target will give up part of their free will, and the contract will be confirmed as an unbreakable curse. It forcibly uses the functions of

the targets' Crests upon themselves to enforce the contract, and it is a power unable to be erased by any method in theory. Even if the caster's life is

lost, the Crest would bind the soul of the dead man and not pass down to future generations. It is a very dangerous magecraft made for the

treacherous society of magi where a contract involving offering a maximal concession that absolutely cannot be disobeyed is required.

Of course male OC would blanch at this but in the end agree to it. Contract would basically stipulate how he is unable to verbally talk, mentally project, write, or show in any form of magic about this deal and keeping Saber’s existence a secret. Considering Rin’s nature she’ll probably ring out

dozens of other little things that would probably give her some benefit like having him help with monetary needs for her research to certain extent, only she decides what days it happens, support her politically in whatever capacity he can within reason that doesn’t threaten him or family, and so on. Still he ends up agreeing and in response his demand is that whenever they do have sex after fulfilling tantric sex ritual he can still go as long

and rough as he wants while on the train while having sex, and that Rin has to wear erotic lingerie on these days. Thus Rin ends up agreeing and then adhering to document Rin would have to go through molestation and sex on train probably once or twice a week from now on. However OC

male magi knows a loophole and exploits it for all its worth like any true magi would. In Rin’s contract it says he is unable to talk how he is unable to verbally talk, mentally project to someone or something else, write, or show in any form of magic about this deal and keeping Saber’s existence a secret.

What Rin didn't know is that he recorded everything that was discussed with cellphone that was on leading back to recording device back at home. Magi typically are horrific with technology but a few can somewhat capable with it. Rin isn't which is why she overlooked this glaring oversight. Thus after he gets bored of original setting(which wouldn't take long) he ends up bringing tape up which reveals everything about deal as well as

Saber pushing Rin with her back against wall as this getting out would ruin her as well as put Saber in great danger. Thus he then makes her sign

his own Self-Geis Scroll which cancels out hers and essentially puts Rin at his beck and call willing to do anything he pleases.

Such stipulations is the protection of Saber of not revealing her existence to Clock Tower lest she be dissected and him unable to tell anyone about this deal or what they do in any method possible. He agrees with first but not completely with second. After much arguing Rin agrees to let him

bring three of his friends into this in exchange for some minor benefits, their secrecy and discretion, and as well as fact they can only do things to her when her personally verifies to it.

Thus Rin’s hell begins and she is brought for some midnight fun in train with group she has to attend and satisfy.

Person is free to take it further or make story go beyond this I’d just like this to add above scenario.

It’s a lemon challenge for whoever wants to and is willing take it up.

Well that was the idea anyway but as I said no one bit on it.

Guest Soulvanguard

Well, I'm glad at least someone likes it and it really is sad that no one wants to take it up. If you find anyone or know anyone who might interested let me know or just tell them about it. I'd really like to see it come to fruition.

Anyway another pair of ideas that came to mind is one where Shirou ends up summoning another Servant who doesn't belong to Nasuverse but rather alice general group (I think that was group responsible). Anyway point is he ends up summoning Rance as Servant Saber and (after much effort/corruption) ends up taking Rance teaching and style of dealing with things. Thus he picks up various women in Nasuverse left and right adding them to his harem. Of course in this idea this also involves using Gilgamesh's genderbent counterpart as being final boss (at least in Fate Stay Night anyway). Thus Shirou end up using Enkidnu against her, rape her, and make her his b*tch. It would especially be a amusing if Gil-ko or Jill (as I like to call her) becomes rather deredere after that event.

Well I guess this isn't necessarily a bad end per se, except for fact that all Fate girls end up getting raped by Shirou and Shirou getting corrupted and methods drastically change. Actually Archer's reaction to this would be interesting to see.

As for other idea well it kinda goes off on UBW scenario on time when Archer betrayed Rin, Saber was captured, and Rin and Shirou end up teaming up with Lancer. I guess you could call this a series of "what ifs" that led to this.

Basically when assault on Caster begins it goes much like canon did. Difference here is that during fight with Archer vs Lancer, Archer ends up getting killed as fight became to intense. Lancer fully intended to drag his dying corpse before Rin to apologize (as was mentioned in VN) but is called back by Kirei (insert whatever reason).

Thus we have Rin and Shirou who are backed into a corner while Saber is still struggling the effects of the command spell. Now Caster was injured by Rin and is feeling rather vindictive. Plus we know that she was gathering energy from various people (and in contrast to people magi have far much more magic in general). Thus it stands to reason that she would wring every last drop of magic from them or horribly experiment on them in one manner or another. Still due to all that they did she wants to completely break these two and make them suffer.

First she would take away Rin's command spells (she has two and I think one that she got from Shirou was also two) which come to 4 command spells. She would using her magic turn Shirou and Rin into her conscious puppets (basically they have to do whatever she says and are aware of their actions, perhaps even speak and move when she allows it). Considering her additional command spells could easily make Saber submit if she wants to now but instead I thought she would perhaps might have Shirou end up r@ping Saber and enjoying that scene.

As for Rin, well you know that one tantric ritual right? One where if you have sex you can restore magic energy. I thought Medea would drain her of her magic, and then essentially make her go around seducing men, having sex with them, to quickly restore her reserves and then drain her again. She could also probably make some sort of ritual where Rin does it with a large number of men and prana flows forth from it which fuels energy caster is collecting.

Shirou could be put through the same thing as well. Anyway she could also put them through various situations which they can't do anything about. Like doing it in public settings and whatever kinky stuff you can think of.

Guest Soulvanguard

Thinking on it, another good set up would be one from Rinkan Mahou made by Inomaru

link here


might be nice to expand on it or perhaps make it so she did make it to roof where Shinji is act and go on from there.

Also here is that Berserker one I mentioned before.


Anyway just clear the url bar on top, copy links, paste it in url bar, and push enter to go to them.

Guest Soulvanguard

Never mind, it worked so you can just click on them.

Also I would like to say sorry for not responding much to your Tsukihime ideas its just that while I'm aware of serious and storyline I don't know to much about characters besides perhaps Arcueid maybe.

I'm a lot more familiar with Fate Stay Night and somewhat on Witch of the Holy Night which stars Aoko (mostly because there are a fair few of English translated doujinshi especially this five set one.

1) http://g.e-hentai.org/g/762665/c8e523eba6/

2) http://g.e-hentai.org/g/764510/ae5998f928/

3) http://g.e-hentai.org/g/766691/3edc0cfa11/

4) http://g.e-hentai.org/g/768433/0f833912cd/

5) http://g.e-hentai.org/g/770782/93e792ed4c/

part 2 of 5


There is also a great NTR one with Rin and Saber made by MSTP

1) http://g.e-hentai.org/g/260643/06c1964e35/

2) http://g.e-hentai.org/g/268837/cb53bd57c2/

3) http://g.e-hentai.org/g/281178/30b0900523/

4) http://g.e-hentai.org/g/236636/d8980ce22d/

5) http://g.e-hentai.org/g/247888/f8a357f6d6/

6) http://g.e-hentai.org/g/294735/e16b9e46a0/

7) http://g.e-hentai.org/g/348469/125ec67c80/

8) http://g.e-hentai.org/g/405616/800c7813ea/

9) http://g.e-hentai.org/g/549918/dad2b98498/

Sadly 10 has yet to come out and it's been a rather long while (sigh) author keeps making other stuff and just when things were going to get more intense too.

Guest Guest

Well I know that, but you get a better feel for characters when you play the game. Plus to be honest Shiki doesn't really appeal to me much as a MC as Shirou did. I like the girls in Tsukihime though.

By the way what did you think of the doujinshi and other ideas for bad ends?

Guest Guest

Also you wouldn't happen to know anyone interested in doing Dark Rin lemon I described up above would you?


Also you wouldn't happen to know anyone interested in doing Dark Rin lemon I described up above would you?

I wouldn't know I'm sorry to say. It makes me unhappy because while I admittedly am not the most interested in your Dark Rin lemon idea, looking at it it is still worthy of writing I say. It looks like it'd be fun for someone who was into that to write. What's even more annoying is that people here won't even tell you even if you do ask for feedback like whether the idea is too big or something.

Guest Soulvanguard

Yeah no kidding, well I tried asking about this in various threads and hopefully I won't get flamed for it being out of topic or whatever. Well if I won't do anything though, then nothing will get done so cross your fingers and with me luck.


It's a repost but here is a possible bad-end lemon I've thought of:

You know I'm thinking of possible foursome with Shirou, this with femdom on the part of the females. Specifically with BB, Passion Lip and Meltlilith:






Fusion (Meltlilith & Passionlip together):

Yes I'm imagining that what if BB from Fate/Extra CCC somehow captures Shirou and perhaps has Passionlip give Shirou paizuri marathons with Meltlilith and Passionlip sucking on his dick. And maybe Meltlilith would also give Shirou lots of footjobs, since I'd presume the steel needle legs are just essentially shoes she puts her feet in. Maybe in this timeline he doesn't know Sakura or Rin so perhaps for him the first time he'd be seeing a beautiful purple-haired girl would be with BB, Passionlip, and Meltlilith.

BB would have this impish attitude toward him but Shirou can definitely see a lot of hunger from her and Passionlip and Meltlilith toward him.

Now before you go and say "but that all takes place in the Moon Cell", well perhaps for this story it doesn't matter. Like it could take place on Earth and all 3 are real people or whatever instead of being something that only exists in the Moon Cell. Maybe BB and Passionlip and Meltlilith just want him to be theirs so they capture him and BB has Passionlip and Meltlilith break down his resistance about getting kidnapped and such by having them give lots of paizuri and footjobs. And Meltlilith and Passionlip are both most definitely interested in doing such things to Shirou, enjoying it. As for Meltlilith's attitude toward Passionlip and BB, well just ignore that and have her have no problem with working with Passionlip and BB.

It's essentially pure porn without plot, complete smut but it's something I've always liked regarding ideas with Passionlilp and Meltlilith.

Maybe it starts out with Shirou running into BB late at night and, since here he wouldn't know Sakura or Rin, being surprised at seeing this beautiful purple-haired lady, who most definitely fills out her outfit nicely in his opinion especially around the chest. Maybe she says she is looking for help about something and when he leans in more toward her to hear what she wants, she hypnotizes him and takes him to some abandoned warehouse or perhaps some isolated magic location only she and her minions would know to be alone with him. Shirou wakes up chained to a bed, and BB says she is going to make him hers and her minions, and that's when she introduces Passionlip and Meltlilith. So while Shirou is taking in their appearances, and definitely harder than he's ever been due to both Passionlip and Meltlilith's appearance, BB says she's going to have both of them break down any resistance Shirou has toward them through lots of paizuri and footjobs and such, and that's when the threesome, at first, then foursome later on takes place.

Pretty much I just want something with only Shirou, BB, Passionlip, and Meltlilith. No one else interferes or intervenes or anything else, just those four.

For Lip I can imagine after she has sucked and stroked out multiple orgasms from Shirou, possibly with Melilith's help as well, and he's shivering as his now wet, but still hard, dick is released from her cleavage, due to the air just feeling much colder in comparison to her tightly squeezed cleavage, that she moves behind him to press her breasts and self into his back while Melty crawls between Shirou's legs and, shortly after his dick is released from Lip's cleavage, just stuffs his dick down her throat and starts trying to suck and deepthroat him while he's still sensitive, to heighten the pleasure and make him cum faster.

So Shirou is feeling Passionlip's breasts pressing and rubbing against his back, which would make him feel even harder than before while possibly Lip is kissing his neck or whispering lewd stuff into his ear and Melty is seemingly, from Shirou's POV, trying to suck everything out of him through his penis with her mouth and throat, and that's when BB joins in and starts Frenching him and possibly getting on top of him so that Shirou is sandwiched between Passionlip and BB, and engaged in tongue wrestling with BB, while Melt is sucking him to another incredible set of orgasms.

I can imagine Shirou would enjoy feeling both BB and Passionlip's breasts pressing themselves into him from front and back, as they tightly sandwich him, while feeling Meltlilith suck him dry again and again.

Guest Soulvanguard


Thank you for your consideration, makes me glad that someone else took a interest in idea.


Well... those are some nice pictures as well as interesting thoughts. Well I really don't have anything against your ideas they sound quite nice but only thing I would say is that perhaps make it so that Shirou does know Sakura. I mean it would be amusing to see her reaction to fact that Shirou managed to summon so many girls that looked like her. Especially if it forced her to snap turning into Dark Sakura and thus to a bad albeit interesting end.

Then again Shirou simply encountering these girls and being made into a pleasure slave is already a bad(?) end. Make me thing what might happen should Iylla or Rin stumble into this scene.

Posted (edited)

Well I was intending the idea to just be porn without plot. As in Shirou somehow runs into BB and gets captured by her and she wants to turn him into their pleasure slave for whatever reason. Also they wouldn't have been summoned by Shirou or anything. There really isn't meant to be any attempt at explaining how they're there, just that they're there and they want to break Shirou through pleasure. No explanation, just porn and the porn is sorta bad-endish because in the end, Shirou breaks and becomes their sex slave.

Also I felt adding Sakura or Rin would only drag things because I felt the idea was good enough with just Shirou, BB, Meltlilith, and Passionlip. Three breakers, one to be broken.

Edited by warellis
Guest Soulvanguard

Ah I see, still some might argue that isn't really all that bad a end (lol) but part of me can't help thinking of a "what if" scenario. Like say for example what if Shirou ended up summoning those three as Servants instead of Saber due to fact eh... lets say Sakura's DNA is in shed both strand of her hair as well as her pleasuring herself in shed when Shirou isn't around.

Thus Shirou ends up summoning those servants and probably Violet as well (also a version of Sakura who is older (who looks rather similar to Rider though wasn't used in game).

Then of course at some point Sakura and Rider would join harem as well and thus Shirou getting a collection of purple haired beauties.

The Caster idea on the previous had me thinking:

Caster decides that, aside from Assassin as a guard dog, having a team to be out in the city fighting the War would be helpful, too. And, being tied into the leylines and being a mage from the Age of the Gods, she knows basically everything that goes on in the city, as long as she chooses to pay attention to it. By that, and by impressions gathered from Issei and Kuzuki, she finds Shirou summoning Saber to be a godsend.

Caster manages to mind-fuck Shirou (not that hard for her) into working for/with her. He has the same personality, and it has no effect on things completely unrelated to the War and magic, but once she wants him to do something, it happens. Probably just something such that he believes helping her is the best way to save people and be a hero. On top of that, she also put a magic kill-switch inside him, so that, if he gets to be a liability, she can get rid of him instantly, but also so he serves as a hostage. Saber is still in control of herself, but can't afford to oppose Caster or Shirou will die.

But after the first time she got too uppity, Caster decided to punish her, leaving Saber in a similar state to UBW: bound, dressed up like a doll, and under constant pleasure that never actually lets her orgasm. Until, after a day or two, when she begs for relief, as a reward, Caster lets Shirou have her. Only, since she's taken a liking to them, Caster insists Saber has to be a virgin for their wedding night, and Shirou is only allowed to fuck Saber's ass. Then she finally releases the spell keeping Saber from cumming.

Shirou is still in control of himself, just in a state where he wants to follow Caster's instructions. Saber hates Caster, but is broken-in and too attached to Shirou (and his dick) to disobey. Eventually, on top of her happy life with Kuzuki, Caster intends to "reward" Shirou and Saber for their assistance by giving them a similar "happy life." She especially looks forward to seeing Shirou impregnate Saber. Saber's "Knight on the Streets, Mind-Broken Fuck Slave in the Sheets" ending.

Alternately, Caster may also decide having even more help would be good, leading her to vaporize Shinji and Zouken and recruit Sakura and Rider, especially once she finds out how Sakura loves Shirou. Of course, they won't be allowed to break up her OTP, but having Sakura as a mistress and Rider as a slave isn't out of the question. Even better, since they're not wives, there's no need for Caster's romanticism, and they can get fucked in any way. And it makes for a great show: Saber, still being punished but getting more and more turned on and jealous as Shirou fucks Sakura silly, then Sakura orders Rider to join so she can enjoy Shirou, too. Only Rider doesn't really want to, and is being forced into it, until partway through when she realizes she's enjoying it. Rider's "Betrayed and Broken" ending.

Rin tries to oppose them, only to get captured, largely for Sakura's benefit. She gets enslaved, subject to Sakura's whims, who is intermittently a loving sister, a brutal master, and a voracious lover. Then she gets told about how Sakura was treated, the "training," and how, because of the worms, Sakura can't have children. "But that's okay, nee-san. Because you're here, and we're sisters. We can do it together. You, who couldn't even find love for your sister and shouldn't raise a child, just get pregnant and give birth to Senpai's children over and over and over, and I, who can't have babies of my own, will raise them and love them in your place." Rin's "Baby Factory" ending.

Illya is still around, still wants to kill Shirou, but with the overall team they've got, keeping Berserker occupied long enough to get to Illya isn't really a problem. Really, even with just Saber and Caster, it works. Although she could summon a different Berserker, like Mordred, another homunculus with daddy issues. Of course, while Mordred is fixated on Saber, Caster swoops in to use Rule Breaker on Illya, stealing Mordred away and capturing them both. Mordred gets the same treatment as Saber, only with the added bonus of seeing Saber acting like a pet, eager to please Shirou, and then seeing the King of Knights panting and moaning like a common whore while being fucked up the ass. She eventually succumbs to the pleasure and the idea of finally getting her father's love and approval, while also coveting the idea of stealing Shirou away. Illya gets well-treated, from figuring out she's the Grail and Shirou's sister. As she figures out he's a nice guy, but under Caster's control, SHE tries to control him, to help escape. But Caster expected that, so attempts by lesser magi to control him lead to violent responses, and Illya is punished by way of brutal rape from Shirou, under Caster's orders and the watchful eyes of everyone there: Caster, Saber, Mordred, the maids if they got captured, Rin, Sakura, and Rider if they got recruited. Saber realizes how broken she's become when she gets aroused by watching Illya, who she knew as a child and who is the daughter of her friend Iri, screaming and crying while being violated by Shirou, and that she loves Shirou in spite, or because of all of this. Once it's over, Illya recognizes Shirou's lack of responsibility, and realizes she loves her onii-chan. Illya and Mordred's "Big Happy Screwed Up Family" ending.

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