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Guest Guest-S

So... this is going to sound really weird.

But, what feels like ages ago, I read a story on Adultfanfiction about a cop who fell for a witness yada yada or something of that nature. Here's the weird part, I swear I remember the witness being like... a bunny or something (Not like a full fledged bunny or a shifter). Like I swear he had a tail. Which is weird because I'm not a tail person. LOL. Or a fur person. But hey. I think I remember liking this one.

I believe that the bunny guy has sex with someone else at one point. I think he's a prostitute but I can't remember. (A bunny prostitute... yep.)

And at the end there's an action scene, I think.

And maybe the bunny guy's name is Ash?

I know that's all horribly vague but if someone could help me find this, I'd very much appreciate it.

Thank you!

  • 2 weeks later...

Link for the above:

White Rabbit by Moonstar
[COMPLETE] A rigidly conservative police officer; an explosively tempered hooker. Ashi witnesses a murder, and Garnen must protect him. But can he put up with the avid advances of the slender bodied male and keep him alive long enough to stand trial? M/M
Posted : 2005-11-06 -:- Edited : 2006-02-02 00:00:00 -:- Read Reviews

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