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I Have Never....

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Guest echtrae

Neither have I.

I have never been swept away by a tornado.

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Well, I've been in a tornado, but I wasn't swept away. It was back in elementary school in Plano. I was surrounded by a bunch of screaming, terrified kids (one of them being me.)

I have never... enjoyed being around screaming kids.

Guest echtrae

I've been to many.

I have never successfully controlled the weather.

Guest echtrae

I have, and they even had a dog with them that almost seemed to talk.

I have never had my doomsday device disarmed before the one second mark.


I haven't either. I usually don't have to kidnap someone to get their attention.

I have never understood why celebrities do stupid shit when they know we're looking and waiting for it.


It keeps them in the tabloids. They crave attention. The best thing to do, IMO, is ignore them.

I have never... subscribed to a tabloid.


They're just curious. Of course, it's been theorized that children are genetically programmed to disobey. Why is not clear.

I have never... shown adult material to a minor.

Guest echtrae

Neither have I.

I have never read the Hardy Boys books either.


I have. Two that come to mind are Monty Python's Flying Circus and Mystery Science Theater 3000.

I have never... had my VCR (or tivo) set to record a show every time it aired since MST3K ended.


As I never really wathched MST3K I would have to say I haven't either.

I have never watched a show religiously to the point where I made sure I never missed it.

Guest echtrae

Neither have I, but I have made reasonable efforts to watch episodes of shows that I enjoyed.

I have never understood why stations will move a show that is doing well in one time-slot to another and then voice amazement in the cancellation notice because the ratings had fallen.

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