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This is more like a complaint, but I don't know where else to put this--I imagine it will be relocated.

The staff made a space in most of the story sections for people to ask about fics and where to find them--specifically, "Looking for a fic". And these links exist in the very large and popular sections of AFF.net, i.e. Harry Potter....

WHY are people still asking for fics IN the freaking story sections!?! And half the time the fic they're looking for doesn't even bloody well pertain to the section its in.

Is this coming up because of something in the coding when posting the the new request or is it because of the idiocy of people on the site? Is there a way that the staff can remove these or move them to the correct section of the site? Because it's getting extremely irritating when, everytime I open a page there's like 5 new requests looking for fics on the page--it's completely spamming up the section reserved for actual fics and it's just downright rude and irritating when people aren't looking and posting in the correct sections.

Isn't there anything that can be done about this?

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This was more like a rant, but meh.

Not a lot of people actually check the "Looking for story." sections, and I guess people think it'll be seen better if it's right in the middle of your story section. Though, that's pointless since 1: No one is going to click it if they don't care, just like they're not going to click the "Looking for a story" section, and 2:... No, there's only one reason.

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Actually, we're kicking around a few ideas to streamline the whole looking for a fic thing to begin with. Part of which would actually use the forum; and kill it entirely in the archive. (That section is guest post/view enabled btw). Also, in the near future there is going to be some serious restructuring of the ENTIRE archive, to make it easier to navigate in general. However, we ask for patience, there are only THREE of us who actually do any kind of coding.

As to people posting "looking/searching for a fic" in the storyboards, I would imagine that those can and SHOULD be deleted.

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Actually, we're kicking around a few ideas to streamline the whole looking for a fic thing to begin with. Part of which would actually use the forum; and kill it entirely in the archive. (That section is guest post/view enabled btw). Also, in the near future there is going to be some serious restructuring of the ENTIRE archive, to make it easier to navigate in general. However, we ask for patience, there are only THREE of us who actually do any kind of coding.

As to people posting "looking/searching for a fic" in the storyboards, I would imagine that those can and SHOULD be deleted.

3 people??? >.< Guh, that must be a nightmare. Well I hope the problem is taken care of soon, thank you!

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3 people??? >.< Guh, that must be a nightmare. Well I hope the problem is taken care of soon, thank you!

*snickers* It may be a nightmare, but its better then in the past when it was one person coding and a comittee who they had to get things spoved before they could do it. now there is no comittee and 3 good coders. Big improvement.

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*snickers* It may be a nightmare, but its better then in the past when it was one person coding and a comittee who they had to get things spoved before they could do it. now there is no comittee and 3 good coders. Big improvement.

HUGE improvement. HUGE. Coding by committee SUCKS :lol:

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hehe, this has to do with php, sql, and relational databasing in general. That kind of coding....

Comparatively, html is EASY

No, it's not it's evil and only people who are freaking evil geniouses can do it.... because it is evil.

*feels that way only because Squall can't do coding for shit.*

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