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16 hours on the road is a killer. I went to Iowa with my parents when I was 13 or 14, but I was the only kid in the car. I can't read in the car either, quick car sickness. My longest drive was 20+ hours from northern Virginia to Fort Leonard Wood, MIssouri, when my son was getting out of Army basic training.

I went to a suburban branch college. We had 3000 students, but half, like me, lived at home and commuted. I never lived on campus although I spent plenty of time hanging out. The dorms were three stories (basement, first & second) and long. The frats and some other students were in lodges, which had four bedrooms (two people each) downstairs and four upstairs, with a common area and kitchen on the first floor and a smaller common area upstairs. Juniors and seniors were eligible to live in townhouses which were exactly like you'd find off-campus, with a living room and kitchen on the first floor and three bedroom, two people each, on the second.

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Hey everyone! Time for the Reality Check:

- Pretty much everything about the trip out to Iowa is completely true. I had been there many times before I chose it as my college (my grandparents lived out in Iowa so we had plenty of opportunities) so my trip out to it between my Junior and Senior year was not my first foray onto its grounds. Believe me, I saved you a lot by not going into complete detail about the ennui of the road trip.

- Hickory Park, likewise, is a restaurant I had been to many times before. It's a one-of-a-kind so you won't be able to try it unless you really do go to Ames, Iowa. It's worth it, trust me.

- Despite having been there a few times before, Jack's drive along the south side of campus and his impressions of it were the same as mine. I saw the college in a completely different light once I knew it was where I was going to go. Not a day goes by where I don't miss the place.

I'm already well into the next chapter. I have just a bit more than a month before I go and I would LOVE to finish the Saga before I do...I doubt its going to happen. Still, I will do my best.

Oh, and a fun fact that might shed some light on future events: before I decided to do a bit more in-depth stuff at Iowa State for Jack's trip, the saga was originally going to be called the Rhona Saga. I shall say nothing more. ;)

Hope you're all well and I will update soon. :)

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I'm already well into the next chapter. I have just a bit more than a month before I go and I would LOVE to finish the Saga before I do...I doubt its going to happen. Still, I will do my best.

Again, please don't kill yourself trying to finish. We'll still be here when you graduate Boot Camp and get settled.

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Oh, and a fun fact that might shed some light on future events: before I decided to do a bit more in-depth stuff at Iowa State for Jack's trip, the saga was originally going to be called the Rhona Saga. I shall say nothing more. ;)

Oh yeah! I can't wait until she bares her soul (and maybe her chest) to Jack at the convention. :) ​ Oh, wait-- he invited Kayla to drive up and join them. :( ​ Ah well, it still could happen. Seriously though-- I'm very curious about Rhona's past and what exactly is going on between her and Paul. No doubt that Jack is going to have to ride to the rescue again.

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Oh yeah! I can't wait until she bares her soul (and maybe her chest) to Jack at the convention. :) ​ Oh, wait-- he invited Kayla to drive up and join them. :( ​ Ah well, it still could happen. Seriously though-- I'm very curious about Rhona's past and what exactly is going on between her and Paul. No doubt that Jack is going to have to ride to the rescue again.

I still think Jack will not do anything wrong, but Kayla will walk in on something that doesn't look right.

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My thoughts exactly

"But I didn't do anything wrong!"

"Jack, you have to stop saying that."

Unless Rhona has her hand in Jack's crotch.

"But Kayla, she's crushing my balls!"

"Yeah, and I bet you're enjoying it. This isn't the first time, is it?"

Edited by Joe Long
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Hey guys! I was hoping to have the next chapter out tomorrow as my birthday gift to you, but...unfortunately that will not be the case.

I'll be posting it in the next couple of days though! Never fear :)

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Happy birthday Joe!

Side note: originally I didn't sympathize with Amanda being alone, but after being the third wheel for a week straight with someone I had feelings for I entirely understand.

Problem is Amanda has been the third wheel as it were since the beginning of November to someone who has, in Amanda's impression and words, "upgraded to a better model" and who is treating Amanda like trash. Yeah. I don't give it long for Amanda to tell Alan in not so many words that she's done being not only the third wheel but also the rebound girl for Alan (they basically made a deal that they'd consider getting back together if their relationships with others didn't work out), as, and I can understand, why would she want to be with someone who has basically treated her as a pest and has shoved into her face what she gave up for someone who, at the time, was "safer" (Sam, as the twins didn't seem to want to stand up to their father and tell him to piss off).

Probably missing some thoughts but point is twins drama will probably turn ugly in, if not at the end of this saga, but towards the beginning of the next. Maybe could become a subplot.

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Guest Starkz

You got me excited for going to Iowa State. I looked up the logo, the library and all the other stuff.
Then I realised I'm not going to Iowa State, because I live in India.

Congratulations for making me BOTH happy and sad at the same time.

But the whole Iowa State tour was so good. I was so fucking giddy it's not even funny. And I love the fact that you're treating the story like a book, even breaking the 4th wall to say that this IS a book. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, this, as a book, will sell. It will sell very, very well.

And everything after this is gonna be the Rhona saga, isn't it? I can see how Kayla will feel about Rhona. It might not be a simple case of misunderstanding. Jack and Rhona grew very close, as friends. The Convention might be the final blow, where Jack shatters all of Rhona's walls, and leaves her vulnerable, thus making her feel a closeness for Jack she hasn't felt with anyone else. Jack, being Jack, will never think of pushing her away. And Kayla would hate the fact that somebody feels for Jack with the same intensity that she does, probably more.

Overall, a very refreshing chapter, and a very immersive one too.

P.S: Jack's dad is kind of a person I'd respect and not like, and I would never want to be a dad like that.

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Guest Bruce

Great chapter as always, the tour of Iowa university ended up me googling Iowa University to see what it's like and I can safely say I have learnt a lot about something I never heard of before! :D Pretty good looking Uni as well.

And blimey, I have a feeling Jack's dad and Alan are going to have a pretty big argument next chapter. He's lost patience with him a few times already regarding texting, and he absolutely lost it with Jack this chapter. So with Alan's new 'not giving a shit' attitude to everything (apart from Kelly), and Jack's dad on the edge, Jack's dad will probably shout at him in public, and that leads to a massive argument (Amanda will probably jump in) and ruins the trip for everyone.

And also looking forward to see how this summer's trio will end up (Rhona, Jack, Kayla). I just hope things don't end up like the last summer's trio... but with the way Jack implying things aren't looking good in the future, and with him regretting the Jessica situation a month and a half later, I'm expecting us to be in a massive roller coaster of a ride again.

My prediction is Jessica commits suicide, and the reason Ted got sent to get Jack for her is because she needed some mental help about life and everything, and

she has no one else to ask help for. Jack realises this and he feels guilty af about it, and that sends him into a spiral of shit.

Also I have a feeling Amanda will make a move on Alan in the coming months as a sort of last resort. She is desperate for someone and is pissed off at Alan's relationship, so will probably be determined to show that she's the one for him, rather than Kelly. But Alan won't be having any of that shit, and will ruthlessly say that he only wanted her for sex, and she doesn't mean anything to him, thus completely and utterly closing that path, forever. Amanda will be even more pissed and end up hating Kelly and Alan.

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Great chapter as always, the tour of Iowa university ended up me googling Iowa University to see what it's like and I can safely say I have learnt a lot about something I never heard of before! :D Pretty good looking Uni as well.

And blimey, I have a feeling Jack's dad and Alan are going to have a pretty big argument next chapter. He's lost patience with him a few times already regarding texting, and he absolutely lost it with Jack this chapter. So with Alan's new 'not giving a shit' attitude to everything (apart from Kelly), and Jack's dad on the edge, Jack's dad will probably shout at him in public, and that leads to a massive argument (Amanda will probably jump in) and ruins the trip for everyone.

And also looking forward to see how this summer's trio will end up (Rhona, Jack, Kayla). I just hope things don't end up like the last summer's trio... but with the way Jack implying things aren't looking good in the future, and with him regretting the Jessica situation a month and a half later, I'm expecting us to be in a massive roller coaster of a ride again.

My prediction is Jessica commits suicide, and the reason Ted got sent to get Jack for her is because she needed some mental help about life and everything, and

she has no one else to ask help for. Jack realises this and he feels guilty af about it, and that sends him into a spiral of shit.

Also I have a feeling Amanda will make a move on Alan in the coming months as a sort of last resort. She is desperate for someone and is pissed off at Alan's relationship, so will probably be determined to show that she's the one for him, rather than Kelly. But Alan won't be having any of that shit, and will ruthlessly say that he only wanted her for sex, and she doesn't mean anything to him, thus completely and utterly closing that path, forever. Amanda will be even more pissed and end up hating Kelly and Alan.

With the whole Amanda attempting to seduce Alan, I can see something like that. Or Amanda may try to seduce Jack as Alan has been giving her the cold shoulder for the past, shit, I'd say since January. Now as for Alan saying that, I'd say his reasoning would be that he doesn't want the parents (especially the father) to butt in again like they did before, so maybe he's trying to push her away as his relationship with Kelly is "more convenient" (in terms of her not being his sister) and he may still have resentment towards Amanda veering off to Jack and the whole her tossing him aside for Sam (the current twins situation seems like a slightly different version of what happened in the Twins Saga, with the roles of the twins being reversed (Instead of Alan being resentful towards Sam for taking Amanda from him, it's now Amanda resentful at Kelly for taking him plus some self hatred as she's dealing with what one can call buyer's remorse as she could be thinking she had a chance to get back with him (the last chapter of the Twins Saga, 28) and she threw it away for something more convenient (so their father wouldn't have a reason to interfere). Basically, Alan may end up ruining any chances to be with Amanda again to save himself having to deal with their father (and to a lesser degree, the mother) as well as lingering resentment for her going to Jack and tossing him away for Sam. He may (hopefully, IMO) not mean saying that he only wanted her for sex. Hell, Amanda could toss that point out as, as, I've said before, when Alan and Kelly started to have sex or during the beginning of the current year in the story when he suddenly decided to push away from her, and Alan started to treat her like shit from then on. Remember how Amanda said that Kelly was an "upgrade" for Alan? Whether or not that's actually true, whether he actually did love her beyond sex (IMO, he did), in the end, after a failed seduction attempt plus harsh words said in the heat of the confrontation, Amanda may break it off and spiral into a possible self-destructive path (or what Joe Long said about her going after older men for sex as, in Amanda's perspective, key phrase being Amanda's perspective, the only reason guys wanted her was for sex, so why bother for anything else).

Forgive the rambling sentiment, but one last point: the last time the twins were having "communication issues", for lack of better words, it took Alan threatening suicide/running away for Jack to lock the two in a room to talk through their issues. Part of me is wondering, after the fallout you mentioned, Bruce, could it take something like Amanda being injured by, for example (and this was pushed many pages back), the pipe bomb, for Alan to realize what a dick he's been and for them to, at least, be friends again. As for relationship, Ive been more of a supporter for their relationship, but even I would rather they at least be friends again before the thought of any relationship could be rekindled between them can be put forth.

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Guest Alexander

Past couple of chapters have been surprisingly tame. Can't wait for that to end (jk), though it does seem like there is still some tension between Jack and his parents from this recent chapter. Not sure if his dad's recent blowup at him really ties into the whole prostitution fiasco, but I could see how, since adulthood is on the horizon for our beloved protagonist, that maybe his parents are wanting more time with him so that their recent disappointment with him isn't as prevalent as it has been. Idk, just seems like things still aren't patched up all the way, but I get the feeling that they'll have a sit down soon and talk things out. Maybe a parallel to the way Jack's dad and him made up after the Twins saga? Regardless, I look forward to seeing them move on from this whole ordeal. Jack's relationship with his parents has always been one of my favorite parts of the story, and our favorite author always captures their interactions beautifully. Great chapter, Jashley, and Happy Belated Birthday!!!

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Yeah, at the blog I go for writing mentoring the lady stresses conflict and that everything must drive the plot forward. So yes, most of the road trip, and about the first three quarters of the latest chapter were a love letter to Iowa State. Finally jashley did pull the plug and jump to the conflict. I was finally shocked into consciousness when Jack's Dad had a few choice words with him. We need conflict! I liked Kayla's apprehension about Rhona. I didn't even want to tell my wife that my company had hired an attractive female, because her imagination would get the worst of her.

The parts of the tour that were important to the plot were Jack & his parents talking about life away from home and how much everything costs, etc. Jack & Kayla stuff like walking around the lake and kissing under the bell. Anything Alan and Amanda because their parts could have happened anywhere. The rest was superfluous, but we love our author.

A little piece of subtext that just clicked in my mind - it was left unsaid, but with all of the questions from Kayla and especially Jack on the best dorms, there's a chance the two may end up not living very close to each other.

Edited by Joe Long
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