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Hello, all. I'm looking for a collaborator to help write a story that's, in short one long hurt/comfort and slice-of-life piece, a slow-burning romance that explores trauma and the healing process, and how the support of someone you love and trust can be everything to a person.

I originally started this story with a dear friend of mine, and though I like where it was heading a fair bit of the subject matter became uncomfortable for her and she gave me the go-ahead to restart it if I so chose.

The pitch:

The male character (co-author's choice in name, though something bland like Terry or Samuel or something is preferred) is early-middle-aged, with a comfortable job but a strained relationship with his ex-wife. She left him for another man while he was in jail for a white collar crime, and it's a source of contention between them. At least he has a shared-custody agreement for his young daughter, who is the angel of his little world. One night he happens upon what he thinks is a burglar or stalker in his neighborhood, but when he confronts the person he finds it to be a young, malnourished and terrified nude woman. With gentle coaxing he gets her out of the cold and, though she seems to be mute, he learns several key things that set him on edge because of his own past traumas, and he decides to do everything he can for the woman.

The subject matter:

The relationship developing in this story will be a sexual one eventually, but it's something that has to really be worked up to. Their relationship is exactly that. A relationship built of trust and care and mutual need for each other's company. That isn't to say, however, that things of a sexual nature will not be covered. The story itself covers these bases, and so any collaborator should be willing to help write about the following subjects:

(Trigger Warning) Trauma: Paedophilia/incest, habitual abuse and conditioning, alcoholism, prison rape, suicide

Present day: Anxiety/Panic attacks, Agoraphobia, Clautrophobia, Dependency, Nightmares/Night terrors, sexual uncertainty, shame, self-loathing, hurt/comfort, WAFF

My past stories are found here:

The original version of this story had twenty-one chapters by the time we came to a stop, and it was perhaps just shy of the half-way mark. I still have it all, and I don't mind sharing the first couple chapters with interested parties on Google Docs.

Edited by Haywire_Hakaze
  • 1 year later...

Samuel is not a bland name!

Anyways, I could give you this long winded post about what I can do.

Or I could give you links to a few stories that I've written. Personally, I think I've written something similar to what your asking. Though the roles were reversed, though the male wasn't naked when found.

Angst, hurt/comfort/ are my main categories I use.

I haven't written anything where someone didn't end up in a hospital, or attempted suicide.

Anxiety and Panic Attacks I have a story that deals with this as well. Though it's ealier, and doesn't go into the same detail that I would now write it.





Just, you know, ignore the facts they they are based off of cartoons. The situations really go beyond that of the cartoon realm.

I do notice that this is from a good while ago, so if you are still interested in someone that can help. Just scan those stories, Oh I forgot the Anxiety and Panic Attack one

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10437628/1/What-He-Never-Noticed(I think the Anxiety Attacks occur in chapter 3/4 that why you don't have to waste your time looking)

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9798436/1/Breaking-point(Chapters 1 and 2 were meant to be a stand alone, dealing with with a mental break down... but still)

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9837247/1/Isabella-is-that-you(Read the first chapter, which is acutally the second one... It was revised... but it was originally meant to be a oneshot... but it got away grom me.

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