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Subdomain Not Provided

Guest T-W-O

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I'm new to the site and figuring out what's where.

When publishing my story I expected to have the main domain (HP AU/AR), the intermediate domain (Het - M/F) and the 'ship (example: HP/DM, RW/LL, etc but with correct syntax) available. My expectations were based on link fields available in other stories on the site.

I have been bested; I can't figure out how to get to the 'ship selection so my story is selectable within the lowest domain.



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The AU/AR subcategory in the Harry Potter subdomain has yet to be sorted and additional levels created. While the main HP subcategory has been sorted to provide for pairings, the rest of the subdomain is not yet being sorted

The reorganization of the archive has been an ongoing project for some time now. Given that database access is limited to our tech administrator to prevent any accidental corruption or disruption of the records, it's not a project that will be completed in the near future. We are an all-volunteer staff, and real life does need to take precedence for most of us - families, jobs, and other more urgent issues requiring our attention here at AFF. We'd love to be able to give a date for completion, but with a database approaching 9GB in size, that would be impossible right now.

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