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How to read reviews while logged in?

Guest Gianni1968

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Guest Gianni1968

I can see that I have a review from a moderator asking me to fix a problem and suggesting that I need to (re)read certain things. But only when I am NOT logged in to the site. How can I read the review while logged in?

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You should be able to access your reviews from your profile. Go to Stories Written, and select the subdomain. You'll see a list of your published stories, with a clickable link for Reviews.

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Guest Gianni1968

Thank You!

I have written something I hope covers all the bases in disclaimer field. Please let me know if it doesn't. If/When I get around to adding characters from other publishers, I will update the Disclaimer verbage to include those publishers. I suppose if I haven't heard anything back by Saturday I'll expect that I have approval, and delete the review, okay?

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What we generally look for is the actual names of the fandoms, for example, Batman or Justice League, as opposed to naming the publishers or simply the characters used. We are fine with a fairly simple construction: I do not own [insert name(s) of fandom(s)] and I make no profit.

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Guest Gianni1968

I have the feeling I'm about to offend someone. I am deeply confused by your usage of the word 'fandom'. After doing a meaning search (and not being terribly surprised, as I already knew what it meant), I cannot reconcile the meaning as I know it with what I think you might mean. Do you mean 'characters' or 'titles'? I hope it isn't titles, because I'm not looking forward to listing all the Marvel titles in which Cecelia Reyes, Jean Grey, Scott Summers, and Charles Xavier appear. Characters/code-names would be much simpler.

Anyway, I'm hearing disapproval. Are character names what I need to put in the disclaimer?

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Oh, dear, I hadn't meant to be obscure or to disapprove.

By fandom, I mean the actual comic title, or movie title, or cartoon title. For example, the comic title "The Justice League" would be a fandom. Think in terms of the categories listed under each subcategory in Comics. "Batman" is both a fandom and a character, but as long as you don't limit it to the character, it covers the entire Batman setting, canon, and other characters that Batman would interact with, such as Robin, or Alfred. Jean Grey is part of the Xmen, so disclaiming ownership of Xmen covers, once again, all of the characters, settings and canon for that 'verse.

So, a good disclaimer might read, for example: "I do not own Xmen, The Justice League, Batman, Superman, or The Avengers, and I make no profit."

I hope this is less confusing.

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Okay, so for now, it's only the Xmen you're using? Will you be using other comic universes, such as any of the DC fandoms?

I'm asking because the Xmen have their own subdomain - Marvel 'Verse. For crossover fictions, we use the fandom where the story takes place as the way to determine the correct subdomain for placement, so if this story will occur in the setting of the Xmen comics, it belongs in the Marvel 'Verse subdomain.

Aside from that, it's perfect. I just need to clarify placement.

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Guest Gianni1968

Well, nothing from DC that I know of, but I intend to pull some characters from the Gen13/DV8/Team 7 storyline, Glory, and Willow from the early BtVS.

This is just what the early chapters are outlined for. So it really is a crossover, I just haven't got to them yet.

It shouldn't be long before I get some short Willow scene posted, and then I'll add Buffyverse to the disclaimer. Unless you think I should go ahead and add it now?

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First, we need to have you move the story to the Marvel 'Verse subdomain, then, since Comics is for DC 'Verse only. Upload a copy to Marvel 'Verse, and I can have our tech admin move the hit count and ratings data over to the new subdomain. Then we'll delete the misplaced version.

Second, I always recommend adding anything you think you'll need in the disclaimer at the start. You only need that disclaimer in the first chapter, and this way you don't have to think about editing it, unless you decide partway through to go in an unplanned direction. But I'd add BtVS for sure now. :)

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Guest Gianni1968

:hiya:I think I've got it now. Both chapters have been moved into the proper location, disclaimer is in accepted format (with BtVS added in) , and I can't think of any reason not to let the tech admin have at it!

Thanks for your help.

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