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Now Im not one to look down on anyone for their preference of fic but come on people where are all the Canon pairng and character writers out there? One would think that everyone in the HP realm is gay and are bonking their current/ex professors! I'm not againast the slash storyline but TBH I prefer reading het fics.

Now I'm exclusively a canon character person(Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny, Draco/Pansy, Fred/Angelina, Katie/George, Oliver Wood/Alicia Spinnet(I know the Oliver/Alicia,Fred/Angelina, Katie/George pairings haven' been confirmed, unless you count in book 4 where Fred asked Angelina to the Yule Ball)but that's my fan fic mind running wild cool.gif ). But there seem to be hardly any Canon pairing stories around lately!

I'm plugging away at my own Harry/Ginny story but I would love it if occasionally some new stories popped up. They don't necessarily have to be Harry and Ginny but a good het canon character story would be good!

So canon character/pairing writers let your pesence be known! You can't just exist in my head! tongue.gifbiggrin.giftongue.gifbiggrin.gif


I wrote a HP/GW story called Fateful encounters. Am working on the second chapter adding more stuff to it beyond making it just another sex filled story.

I did write one HP/GW where I made them break up only to end up having it be a GW/DM story but it turned out to be just a dream for Ginny.



I think it depends on the author's own preferences. I, for example, don't like HP/GW, but I don't write slash, either.

I think that here on AFF the fanon/rare pairs are more popular. Other sites do host more of the cannon pairs...look there, you might find more stories of what you like. Just my two cents.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I have a DM/HG story entitled State of the Union that I just finished up. Book 7 Spoiler: >>

Unfortunately, with the release of the latest book, it's no longer canon compatible, but I can live with that.


Edited by Duchess

I don't know what canon means (shame)

but HP/GW is the incarnation of the devil. Open your eyes to the glory of HP/HG!!!

well, harry's not that great but he'll have to do >_>

I don't know what canon means (shame)

but HP/GW is the incarnation of the devil. Open your eyes to the glory of HP/HG!!!

well, harry's not that great but he'll have to do >_>

Canon is generally what is described in the books and thus 'set in stone', like facts, names and happenings. Forexample, from the books we know that Harry has green eyes and a lightning bolt shaped scar on his forehead, and so on...

Hope that helped.

  • 2 months later...
Guest Tuftiperkys
Posted (edited)

I think I can help you out with this. Where to find het pairings anyway: http://partial-eclipse.net/lists/bypairing.html

That has Harry/Cho, Harry/Ginny, Bill/Fleur, Arthur/Molly, James/Lily, Lucius/Narcissa, Ron/Hermione, Hermione/Viktor, Neville/Ginny (if you count them going to the Yule Ball together, that is) and way, way more. As well as tons and tons of glorious slash with pairings you would never think of and mix-gender and femslash. You're bound to find good canon pairings within but I wouldn't know personally since I don't read het.

But just for the record, the reason why there's so much slash as compared to het is because het's gross. Haha. <_< I only write and read slash myself. Hope I managed to help a little anyway! Good luck in your search!

Edited by Tuftiperkys
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