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Looking for specific Kiba X Kankuro fic. I need it like I need air.

Guest EM

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It's in an AU. Kiba starts out hanging with a rough crowd, his boyfriend at the time is Shino, who gets put in prison, something to do with a gun. Kiba gets started on the right track by Kankuro. They live together for a while so Kiba can sort his shit out safely. They fuck. Later Kiba gets a letter from Shino, but he's committed to Kankuro now. When Kankuro sees the letter, he doesn't feel jealous because Kiba told him his dick was bigger.

It sounds silly, I know, but I'm dying to find this fic, it's gone from fanfiction now. The writing was superb. Any leads would be very much appreciated.

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This particular fic was also hosted on the author's website, where they had several other good ones. As I recall, they decided to stop writing and pulled all their various fics from the blog and fanfiction.net. I'm not sure if it's anywhere else on the internet. It's a good story, though.

I hope you find it (and maybe the rest). Share if you do

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