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Hello! I'm just returning and re-suggesting this idea that I actually got great replies from the site moderators from before. :) But...seems like it didn't work out. So I'm trying again!

I've seen the new changes and I actually went through all my stories and re-categorized them to fit the new changes better. But the thing is, as a strictly M/M writer, I feel like there's not enough appreciation from this site for my writing base. Don't get me wrong! ^_^;; I mean, this site is a great site and very free for people to post multiple types of works and I love that. Really, I love this site, but I wish the Slash writing category was more...inclusive.

Like, some of the new changes are really nice and help with finding the types of fics people want, no doubt about it. But, people would have to go to Originals, THEN to ex: Erotica, THEN they'd choose Slash. But for me, and I'm sure for many people, Slash or M/M writing is the FIRST thing I look for. It'd be amazing if somehow, we could go to Originals, and then choose SLASH, and have all those subcategories be like erotica, angst, vampire, and so on. It's only because I'm pretty sure, when someone is looking for a male/male fic, they'd prefer (I know I would) to be in a STRICTLY Slash category and then be able to search for Fantasy or Drama and all those that are specifically Slash. I mean, it also helps with submitting stories, because MOST of the M/M stories now are just under the 'Original-Misc' category, then the subcategory of 'Slash-M/M'.

I don't know, maybe this is too much to do, but I just really really would love if this were possible. Obviously if it doesn't change, then nothing bad will happen, and I really won't be too upset. This is more wishful thinking on my part and just a hope of mine to see. But if not, no hard feelings! I will continue to love this site, and somehow work around it.

Thank you for listening!

EDIT: Oh, and I was just thinking, maybe perhaps, because Slash is becoming such a massive fanbase, maybe after on the main page of the site, after we click "Originals" the first dividing choice could be like, "M/M or M/F or F/F" . Cause that seems like it would save A LOT of space and web room, but I don't really know. *nervous laugh* I just don't want you guys to think I'm trying to order you around or anything. And I really don't know the mechanics of internet website building but it just seems that maybe getting the gender pairings out of the way FIRST, and then having each of those have the same subcategories would make things more compact.

Also, some of the subcategories are too limiting. I have stories that are both Drama AND Romance, yet there's only one choice. Perhaps those should just be limited to the Tags, and subcategories aren't even really needed because the Tags take care of that. I don't know, I'm just throwing out ideas as they come to me. Lol, alright, if anyone has any questions I'll try to reply back adn explain it, okay?

Also, if the Slash category is refined, perhaps more people will join this site, and perhaps also, more people will donate money. ^_^

Thank you again!

Edited by Lunarwench
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Okay, here's the deal. As I've explained before, what you're seeing now, is the INITIAL recategorization. This was done for the health of the database which was fast approaching a critical mass of instability. In any case, we are also sorting things subdomain by subdomain. That is a HUGE task. HUGE. We'll see what we can do when we get to the Originals section, but no promises. First I have to see what's actually THERE and then we'll go from there.

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  • 6 years later...
Guest slayer of evil

As both writer/reviewer I find when I leave anything more than one line for a review it gets deleted. I know I can't stop it but, it makes me feel like why bother with reviewing it. I like to have reviews when I write but, not the ones with curseing. I'm not one who believes everything's free but, if someone uses a ides you had & uses & gets money for it I believe the real writer or, writers should then get ghd money it happens I know it happens.

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This really isn't the right place for this, but I'll respond anyway.

The system allows for longer reviews. If the review window is small, you may not see what's there after the text scrolls up, but it's not erased. We have members who leave reviews that are a page long, so I know it can be done. I leave reviews that are one or two paragraphs myself.

As far as plagiarism, which is what you're talking about, it is illegal. ILLEGAL, not just immoral or unethical. People can, have, and will continue to go to jail, pay huge fines, and forever bear the stigma of being a thief and liar. No one likes a liar or a thief.

However, some ideas are common enough that they can't be considered the property of any one author. For example, a very common plot device is to have the main character kidnapped. That has been used by countless authors, and no one can claim that idea. But if your have your main character kidnapped by a spaceship piloted by small chartreuse creatures that speak Esperanto and live on a planet called Pfzbyzk, and someone else writes a story using those creatures, or that planet, then you might have a case to holler, "Plagiarist." That is purely an example, by the way, and not something that was actually written (as far as I know, and I deeply hope this is not taken as a prompt).

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