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Looking for GW 1x2

Guest Wren88

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I'm looking for an old GW fic, I can't remember title or author, but I think I can summarize it.

The setting is rather medieval, there is no modern technology, and the story starts out in a little, isolated village.

Duo is a carrier, that is, a man who can give birth. He ends up pregnant, and his father kicks him out of the house because he is no longer "pure." Heero comes and claims Duo as his own, even though he isn't the father, Wufei is. Problem is, is that Duo's father had promised Duo to some mercenary lord, and he comes to claim Duo since he is of age. Duo has a miscarriage because of stress, and other events, and Trowa (a healer) manages to save his life.

Due to lots of action, the village is ruined, and Heero, Duo, and Trowa flee. They end up meeting with Zechs (a carrier hybrid who's father (from a different country)raped his mother, and had to keep his hybrid status a secret) and Treize, a very important lord. They all travel together because of Treize's duties.

That's all I can really remember, and thanks!

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