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Edit Old Profile

Guest Incognito

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Guest Incognito

Hi, I just wanted to see if I could get the information on my old profile removed. I tried to do it with the new profile but it didn't change the information on the old profile. I've changed my pen name to this one (incognito) so I wasn't sure if that affected it somehow. Anyway, thanks in advanced.

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You can send an email to technicalsupport@adult-fantiction.org with the url of the old profile, and the change that you'd like to make. Only our tech admin can actually edit the old profiles right now, although you can edit the new profile yourself, as you've seen.

Because she's extremely busy in RL, please give our tech admin some time to take care of the request once you've sent the email. She's amazing, but she does need to sleep and eat, too. :)

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