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I Have Never....

Guest Melody Fate

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me neither. I wanted one, too. But, I'm too damn healthy and not one iota accident prone. (sighs) Healthy and strong as a horse. I'll never live it down (searches some more for lost head) sad.gif

Never drank Glenfiddich

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Guest Mike256bit

If that's what you call that thing where you spray saliva out from under the tongue, I have full command over my sublingual glands and can do it pratically nonstop.

I have never broken a bone.

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Guest Mike256bit

I usually dig them but last week the lightning was right over head so the blinding flashes of light and deafening resonanting booms of superheated air were kind of unpleasant.

I've been been electrocuted

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Guest SilverFox-chan

I have! The windshield on my dad's old truck got struck by lightning, and was scarier was that my whole family and I were in the vehicle!! blink.gif

I have never smoked a joint.

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"Under advice from my lawyer, I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that it may tend to incriminate me."

I have never... snorted cocaine or any deriviative thereof.

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I accidentally got rootbeer in my nose, but I was trying to swallow it, and then I burped. Very unpleasant. I think somebody got ninja'd. (Don't worry Animefan249, some people stay virgins for a long long time. Best not to rush things. Your genetic material is too precious to waste on just anyone.)

I've never been able to shut up if I think someone needs gratuitous advice.

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I drank so hard in a bar, I ended up under the table! No, wait, I meant, I "laughed" so hard in a bar, I ended up under the table. Ah, the same damn thing.

I've never oogled someone, or whistled at someone attractive

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I have. 10 pm to 6 am at McDonalds. The horror...

I've never been in a padded room.

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Can't recall, but I may have been in a drug-induced haze. I think my brother brought a straight jacket home once....(I wonder where he got that thing?)

I've never owned a brand new couch. They've all been 2nd hand.

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