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I Have Never....

Guest Melody Fate

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Guest Mike256bit

I never had a real problem with it, but I did have a pseudo-addiction to papaya pills. Though, they were chewable.

I've never had real papaya.

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Guest Pherazen

I used to take those Flinstones vitamins when I was a kid. Man, they were N.A.S.T.Y.. With an extra big capital N.

I have never been able to figure out a fitting anagram for N.A.S.T.Y..

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i have never broken a bone.

how's that for a boring life, i had a cousin who broke her arm twice in the same year climbing the same tree.

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Well, since someone can't read the rules, we'll just skip over him/her.

I have. The nearest Chinese restaurant to my college dorm was 9 blocks away.

I have never... watched an episode of Friends.

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Guest Pherazen

I have, but most people call it "Summer Camp". Strange people, they.

I have never answered the phone bearing a number I didn't recognize with a simple "Hello?"

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Guest Melody Fate

Me either, unless you count sitting around on my ass as a sport, then I'm the champion, baby!

I have never eaten an entire package of those "red hot" candy hearts.

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Guest Madapple

I have never returned to Boston to place a sign that reads "Actual Size" in front of John Hancock's memorial stone in the Old Granary Cemetary. Incidently, the monument looks like a twelve-foot erection.

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Guest Melody Fate

Okay... I'll answer Soulsearcher, since Madapple got a tad confused.

I have never owned an MP3 player.

I own two right now.

I have never bought MP3's. (I have so many CD's, I just convert what I have)

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Ooh, quamp, you're missing out! I've e-mailed...er, what was it now? Oh, never mind, I recieved an mp3. some kind of gunslinger girl song. it was swell.

I've never gone into a "chat" room.

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