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One thing that I found interesting was when Mary Hannigan started lecturing to John about how important it is for young college students to get involved in the political process-- right before Chester and Kayla almost gagged her. Speaking for myself, I couldn't have cared less for politics at that age. I certainly had better things to do than march or protest or wave signs.

I can't recall, but did Joe ever mention exactly ​what Mary ​does for a living? Is she a lobbyist? An organizer? Does she work for a politician or for a political party? It seems that she is trying to push her daughter into a career in politics but Kayla will have none of it. Maybe this is the cause of all the recent friction in the Hannigan household.

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I can't recall, but did Joe ever mention exactly ​what Mary ​does for a living? Is she a lobbyist? An organizer? Does she work for a politician or for a political party? It seems that she is trying to push her daughter into a career in politics but Kayla will have none of it. Maybe this is the cause of all the recent friction in the Hannigan household.

IIRC she works in politics, probably a campaign consultant. Jack asked if she could help out Craig.

She was probably thinking that when students are in college they're out of the house, starting on their own, and it's time for them to widen their horizons and start thinking globally - what can I do to help the world?

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She was probably thinking that when students are in college they're out of the house, starting on their own, and it's time for them to widen their horizons and start thinking globally - what can I do to help the world?

True, but if Jack takes that approach he'll be dead before he turns 30. He needs to concentrate on helping Numero Uno and let the world help itself for a while.

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True, but if Jack takes that approach he'll be dead before he turns 30. He needs to concentrate on helping Numero Uno and let the world help itself for a while.

Political types can tend to be idealistic.

The Army didn't like my knee (and flat feet and ringing in the ear) and the CIA didn't like my grades. Their loss.

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Weird thought I had about the whole Amanda seduce Alan possibility and something else. First, I figured that Amanda could try to seduce Alan during their birthday, when Jack won't be there to get in the way. Also, the second thing which could cause some drama would be how terrible Alan has been behaving lately (with the excessive texting everywhere he is even during family time). Like how Jack and the dad got into a brief spat, I can see something similar happening with Alan and Alan not shutting his mouth and escalating an argument between him and his dad to the point where Mike could punish him by, say, banning Kelly from the birthday party as a punishment to Alan. I'm just throwing stuff out there, but any thoughts on such possible points.

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Like how Jack and the dad got into a brief spat, I can see something similar happening with Alan and Alan not shutting his mouth and escalating an argument between him and his dad to the point where Mike could punish him by, say, banning Kelly from the birthday party as a punishment to Alan. I'm just throwing stuff out there, but any thoughts on such possible points.

Yes, I think something along this line could erupt. For whatever reason, Alan is holding a lot of pent-up anger which he is going to let loose one day soon. Mike Harrison is normally an easy-going dad, but-- as we have seen-- he also has a hot temper and easily flies off the handle. He has never hit Jack but he has hit Alan, who has since bulked up and started taking out his frustrations on the heavy bag in the basement. The next time Mike takes a swing at him there's going to be blood on the floor.

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Hey guys! Sorry this took a little bit but time for the Reality Check :)

- My family and I actually never got a personalized tour of Iowa State. That actually happened at my second college (I went two years to one, two years to the other). However, my parents were so familiar with Iowa State that they were able to provide just as good of a tour on the multiple occassions we went there.

Actually...holy crap, I just realized that that was pretty much all I needed to say. Little bits here and there in the tour were made up or spun up a bit to fit the story, but otherwise that was all the truth. And since that was the main thrust of the chapter...there you go.

I do realize that this last chapter was a bit single-minded in terms of its goal. I completely understand if there was a little bit of impatience with it, especially since not much actually happened. Part of me wants to say that it probably works better once taken in context with the chapters that follow but I think that's a bit unfair. It should work on its own and if you don't think it did, I apologize. This is something that BashfulScribe and I have talked about a lot in terms of our story structure. He prefers the episodic vignettes while I look more at the story overall. Both are valid and if one suits your taste more than the other, I completely understand.

That said, I really enjoyed writing this last chapter. It got me nostalgic for my old college, especially since my wife and I took a tour of it back in December. So many memories...It honestly makes me wish I could go back and relive all of it, even knowing it wouldn't be for very long. I think everyone wishes that at some point in their life for some other point in their life. Unfortunately, we don't have time machines yet.

Actually, that's not true. We do have time machines. Those that take us back: our memories. Those that take us forward: our dreams.

And on that philosophical what's-it, I shall leave you for now. Work is progressing well on the next chapter and I hope to have it up soon :)

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Not that I hated the chapter or anything, just some friendly advice that I think there was a little too much. I pointed out some of the spots where things did happen to advance the plot. I thought that a leaner version where those stayed and the other parts were glossed over or stripped out would have worked fine. I got into a lot of reminiscing and yanked out a lot in my rewrite.

Concerning memories, dreams and the stories we tell, here is an excellent blog post from a young lady who writes about writing


If you read the comment there and on other threads, you can see I also love to talk about the process of writing. Sometimes bashful responds promptly, sometimes I wait. I know he's a busy guy.

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Jashley, you said you were going to boot camp, and you also said you had 4 years of college. Do you have a bachelor's degree? If so why not just go to OCS rather than become an enlisted? You get more pay than an enlisted personnel. But if you don't have a B.S. I get it

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I am planning on applying for OCS while in A School after boot camp. Unless you are in ROTC in college, it's difficult to hop directly into OCS.

Yeah I'm doing that right now. I had no idea that actually getting into ocs was that hard. Well best of luck to you at boot camp. Try to get on people's good sides, you can't succeed alone. It's all about working together.

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Next chapter should be up tomorrow :) Just in time for my wife and mine's 3 year anniversary

Congratulations to you both! Just curious, but while you're at Boot Camp will you be able to post any 'sit-reps' on your progress or will you be completely out of touch?

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One thing about the future, specifically about the whole Alan/Amanda thing. Looks like some of us may have been right with Amanda basically saying she was done with him. I cannot blame her. Why would she be the rebound for someone who's been a complete dick to her ever since he started sleeping with Kelly? My sympathy for Alan (well, any sympathy I'd have had for him if him and Kelly broke up) is gone. I cannot wait for the rude awakening he'll get if (or when?) him and Kelly don't work out and he goes back to Amanda. One message for Alan should he try to use Amanda as the rebound girl: I'm sorry but you did this to yourself. Did you honestly think Amanda would even want you back, after you've treated her like absolute garbage for (as of this time in the story) the last 6 months? Basically, Alan. You have managed to kill nearly any chance you'd have had of being with Amanda.

Hell, it'd take something special for her to even want to be a friend to you again.

So, aside from that, I guess I was wrong about Amanda wanting to remind him of what they had. At this point, she'd be more liable to go to Jack or do what Joe Long said and start sleeping with older men (this possibility was presented during the Voyeur saga).

So any thoughts on this or just concerning other parts of the chapter in general, say the whole situation with Jessica?

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Guest Alexander

Here's my take on the whole Alan/Amanda thing. I've recently reread the story, and there are a bunch of similarities between how Amanda treated Alan when she was with Sam, to how Alan is treating Amanda now that he has Kelly. Honestly? I think that Alan still has a grudge over that, and is intentionally treating Amanda bad to get back at her. Just my opinion.

Now, onto the part of the story that has me worried. Our favorite couple, Jack and Kayla. Honestly, to me, it's not looking good where they're at right now. Jack seems to be recovering from the whole Voyeur saga just fine, but Kayla isn't, which leads me to believe that she may still be entertaining the thought of breaking it off with Jack. Kayla just seems to be giving off this "damage has been done" vibe, and to me, it seems like she's scrambling for a way out of it, and not succeeding. Hoping that isn't the case, and that I'm just looking into it too much.

Finally, the Jessica thing. Since Jack earlier stated that he'd regret not talking to her in a month and a half, I assume whatever it is has to do with school. The only thing I can think of is Brad getting released from jail, but that doesn't make sense for two reasons. One, I believe it was mentioned that Brad was getting sent to reform school, before his jail time. Two, since Brad went to jail for assaulting Jack and the gang, I highly doubt they would be uninformed of his release. Good job, Jashley. You've got me thinking about this one. Can't wait to find out.

Anywho, that's my take on the whole thing! Can't wait for the Rhona saga to officially get started, she has fast become one of my favorite characters of the series. Still doing good, Jashley!

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Finally, the Jessica thing. Since Jack earlier stated that he'd regret not talking to her in a month and a half, I assume whatever it is has to do with school. The only thing I can think of is Brad getting released from jail, but that doesn't make sense for two reasons. One, I believe it was mentioned that Brad was getting sent to reform school, before his jail time. Two, since Brad went to jail for assaulting Jack and the gang, I highly doubt they would be uninformed of his release. Good job, Jashley. You've got me thinking about this one. Can't wait to find out.

Brad was a minor at the time of the assault-- over a year ago. He is probably out of juvenile detention and attending an alternate high school somewhere. Brad's release and whereabouts may not be a matter of public record since he is a juvenile offender. Also recall that his parents told Jack not to contact them for information. It's also possible that Brad has turned 18 and his juvenile record has been sealed. If it is Brad who has Jessica scared then I don't understand why she just doesn't come out and say it-- unless her family is being threatened with death.

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Brad was a minor at the time of the assault-- over a year ago. He is probably out of juvenile detention and attending an alternate high school somewhere. Brad's release and whereabouts may not be a matter of public record since he is a juvenile offender. Also recall that his parents told Jack not to contact them for information. It's also possible that Brad has turned 18 and his juvenile record has been sealed. If it is Brad who has Jessica scared then I don't understand why she just doesn't come out and say it-- unless her family is being threatened with death.

In their state juvenile records are expunged at 18 - the records are supposed to be physically destroyed - but that can't stop the events from remaining in the memories of those involved. Maybe I'm forgetting details, but even a major fistfight on school grounds shouldn't be a huge sentence. (After I became an adult, I was sort of shocked to find out that people could actually be arrested for punching someone. Maybe the time and place were just too different.) Anyways, it's been nearly two years. I can't see Brad in juvie for more than a couple months.; Unless his parents kicked him out of the house, he should still be living in the same place, but of course Brow Ridge didn't have to let him back in. The county where Tara lives has an alternative school for kids with bad attitudes (where my daughter spent her high school years) as well as another alternative school for the thugs, which Brad was likely to have ended up at.

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An excellently written chapter!

There was a bit extra 4th wall, but jashley can pull it off. Above all, there was conflict, and more conflict! (without a single punch being thrown.)

As usual, jack was at the center. There was Alan and Amanda and Jack. Arthur and Tara and Jack. Kayla and Rhona and Jack..Finally, Joe and Jessica and Jack. The theme running through the chapter, in all these relationship triangles, is communication, trust, and how to handle being replaced. We plan our actions on how we interpret what other are thinking, but how well do we really know what they think of us? Is the communication open or broken? Alan has replaced Amanda with a new lover. Tara has replaced Jack with a new confidant. Kayla fears that Jack may replace her with a new lover, even as she threatens to leave if he relapses. Both come from a fear that Jack's not totally honest. And finally, who the fuck knows what Jessica wants? But as I write this, I realize that she has always needed to be the center of attention. She can't stand being rejected, but now Mrs. Locke is gone and Jack, Craig and others are blocking her out.

Finally, Joe and Jack philosophized about growing apart after a lifetime together (again, facing no longer being in someone's life.) The basis for my character Paul is a guy who, much like Joe, was my best friend from kindergarten through the end of high school. I stayed in town to go to college while he went to Pittsburgh. We stayed in touch, calling once or month or so during school, then still spending a fair amount of time together during the summers. After college I left town (and the state) for work while he found work in town, for the first 15 years, after which he left town as well. Now we're Facebook friends, but I haven't seen him in person for going on 30 years (the bastard never comes to class reunions!)

Oh, and second finally, on of the reasons I chose to write about 1979 was showing how we grew up without cell phones, texting, computers, etc. There was a landline (we didn't call it that, as it was the only line (unless you had a party line!)) and the CB radio to talk on. Even though I'm a tech savvy guy who writes computer programs, as an old fart I don't think I could adequately describe how teenagers live today.

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Here's my take on the whole Alan/Amanda thing. I've recently reread the story, and there are a bunch of similarities between how Amanda treated Alan when she was with Sam, to how Alan is treating Amanda now that he has Kelly. Honestly? I think that Alan still has a grudge over that, and is intentionally treating Amanda bad to get back at her. Just my opinion.

Now, onto the part of the story that has me worried. Our favorite couple, Jack and Kayla. Honestly, to me, it's not looking good where they're at right now. Jack seems to be recovering from the whole Voyeur saga just fine, but Kayla isn't, which leads me to believe that she may still be entertaining the thought of breaking it off with Jack. Kayla just seems to be giving off this "damage has been done" vibe, and to me, it seems like she's scrambling for a way out of it, and not succeeding. Hoping that isn't the case, and that I'm just looking into it too much.

On point one, I've had the same sense of deja vu since the fracture arc, and it's only become more apparent with this arc and the preceding one.

For point two, as I've gone into similar issues on one and three is being discussed, I thought of how that could go. Kayla, after getting off work, decides to surprise Jack and shows up at GarboCon (Is this the right phrase?). She ends up seeing Jack and Rhona in what appears to be a compromising position and before Jack can say, "This is not what it looks like", well, others can make up the gap.

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Oh, and second finally, on of the reasons I chose to write about 1979 was showing how we grew up without cell phones, texting, computers, etc. There was a landline (we didn't call it that, as it was the only line (unless you had a party line!)) and the CB radio to talk on. Even though I'm a tech savvy guy who writes computer programs, as an old fart I don't think I could adequately describe how teenagers live today.

Yeah, those were the days! I was also into CB with a high-end base station, antenna and linear amplifier (which some of the neighbors didn't appreciate). That was the 'party line' before social media was invented. My favorite hobby was police scanners. One Christmas I spent a good chunk of my year-end bonus on Radio Shack's top-of-the-line programmable scanner and from there it was a simple matter to punch in all of the cordless phone frequencies (around 49 Mhz or so). It was hilarious! People simply didn't realize that those first-generation cordless phones were nothing more than low-powered unencrypted radios. And baby room monitors-- the precursors to 'nanny-cams'-- were even better! The conversations that nursing mothers would have with their babies were priceless.

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