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I hope I put this in the right forum. If not, I apologize!

I'm fumbling around with a storyline that I'm not sure about the exact category it would fall into.

The story would involve a pair, person A and B are in a relationship, but then person A has an affair with person C. Person A does not have relations with both B and C at the same time. All sexual activity is one-on-one.

Would it fall into a pair, with the pairing being the original relationship, or would it be a threesome because one character is having relations with multiple people?

I really hope that makes sense! Thank you in advance!


Honestly, I'd put it in the pairing of the original relationship, since the infidelity is one-sided and will form an important plot point, I'm sure, if Person B finds out about Person C. :D

A threesome would be three people having sex together, so that's definitely not the case here.

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