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I've spent the last few days trawling the net looking for Sonic-related forums to promote my fanfics and came across one in particular. I posted, saying, 'please read these' or something longer and better-crafted to that effect, and got a reply from somebody saying they liked the couple of stories they'd read.

I said thanks, all reviews are appreciated. Fast forward to today, and I log on to look for any further replies and what do I get? Another forum member saying, 'the previous poster was being sarcastic, but some of your stuff isn't too bad'.

Maybe that shouldn't wind me up but it got on my nerves!

Right, anyway, that's it. End of. I'm going to stop ranting now. Thankyouforlistening.


Aye, I see a smigeon of truth in that one.

Thanks all. What I find a bit of a piss-taker, though, is that what Monty Python would have called, 'The Naughty Bits' of my fics are only there to add another dimension, more spice. They're not the central point of my fics.

As I write about a guerilla group I write about missions, and take time and care to make them well-paced, action-full and engrossing. I hope at least. And none of that got a bloody mention.

Is the word 'penis' that bloody shocking?


omigawsh D: You said penis!

No, I think some of the other words and analogies for anatomy are more shocking because they're used as insults or come across as really rude (maybe the latter is just me).

But perhaps some people want to think they have pristine eyes.

omigawsh D: You said penis!

No, I think some of the other words and analogies for anatomy are more shocking because they're used as insults or come across as really rude (maybe the latter is just me).

But perhaps some people want to think they have pristine eyes.

Yeah, well you said, 'come'! rolleyes.gif

I think you make a fair point, though. Ah well smile.gif


i don't see how the person would know those who reviewed before him/her are being sarcastic. if it was me, i would say this person is probably jealous and trying to make you feel awful. ^^;;


I agree. The person who stated that was either acting jealous or he or she just wanted to make you feel bad.

I take those types of reviews with a grain of kosher salt.


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