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I'm really used to being on active, lively forums since I used to frequent a few bigger name boards. ; ; But AFF is so.. quiet. I mean, that's no one's fault, really. It just doesn't have a lot of traffic yet unfortunately.

I wish more people here would just comment and talk a little more. I've noticed there seems to be a sort of lack of that. > 3 < But it'll fix in time, I'm sure. Growing community and all..

@ x @ Still want AFF people to talk to, though.

-ends mild complaint-


The AFF users tend to be more mature than other forums, like MediaMiner and Fanfiction.net. We have things like jobs, and spouses. So... No time to forum monkey around, though, I still have time for it, obviously.


I flick back and forth from the main site to the forum quite a few times a day.

Sometimes I will spend hours on the forum and then hours on the site itself.

You will find everyone hopping in here for a few minutes to check out the new posts and stuff.

But what I love right now, is that people are coming here. Soon, they'll be talking to the authors of their favorite stories and soon the plot bunnies will be popping up everywhere here.



I've actually never used MM or FF.net, Dark. xD So I can't really say much about their communities. c: And I know we have jobs/school to tend to, I have those things to take care of too. Even still, I'm just saying on a whole, it's sorta quiet here. It's not like all adults are busy 24/7. xD

The dreaded plot bunnies. *cocks shot gun* I will exterminate them all! .. And use their plotless fur for PWPs! c: They make nice blankets you know, Solaris.

-doesn't normally approve of animal fur being used, but these are plotbunnies we're talking about!-

The dreaded plot bunnies. *cocks shot gun* I will exterminate them all! .. And use their plotless fur for PWPs! c: They make nice blankets you know, Solaris.

-doesn't normally approve of animal fur being used, but these are plotbunnies we're talking about!-


I had to skin a few plot bunnies myself to put the ideas in some of my slashy stories.



Oh I'm with ya - so many plot bunnies must be destroyed. It's not fair when they converge at once keep you from finishing things you started well over a year ago *goes plot bunny hunting*

Guest orleans
Oh I'm with ya - so many plot bunnies must be destroyed. It's not fair when they converge at once keep you from finishing things you started well over a year ago *goes plot bunny hunting*

I hope you don't mind me joining your hunt *loading gun* These beasts are soooo nasty nowadays!



I sort of like a bit of quietness over a severely active board where you hardly recognize any users. I haven't noticed it much though, I spend most of my time in the real world and on another site (roleplaying site). I visit AFF once or twice a day at least.


It doesn't tend to get too quiet lately... Aldatariel and Shinju keep me on my toes in forum games a lot lately.. And I have noticed the numer of posts per day, as well as the number of online users on average, rise significantly in the last month or so.

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