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Guest Old West

Well those were some great chapters for both GITG and Northstar. Now I have to wait on two cliffhangers. Darn!

A question about Northstar if I could. The story is based upon a retelling of things that happened 18 years ago or so and yet there are lots of anachronisms in it. This is assuming the birthday party occurred in present day as opposed to in the future. I can live with those if I must because the story is so great. While I realize that GITG is sci-fi, I kind of expected Northstar to be reality based fiction. What has been or is your intended classification for this story? Sci-fi or just fiction or????? Or have you even thought about this?

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Northstar is set it two time frames. Nick's past, and his present. I was purposely vague on those so i could incorperate things in that might be a no no if i had a time line set in stone. I kind of look at it as the birthday party is sometime in the near future and the story they tell is sometime in the near past with about twenty years seperating the two...I really didn't want to do all the research and note taking it would take to keep everything straight so I fudge everything a little.

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Guest Old West

Thanks for the prompt reply. I kind of thought that was the direction you were going what with bringing in so many "modern" developments. Lots of research would have been required otherwise and that slows down the writing of the story dramatically and we can't have that.

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Northstar is set it two time frames. Nick's past, and his present. I was purposely vague on those so i could incorperate things in that might be a no no if i had a time line set in stone. I kind of look at it as the birthday party is sometime in the near future and the story they tell is sometime in the near past with about twenty years seperating the two...I really didn't want to do all the research and note taking it would take to keep everything straight so I fudge everything a little.

Isn’t that called literary license?


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That's called being lazy; I like writing but hate research...I want my cake but don't want to have to bake it! That's why I like science fiction like GITG, I need something that really doesn't exist, Max go make me one! Kinda like the Hiesenberg Compensator in Star Trek...god that was a stroke of genius!

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Mmmm, I'm so stuck on GITG so you may get another northstar...maybe I need a break...six or seven months should do it!

Don't worry, just being an ass, 42 is almost done, kinda stuck for an ending here...hmm maybe a little visit to our friendly feds...or...oh yeah...this is evil!

Gotta go, time to write!

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Mmmm, I'm so stuck on GITG so you may get another northstar...maybe I need a break...six or seven months should do it!

Don't worry, just being an ass, 42 is almost done, kinda stuck for an ending here...hmm maybe a little visit to our friendly feds...or...oh yeah...this is evil!

Gotta go, time to write!

hopefully Ill have something to read in the morning :)

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You, evil? never!!!!! Loved the chapters in NorthStar, you could keep going on that for a bit, and let things go where they will in GITG.

Something that I do kinda find irritating personally tho, authors commenting about the pace of your posts yet have been leaving people hanging on their own series.... if you're that bored, write. While everyone understands about real world obligations, you seem to not give that same understanding. Magus has given us three chapters, in two different series in just about 48 hours, pretty impressive no matter who you are, some we've been waiting a couple weeks for anything yet they're begging for more from others, don't ask for what you can't/won't deliver yourself.

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You tell em Big, so spoiler alert: sub sinks and everyone dies...on to the next stoty!

LOL, I should complete 42 sometime this evening if the monkey goes to bed on time

Stay warm and kinda dry, hopefully you don't get snowed in, just lots of good old fashioned rain. 60F in January here, that just don't happen, we should be under a foot or two of snow :/ oh well, not going to look that gift horse in the mouth.

Don't let the girls see you call them monkeys, that's a sure way to wind up sleeping on the porch under a sheet.

Can't wait to see what mayhem comes around out of all of this.

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WOW, Northstar was AWESOME! Thanks for not leaving the last one with a cliffhanger other than thinking Elliot is one lucky SOB. :)

Edited by COJimmyV
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Mmm, been a few days, I was getting a bit loopy! But after deleting the world's longest word, and that without a vowel, I punched up the story a bit and viola, Chapter 42 GITG is posted

THANK YOU. Really is very nice to have another chapter with out a long wait. Very nice chapter. Explains some things and leaves a few more dangling. Very nice hanger at the end that was resolved in the chapter. Though the air alarm, while silenced, has NOT been dealt with. Scrubbers can only do so much without being regenerated. Come on thin ice! Will be interesting to see where you take the FBI folks. Seems they have seen enough to realize they are not dealing with some kook.


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Actually loving the character development with Pell & Simpkins. Always nice to see the nerd get the hot girl. So many characters, so little time. At least it's quality time. Still waiting on the interrogation of faux David. Should be interesting.

Thanks for having Gerald stand up to Joanne and the back and forth between Legion and Carol and company was very cool!

Nice chapter!

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