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I Have Never....

Guest Melody Fate

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Guest Melody Fate

I have. Of course, I'm one of the few people who ever got a speeding ticket on a Moped too.

I have never eaten the "Green part" of a lobster, despite several assurances that it is "absolutely delicious."

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Guest Melody Fate

By differences, do you mean, "I'm pukesick and running a temperature, so if I don't want to infect you, I'd better sleep on the couch?" If so, yes. If only "I'm mad at you!" No.

I have never played "he loves me he loves me not" with a real daisy.

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I haven't either. With one exception, I could pretty much tell that every woman I've met wasn't interested in me.

I have never... e-mailed someone else porn.

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Guest Melody Fate

I have. I'm going three years on the pair in the car and two years on the pair I use when I walk.

I have never put a twinkie in the microwave.

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I have. It was a complete waste of money. They kept wanting me to drink and I kept telling them no.

I met a porn star once at a comic book convention. She was a real bitch too.

I have never... bought a new car.

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Guest Melody Fate

I have. It was an interesting experience. Apparently though, encouraging the strippers into having intelectual conversation is frowned upon by horny women enjoying "Girls night out."

I have never been to a strip club with strippers of the same sex as me.

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I have. I was in grade 3, and running. He caught my wrist in his teeth, but his mouth did not go around my wrist. I had four teeth marks on the inside of my arm. Freaked me.

I've never been bitten by a cat (play biting doesn't count, no broken skin)

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Guest Mike256bit

I have. We were shaving the matted fur off his back and he aggressively licked my hand, following up with a vicious bite.

I've never owned fewer than two cats at a time.

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