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I'd put this one in with the misplaced stories I've been bringing up, except that, instead of being misplaced, this one...is blank. It doesn't show any story. I don't know if the document got lost or it's an incomplete delete, or what, but I thought I'd bring it up.



Oh. That makes sense. Presumably that can be fixed, when you (or whoever else is available) get to that area, then, I guess. Until then, it's just another note in the To Be Fixed section. :P


Ah. Sounds like a workload I wouldn't want, but she does a good job. (As if I have room to talk about insane workloads.... Cram school for trucking, yes, let me just say this: Avoid it. I spent a week and a half recovering--mostly mentally--from the first two weeks of cramming/training, and I have been cursing myself since...to be honest, since I headed over to be trained. Two days on the Greyhound is never fun, and then coming in late and having to play catch up on top of that...I was kicking myself pretty hard. The insane part? I think I'm starting to enjoy this. There's something wrong with my head. Either that or I'm exhausted and getting loopy....)


Yeah, in two weeks, we covered three months of regular training.... So I know what you mean about needing more hours in the day than you can possibly get. I let some of the studying and work slide so I could sleep and be semi-functional; no use letting yourself get stumbling stupid when you're supposed to be safe to drive. (I think the average, for our group, was maybe--MAYBE--3 hours of sleep per night, when you're supposed to have eight or more. Unsafe much?) At least if you fall asleep at the keyboard, you can still fix your mistakes relatively easily. Falling asleep at the wheel of a big rig, not so much; accidents in a semi trend toward the costly and/or life-endangering side.

Although, and I can't believe I'm saying this because I so rarely drink anything for caffeine (too focused on flavor), I miss my cappuccino when I'm on the road. *stumbles about, arm outstretched* Sleep, sleep, why doth thou elude me?

I really did mean it, despite my rambling, when I said that you do a good job. Thank you.

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