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Harry Sucks At Sex

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Guest HarryJamesPotter


This challenge is rather straight forward. Harry is lousy at sex and his partner has to train him to be a better shag.


1) Het Only. No slash.

2) Harry starts off terrible at sex and SLOWLY becomes better.

3) Harry has a normal or smaller sized penis.

4) Harry's partner(your choice) has flashback of sexual encounter with previous partner or has sex with them in the current.

  • Previous partner should be ex-boyfriend or husband.(For Ginny=Dean or Michael, Tonks=Remus or Charlie, Hermoine=Ron or Krum, etc)
  • Previous partner should have a large 'wand' and be great in bed.

5) Harry should be insecure about his sexual prowess.

6) Harry a virgin or very very inexperienced.


1) Harry and Older Women(Molly, Tonks, Narcissa, Amelia, etc) could be a possible pairing.

2) Can include anal sex.

Thanks for reading!


um this is interesting...i might take this on during my 10 day vacation...we will see though if the plunnies bite

Guest HarryJamesPotter
...and then in chapter 326 Harry finally gets the premature ejaculation under control.

Lol. It doesn't need to take that long for Harry to get the hang of things, it just shouldn't be one chapter and than he becomes a sex god.

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