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She is the One


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Hey everyone! Managed to get up chapter 212 before an extra long day of work. Yay, Sunday work days! Apologies again for the slower posting but I think I should be working out a better schedule for writing. I actually took a second smaller job just to fill the hours when my wife is at work (she has an extra long drive) so I’ve been keeping busy but my interest in the story has not at all waned! I hope you’re all doing well and I’ll see you again soon!

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Guest UK David

Now we’re getting to the good stuff!

Just hoping it won’t be too long before the next episode!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest UK David

Did anyone say we hadn’t had much action in the story lately? Certainly not an issue with this chapter! I do wonder just how long this ‘feud’ can stay beneath the notice of the ‘authorities’ given the physical injuries and the online elements.

Fascinating to have the conversation with Amanda too. Made me realise that although I’m fairly close to my sisters (but not THAT close) we almost never talk about issues from our childhood! But the chat made me want to re-read some of the early material.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Kowjo

Cant wait to see what happens after Jack finally graduates. It'll be interesting to see how there relationship continues. Been following this story for I think almost 10 years now, since it started on the old blue site. I started reading this as sophomore in high school, now I'm 25. Crazy to think its gone on this long, I really hope it never ends. This is by far my favorite piece of literature I've ever read.

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Chapter 214 is finally up and just in time for Fourth of July! As the poster above me stated, it has been nearly ten years, hasn’t it? I’ll have to go back through and look at exactly when I posted the first chapter, but I know it was in July of 2014. Hard to believe it’s been that long. The story has become so much a part of me that I can’t imagine it ending although...well, we are past the halfway point in the story. But I promise to keep it going as long as it truly needs to. I hope you all have a fantastic holiday and I will be back soon!

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Happy Fourth to you, Joe!  Damn, been a while since I logged on here.  I hate to admit that I’m still way behind with chapters but hope to catch up by the end of summer.  Wow, ten years!   I remember the start back on the Blue Site.  Best wishes to you and yours.

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Well, I should have gone looking before! The first chapter of She Is The One was posted on June 27 2014. Missed my own 10 year anniversary! Then again, I’m not sure how much fanfare I could have given it.

In any event, I think the true celebration should be for all of you who are still here or who have just joined, whose support and encouragement has helped push me through more blocks than you could possibly imagine. Thank you all for everything that you do, whether it be reading this story or whatever you do in your regular lives. I appreciate and love you all. Here’s hoping I don’t need to keep you all on the hook for another 10 years!

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Guest Edy
On 7/7/2024 at 8:01 PM, Jashley13 said:

Well, I should have gone looking before! The first chapter of She Is The One was posted on June 27 2014. Missed my own 10 year anniversary! Then again, I’m not sure how much fanfare I could have given it.

In any event, I think the true celebration should be for all of you who are still here or who have just joined, whose support and encouragement has helped push me through more blocks than you could possibly imagine. Thank you all for everything that you do, whether it be reading this story or whatever you do in your regular lives. I appreciate and love you all. Here’s hoping I don’t need to keep you all on the hook for another 10 years!

I was still in highschool when I first read this masterpiece! Now I am married and a full blown adult lol. Congrats on the 10 years! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone! Unfortunately, no new chapter yet, but as today is my birthday, I wanted to extend to you all my usual affection. I remember ten years ago, when I first started writing the story back on the old site, I’d mentioned how I was turning twenty-four after I’d posted maybe five or six chapters? And now, ten years later, we’re nearly two hundred chapters in and though I write because I enjoy it, it means the world that all of you are still here, still reading, and still supporting. So thank you all so much for that and everything else. New chapter coming soon!

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Happy Birthday to you, Joe!  It’s amazing how you have continued with this for so long.  Congratulations and just keep going!  😄

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Guest UK David

Still enjoying each chapter, even with the feeling that we are approaching some kind of end point (Say it isn’t so …!). Does Kayla realise that our hero has essentially given up his dreams for her? If so, might that be too great a burden for her to bear? Hopefully, we will find out soon!

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Chapter 217 is up! Next chapter will be the end of the Saga, in more ways than one. Something to hopefully look forward to! Hope you’re all doing well and I will be back as quick as I can!

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Guest SB in IA

First comment I’ve left, although I’ve been reading every chapter since the beginning. As it appears we’re reaching a “end point” of sorts, I just wanted to let you know how much I’ve enjoyed the story.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you all know that this coming chapter is a slightly longer one than usual, so I’m taking a bit longer with it. I promise to post it up as soon as I can!

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Hey everyone! Chapter 218 is finally up and the Graduation Saga is over!

And here I must put forth a few things. In case you’re not in the mood to read on, I’ll sum up: I’m not finished, I’m just taking a bit of a break from the story.

There are a few reasons for this, but I’ll start with a fairly understandable one: I’m about to get eye surgery that should hopefully fix my vision. I’ve lived with crappy vision since I was around 10 so I’m finally going to get that fixed! What that means is that there will be a recovery period and I’d prefer not to strain my eyes. As much as I love this story, I don’t want to give myself a headache and risk lowering the quality of the writing. So, just as a health option, probably best if I pause for a little bit.

The second, major reason, is a bit more personal. I started this story ten years ago (God, what a time to think about...), the vast majority of which have been while I’ve been in the military. I started it two years after I graduated college, so a lot of those fond memories of university were present, but not necessarily something I needed to draw on. At least, not at that point. I did not enjoy high school, for the most part, so it was fun to write about Jack and company having their adventures and dealing with teenage crap and all that good stuff.

But as he’s gone to university, I find those happy memories returning. It was easy, at first, just from a writing perspective. When he started freshman year, I knew I was just starting his college adventures. Much like I thought when I first started college: There’s plenty of time. But as each holiday passed and each school year ended, I found myself remembering the end of my own journey more and more acutely, those old emotions returning and becoming all the more acute because I was no longer dealing with them internally. I was putting them down on paper.

If any of you have ever seen the episode of The Twilight Zone called “Walking Distance”, it’s much like that. And if you haven’t seen it, give it a watch. My favorite episode of the show, hands down.

So as Jack’s journey draws to a close, I find myself realizing something for the second time in my life: there’s no going back. There’s no redoing it. Writing about Jack’s adventures and time in college has been as close to a ‘redo’ of college as I can ever do, but it will never happen again. I started this story when I was twenty-three. Still young and still vibrant. I’ve matured so much more as Jack has, to the point where I know that I could never write a story like this again. I could never take that journey again.

I think it’s a hidden tragedy of an author that they can only have one of their greatest story. They may have many masterpieces, but Alexandre Dumas will only ever have one “The Count of Monte Cristo”. F. Scott Fitzgerald will only ever have one “The Great Gatsby”. Frank Herbert will only ever have one “Dune”...and all of its follow-ups. This isn’t to discount contiguous themes or styles (you always know when you’re reading a Stephen King story), but the event is the event. It is beyond rare that an author replicates an exact story, and even then it is usually only as a deconstruction, analysis, or response.

Also, I am in no way claiming that I am in the category of those writers. Not even a little bit. It’s just how I think of this stuff.

So, yes, I will be taking a bit of a break before continuing the story. Don’t worry, there is more to come! Though now I dread what follows. My wife and I are currently trying for our first child and if that ends up lining up with what Jack has going on...Hoo boy. Not sure how I’ll handle that. As I said before, we are beyond the halfway point of the story. I know how it ends, though not entirely sure how exactly it gets there. Pro tip for writers: allow yourselves to be surprised. It staves off Writer’s Block.

This is a very long way of saying that I am taking a break, but I didn’t want to leave all of you with nothing in the way of explanation or appreciation. To all of you who have stuck with me for these ten years and those who are brand new, thank you so much for your support, encouragement, and excitement. There’s a part of me that almost wishes I could have Jack start writing his own erotic story on a blue website, just so I can relieve those exciting first few months, but that would be far too meta and indulgent and if I am going to feel the painful toll of nostalgia, I’d prefer it to be something I need to write.

So take care, all of you. I will be posting updates about my surgery and how it went and when I start writing again, but I hope all of you enjoy this last chapter for a little bit. Take the time to read other stories as well! BashfulScribe is still posting and, whatever thoughts I have on his stories and style, his dedication and hard work deserve appreciation. There are multiple other authors on here that are worth checking out and, though I don’t frequent it often, I’m sure the old blue site has some decent material. I would hope; I’m somewhat tossing all of you into an unknown with that one.

I hope all of you are well, I hope you all enjoy the chapter, and I hope all of you know that you are as integral to this story as anything that I could bring you. Thank you for your support and I promise to be back as soon as I can.

- Joe

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Guest Sparky

Have enjoyed reading your story for years. Hope the surgery goes well and you have a fast recovery. When you get old(er) your recovery time increases. Have fun and use the time conceiving future chapters.

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Best of luck with the eye surgery.  Here it is into September and I’m STILL behind on chapters!  Hopefully I’ll be caught up by the time you return.  Please take care of yourself.  😀

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey everyone. Surgery is today! I'm sorry for lack of updates; mostly just been taking time for me and the wife and enjoying the last couple of weeks wearing glasses. But that should be all over today! Just wanted to let you all know I am safe and heading into this with a little trepidation but knowing it will be well worth it in the end. Hope you are all well and I will be back soon!

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