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Need to reclaim old Original Fiction

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Guest winternights

Hello there. I need help to reclaim my original fiction. More than one year ago I became a member of AFF, but since then I was too busy with life and kinda dropped out. So I forgot my password, forgot which email account I used for this, and kinda forgot the email name. yeah. sorry. now I came back to a new AFF.

Anyway, I saw that my story is still here, so I want to continue it. It's titled Brave Heart, Grave Heart by Jules_Aedin. That was me, but now I have just made a new account, called myself WinterNights. So... could you please help me?


First of all, you need to decide which account to keep, since you can't keep both.

Second, you need to email technicalsupport@adult-fanfiction.org with something that can be used to verify that this is indeed your account. Even if you can't remember the exact email account or name, you can at least provide what you think it might be, to allow our tech admin to verify ownership of the account.

Because this is a public board, I would not put any email addresses up here. It's better to send it privately via email to the above link. You can also let her know which account name should survive so that she can merge the data for you.


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