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I Have Never....

Guest Melody Fate

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I have. it's ahard to bring it to an end but sometimes it must be done before you get too repetative.

I have never visted America.

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I have. i may be biased, but it's pretty good.

I have never kissed an American

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tons of times. It's a cultural thing, like the chinese or japanese. If you allow someone to call you by your first name, they better know you real well. It is also a sign that at anytime, they could look you up in a phone book....

I've never liked having my picture taken.

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Neither have i. four hours is just too long a film for me.

I have never broken a bone.

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It can be disconcerting, but once or twice it felt kind of conspiratorial, and the vibe was more like: "I think you're cute!"

I never ran farther away from home than 1/2 a block

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Guest Melody Fate

Well, besides the battle ship across my chest, no.

Seriously? No tats either. If I was 20 years younger, I'd probably have a million of them, but in my age, only the badasses did that and while I was a badass, I didn't want to be identified so easily as one.

I have never peirced anything but my ears.

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Guest SilverFox-chan

I have! I pierced my bellybutton, but I had to take it out last year. It wouldn't heal right and 3 months later I was pregnant...( I plan on getting it redone once I drop the weight I gained while pregnant ).

I have never had stitches. ( Staples, yes, stitches no.. )

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