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Disclaimer issue


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I recently posted a story called T'pol and the symbiot. A semi crossover with the show star trek enterprise and the Comic series VENOM. In my disclaimer i thought i covered both series. But a warning told me i hadn't. Multiple times i have tried to fix this but the warning wouldn't leave. Now my story has been removed. I don't new what the problem is. I have specifficly disclaimed both the show and the specific comic book series. As well as stated i make no money of the fic. Please tell me exactly what i would have to write in order to save this story.

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Alright, after a consult with BW, the mod that left the initial disclaim, what the issue is is Venom isn't a comic unto itself that we can find but part of another. You need to disclaim the comic it comes from. As that looks like Spiderman, that's what needs disclaimed. If this is wrong, let us know but we can't find a comic unto itself called Venom.

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Thanks, JayDee! Will wait to see what the original poster says then go from there. We've unhidden the story and are sorry if it is our mixup on it. We just couldn't find a comic titled Venom, only as it related to Spiderman.

Edited by Danyealle
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Thank you for un hiding my story. As for the VENOM comic i highly reccommend it. Basic its focus is on flash Tompson who lost his legs in the war on terror. The goverment offers him a place in the new operation rebirth. They captured the venom creature and use it t give him all of spiderman's powers plus his special forces training. Though he has a strick time limit before he has to sepaate from it. While a falesafe bomb is in his brain. I liked a flash back in it where Jameson was declairing him a hero at a press conference to win votes for his election. When he asked him why he went back to save people Tompson said "That's what Spiderman would have done." The look on his face was just awsome.

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