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Editing Codes

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I would like to be able to remove a content code from an already published work, but cannot figure out the mechanism by which to do so. Please help?

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In your profile, go to the heading of the subdomain where the story is published (i.e. anime, books, hp)

Click edit, select edit story properties

Edit the summary line, as that is where the codes are

Just be sure that you don't remove anything that applies to the story, and add what you need to.

Also, bear in mind that the field only allows for 240 characters, spaces included.

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When you are editing the Summary field, you need to use the arrow keys to navigate along that field. It doesn't appear in a popup anywhere so you can see and edit the entire thing at once.

Alternatively, you can write out the revised summary in your word processor, delete any text in the Summary field, and paste in the revised text. If you're making many changes, that may actually be easier than arrow-key navigating.

Just bear in mind that the Summary field only allows for 240 characters, including spaces. If you've reached the limit, it simply won't allow you to add another character, which might appear as if the field is uneditable.

Edited by BronxWench
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Guest Guest

Thanks. Yeah, I have tried deleting parts of the summary but then it won't let me type anything when I know I have not used up all my characters in the field. I can delete bits no problem, but I can't add anything. I haven't tried copying and pasting the entire summary, so I will give that a shot. I was using arrow keys the same as I have always done when editing the summary field and yet it isn't working like it used to.

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The total for characters includes both the summary itself and the story codes, so I think that sometimes makes it harder. We tend to forget that codes can eat up a huge amount of the limit.

If you need to, we do allow the story codes to be added at the top of the first chapter as a separate author's note. We don't count that toward an author's note limit, either, since we treat it as part of the story details.

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