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Pen Name: . Anesor
Story Link: . http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600088302&chapter=6

Review Replies: . http://www2.adultfan...-darkly-series/
Type of Fic: . FlashFic
Rating: . Adult
Fandom: . Games > A-F > Dragon Age Origins

Pairing: . F!Hawke/Anders

Warnings: . Angst, M/F, WIP, ChallengeFIC, NoSex

Chapter 6 of the post-Deep Roads arc of Anders' lonely years. Varric took a hand, but how will attending a simple party help their fragile friendship?


Pen Name: RogueMudblood
Story link: http://movies.adultf...94780&chapter=3
Review replies link: http://www2.adultfan...we-continue-on/
Type of fic: Flashfic
Rating: Adult +
Fandom: The Monster Squad
Pairing: Rudy/Phoebe (As stated in the author's note - and made as clear as possible in the text - this takes place eighteen years after the movie ends, so all parties are adults.)
Warnings: AFFO, Angst, ChallengeFic, Fingering, H/C, M/F, Oral, UST, Violence, WIP

  • 5 years later...
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