Three Dead Hearts Posted September 5, 2012 Report Posted September 5, 2012 I personally love Dom!Harry slash stories, and yet there are so few of the out there, compared to all of the rest, so I am creating a challenge on it. It is a very simple challenge really, with only one requirement. Write a story about dominant!Harry slash. The longer the story the better in my mind. Also any guys would do, but some of my personal favorite are Tom Riddle/Voldemort, Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape and Sirius Black, well really anyone that you would expect to see submitting to Harry. I'd also like if it didn't involve Draco Malfoy, that is practically were you find all of the Dom!Harry stories, but I am not making that requirement. I'd much rather it be someone completely unusual, and least expected like Salazar Slytherin or the vampire Sanguini. Well that is all I have to say. Please let me know if you are taking the challenge, and when you have the story up. Thanks. Quote
Three Dead Hearts Posted December 4, 2013 Author Report Posted December 4, 2013 (edited) Hmm, well people don't seem too interested in taking a non-specific general challenge, how about a more plot based one? - Optional Title: Behind the Dreams - Tom Riddle has had a reoccurring dream throughout his life, start when he was five. Each dream is about the same thing, only he can never remember it when he awakes. All he does remember of it is a vague mixture of feelings, hope, fear, remorse, pain, longing, pleasure, and scariest of all (to Tom) desire. Things that for most part he tries to keep confined. The reached their peak on his seventeenth birthday, were he had the most intense one of them yet. This time along with the emotions, which were stronger than before, he also remembered a pair of blazing green eyes. After the last dream, they start to fade away, but the feelings and image stick with him. He unconsciously starts to search for the owner of the eyes. He never finds anything until one day to great shock, he spots a firey young red-headed which with almost identical eyes to those in his dream. Yet they were not the eyes he was looking for. He knew though, that he was getting close. It wasn't until he was starring into the eyes of a fourteen-year-old boy in a graveyard after returning from the realm of the nearly dead, did if find what he looking for. Harry Potter's life had recently taken an unusual turn. Over the last year he had at random points been feeling the need to dominate, control, possess something. He had no idea what it was though, he just knew that he wanted, needed, craved it. He did know why he was feeling those things. For he had a secret, a rather dark secret. One that no one world in the world other than he knew. It all started when he was five. Harry been banished from the Dursleys house that night in punishment for some imagined slight that he done earlier, though real reason for it was so that Durselys could get rid of him, and not have the freak disturbing their guests. It wasn't really a bad night to be outside, after all it was rather warm, and for once even dry. It was also the full moon, meaning that Harry had plenty of light to see by. Since he wasn't very tired he decided to go an enjoy the park and take full advantage of the rare opportunity, despite the fact that it was already dark out. It wasn't until much later that he realized that that was a very bad idea. When he reached the park, he went straight for the swings, not noticing that anything was the matter. Not until he heard a growl that is. Turning to his left he stared wide eyed in horror, as this humongous beast towered over him. To make a long story short, the beast Talked to Harry, and sort of bonded with him. Making him have some rather wolfish tendencies, and a strong craving for red meats. The wolf start to train Harry, for the next several years, before leaving him completely and informing him it is time to find his mate. When Harry sees Tom come out of the cauldron he knows that is who he must dominate and control... and well that is when this start to get interesting. - Absolute MUSTS for this Story: Pairing has to be Harry/Tom, and Harry HAS to be the dominate member, which means Tom is submissive to Harry. That would really only be their in bed relationship, with all else they a basically equals. Hmm, that is really the only one I can think of... - Cool suggestions that could be done: Harry actually has more than one mate, each of those mates would be even more submissive than Tom, meaning the are submissive to Tom as well as Harry. They could be just about anyone, though suggestions for people I'd like to see would be Lucius, Fenrir, and either or both of the Lestrange brothers. Girls are welcome to be included, though if they are used I kind of want to them to be more equals to Tom than just submissive. Suggestions for them would be Ginny, Luna and Gabrielle. If you were to somehow incorporate all of my suggested characters in I would love you for eternity and beyond. If the story where to have a plot that would be nice, but not required. - BIG NO NOS: No bashing of the entire female gender, which also means no bashing of every female character in the books barring maybe one or two. Also no Weasley bashing! (Come on people lets have some dark side Weaselys, siding with Harry) - Other than that pretty much anything goes, feel free to change my plot around as well, as I did get somewhat specific in certain things. Edited December 22, 2013 by Three Dead Hearts Quote
Guest Windrose1013 Posted December 17, 2013 Report Posted December 17, 2013 Has anyone already agreed to attempt your prompt? If not, then I would gladly take it on. It seems fascinating. Quote
Three Dead Hearts Posted December 22, 2013 Author Report Posted December 22, 2013 Not that I am aware of, and please do! Quote
Guest Bekii Posted December 30, 2013 Report Posted December 30, 2013 I would like to participate. It sounds very interesting and I would like to give it a try. Quote
Three Dead Hearts Posted December 31, 2013 Author Report Posted December 31, 2013 I open to anyone giving it a go! The more the merrier I say! So please, if you are interested have at it! Quote
Three Dead Hearts Posted January 1, 2014 Author Report Posted January 1, 2014 (edited) Okay I really don't have much of anything for this post. I keep trying to come up with an idea for this, but my brain just keeps going blank on me. So, small challenge, all the is really to it is right a Dom!Harry, Harry/Fenrir story. I would love to see more of those. I have only ever read/seen one, and the was Alphas on So is you would right one that would be fantastic. You can do it as long or as short as you please, and with whatever else you want in it. Just has to be those two things. Though, Harry as an Alpha would be great too. Edited January 1, 2014 by Three Dead Hearts Quote
Three Dead Hearts Posted December 15, 2014 Author Report Posted December 15, 2014 Okay, here I am again dying for some Dom!Harry stories. They are as hard to find as ever, so I have duel purpose for this post. First, I hope that someone will adopt and write one of the ideas above, and secondly that someone will take one of the two ideas I have now and make it into a story. ------------- Okay, so this idea is for a Harry Potter/Percy Jackson X-over (I don't really know if this is allowed here, but I'll post it just to see, here's hoping). It's really quite a simple idea, I would positively LOVE to see a story where Harry Dominates at least Ares, if not more of the Greek/Roman gods. I can see it now.... such a story would be so delicious! Options to include: Well, anything... I could really go for just about anything for this story... ----------- The other kind of story I'd like to see at the moment is a Harry/Harem fic, where is the complete and total dominate/alpha and there are both men and women in the group. The only requirement I give is that use some of the characters I list in that Harem, not all of them just some of them. And those characters are: Ginny Weasley Luna Lovegood Gabriella Delacour Fleur Delacour Seamus Finnigan Bill Weasley Charlie Weasley Fenrir Greyback Tom Riddle/Voldemort Lucius Malfoy And that is about it... Though if you include all of them I'd love for eternity and beyond. Also please try to use at least one of the girls AND one of the guys! Quote
jojo Posted December 15, 2014 Report Posted December 15, 2014 I think this could be a great fic. I hope somebody picks up your challenge. Quote
Three Dead Hearts Posted February 4, 2015 Author Report Posted February 4, 2015 How about some random story prompts: Draco decides to kill two birds with one stone, so to in payment of all the debts he owes Harry he gives him his son, Scorpius. This is also because he finds Scorpius to be unfit heir, and wants to raise a new heir in his stead. What is Harry to do with young Malfoy scion? Kingsley is tired of being in charge all the time and goes to his Head Auror, Harry Potter, for help. Ever since Harry first saw Tom in the Diary he decided Tom Marvolo Riddle was going to be his, no matter what. Lucius decides to visit a new club, and is shocked to discover Harry Potter there. What shocks him even more is just how much wants to submit to this new and improved Potter. (Couple things for this one: wizards live twice as long as muggles, so once they reach adulthood they age way slower, so Lucius is still relatively young by wizard standards. Being Master of Death has some very surprising side effects, such as an uncontrollable libido, and sudden interest in creating his own personal harem. (Can contain just girls, guys and girls, or just guys. Characters I'd like to see in it is anyone mentioned in the above posts, and absolutely NO Draco.) First Draco lost his son to Harry Bloody Potter, now his daughter is chasing after the git too. (Okay, despite how this one sounds I don't want to Draco to be the main character, he should be the antagonist of the story. So please don't take this one if you really like Draco, because this one is me wanting to see Draco constantly losing to Harry.) One day while out on a walk a kid latches himself/herself to Harry and insists on calling him father. Harry has no idea what to do accept look for the kid's parents, when he finds them he is in for a shock. (I'm leaving the pairing for this one open, possible options I enjoy seeing are listed above in this topic.) Requirements, for all of the these: No character bashing (for the first one Harry and Ginny can share Scorpius, or you can find a plausible reason for them to break up or never have gotten together, same deal for the others), Dom/Sub relationships or Master/Slave works too, Harry MUST be the Dom, and some bdsm would be nice as well... I like bondage and biting. The longer the better in my opinion, but one-shots works as well. Just make sure it is not a drabble, as those simply aren't satisfying enough. Make it at least 2000 words. I leave everything else up to you. Though, I'd be happy to offer other suggestions if you'd like. I do like a possessive Harry... Confident and Powerful Harry is also always right up my alley. I prefer a none blushing Harry. And I always really enjoyed stories where he can cook, is head Auror, and owns a cafe/bar/club. Lastly, (on my Harry tidbits at any rate) I don't much like naive!Harry, there are just to many of those around. All these stories MUST be Harry centric, though it is not required they are told from his POV. p.s. If at least some these are taken up and completed I might do more in future. Quote
Three Dead Hearts Posted February 13, 2015 Author Report Posted February 13, 2015 (edited) Okay, so I know I said that I would wait and see if anyone took those, but I had a few more ideas. Same rules applies as for the above post. Prompts Continued: Harry accidentally drinks or is doused in a messed up lust potion and is in major need of help to work it out of his system. The potion is a lot stronger than normal, and lasts way longer than it should. He will need more than one person to help. Voldemort recognizes Harry as someone from his past, and sends Harry back to his time at Hogwarts. What is Harry to do stuck with a young Tom Riddle for a year? After his best friend, Albus Potter's mother dies, Scorpius decides he wants to make Harry Potter forget his misery and repay all the debts he and his family owe. In payment for keeping them out of Azkaban, the Malfoys now belong to Harry. This is a secret kept from the world, no one knows of it, not even Scorpius. Not until it is his turn to help pay back their debts. Ginny is aware of this, and sometimes even joins in with Harry. Narcissa was exempted from it as she helped Harry defeat Voldemort, as is Astoria as she owes no debt to him. So the ones paying back all of the debts would be Lucius, Draco, Scorpius and any other future born Malfoy, male or female, until Harry dies. Which could in fact be never, because I do like me an immortal Harry (blame the Hallows). If you decide to take this far enough into the future, any Malfoy daughters could be made to be Harry's wife or wives. Though, Harry would never stop the men from continuing the Malfoy family line, their wives must all know first and foremost all Malfoys belong to Harry. Edited February 27, 2015 by Three Dead Hearts Quote
Three Dead Hearts Posted February 28, 2015 Author Report Posted February 28, 2015 Okay so I keep getting ideas, so I'm just gonna keep posting them here. These prompts follow the same rules as the ones above. Scorpius had enough of all the demands and expectations his his father lays on him. He doesn't want to lead, he wants to submit, so he turns to the most powerful and dominant man he knows, Harry Potter. Voldemort kidnaps Harry and plans to use him in a ritual calling for a virgin sacrifice, only Harry isn't a virgin, but Voldemort is. Because of the botched ritual Voldemort finds himself permanently tied to Harry. After the war Harry becomes restless, so he decides to travel. On his travels he has a run in with a demon, and ends up becoming a hunter. Several year later he finds himself working with Dean and Sam Winchester on a hunt. The hunt goes wrong, and even though the monster is dead, the three of them are trapped together. Harry gits bitten by a werewolf and find himself wanting build himself a pack, of his mates and their offspring. Harry wins the war and decides to keep Tom as his pet. (This would also be interesting if each horcrux is also Harry's pet, so Harry has 1 to 8 Pet!Toms.) Quote
Three Dead Hearts Posted March 20, 2015 Author Report Posted March 20, 2015 HP/Supernatural X-Over Ideas Plot One: When Harry was a child (age seven should be good, but no older than nine) he was saved from a vampire attack by a Hunter. This particular Hunter is an ex-military squib. He doesn't adopt Harry, under the belief the Hunting is no life for a child, but he does visit upon occasion. Teaching him what Hunting means and the little he knows about wizarding world. After Harry's first year when they realize he is a target for Voldemort, that is when the Hunter really starts to train him. Harry decides that what he wants to be after the war is a Hunter, so when Voldemort is done for he goes to America. Where Supernatural activity is really starting to pick up, as apposed the rest of the world, in particularly the maleficent kind. He eventually meets up with the Winchesters and starts working along with them: because, after all, he is Harry Potter, and where there is troubles he has to be right smack in the middle of it. Harry's Hunter mentor has to die at some point, either early on in the story or before it takes place. This fic should focus more one the Supernatural-verse than the Potter-verse, other than having Harry as a central character. Dean was born in 1979, Harry 1980, and Sam 1983, so follow the canon timelines for both verses. The main pairing can be: None, Harry/Dean, Harry/Sam, Harry Castiel, or Harry with any combination of those three choices. The story should focus on the Apocalypse/Dealing with Lucifer part of the series, though it Can merge at any point during that. Harry must be at least six feet tall, very powerful/confident/well built/intelligent, and the top/dom of whatever relationship. Not that the other member(s) should be a weakling, in fact please don't make them one. Whether or not Harry is Master of Death, and if gets any powers/etc from that is up to you, but he most be important enough to be noticed by the demons and angels, and make some kind of difference in the war effort. Also he can't be possessed, much to stubborn for his own good, and demon would never be able to control him. And no he is not an angel's (any angel's) vessel. Also please no character bashing, don't certain characters from the HP-verse, just don't use them (or mention them at all) in it, this is supposed to be a primarily Supernatural fan fiction. As for the Supernatural, I'm not too attached to those characters yet, save for Bobby, Dean, Sam, Castiel, Gabriel and Crowley, is it is not too big of a deal. Plot Two: In an effort to start the Apocalypse sooner, the demons drag a man to hell that they believe righteous enough to break the first seal. Only problem is, Harry Potter is not one to break. Ever. The demons don't give up though, since they captured when he was eighteen they kept him their and tortured and tortured him until Dean arrived, and broke. Meanwhile Harry has been stewing, waiting, planning. He learned of the demons plans for Earth he decided to do everything in his power to thwart them. Unbeknownst to the demons, his powers have been steadily growing while he was down there. He has been waiting for his chance to escape, and finds it when Castiel rescues Dean. When he returns to Earth, he quickly learns of what has been happening, and decides working with the Winchesters is his best bet. This fic should focus more one the Supernatural-verse than the Potter-verse, other than having Harry as a central character. Dean was born in 1979, Harry 1980, and Sam 1983, so follow the canon timelines for both verses. The main pairing can be: None, Harry/Dean, Harry/Sam, Harry Castiel, or Harry with any combination of those three choices. Harry/a good Micheal would be nice too, haven't seen any of those... Through I'd also enjoy him with Crowley and/or Gabriel. Harry must be at least six feet tall, very powerful/confident/well built/intelligent, and the top/dom of whatever relationship. Not that the other member(s) should be a weakling, in fact please don't make them one. Whether or not Harry is Master of Death, and if gets any powers/etc from that is up to you. Also he can't be possessed, much to stubborn for his own good, and demon would never be able to control him. And no he is not an angel's (any angel's) vessel. Also please no character bashing, don't certain characters from the HP-verse, just don't use them (or mention them at all) in it, this is supposed to be a primarily Supernatural fan fiction. As for the Supernatural, I'm not too attached to those characters yet, save for Bobby, Dean, Sam, Castiel, Gabriel and Crowley, is it is not too big of a deal. For the this one, how exactly Harry winds up in Hell is also open to debate, demon dealings is a little cliched, but fine with me if you have no better ideas. P.s. To be honest, I have only just gotten into Supernatural, so most of my information from beyond season one is all gotten from fan fiction, so it might not necessarily be accurate. I do know the ages are right though. Which also means, I haven't actually met most of my favorite characters from the show yet. Quote
Guest HimitsuJou Posted March 10, 2018 Report Posted March 10, 2018 I agree with you. In the fanfic world Dom/Top!Harry is rare, and this fact is very disappointing. I have many plot bunnies that need homes and no one to adopt them. It is times like these I wish I could write, but I always get stuck on the minor details and can’t seem to find the words. Quote
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