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Do you hate malexmale fanfiction?  

73 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you hate malexmale fanfiction?

    • 1-MalexMale is okay
    • 2-Don't usually read it but I don't hate it
    • 3-Dislike it
    • 6-Love yaoi soooo much that I can type for days~!
    • 7-Write it, read it, and review it!
    • 8-Flame it!
    • 9-Don't mind it but you'll never catch me reading it!
    • 10-Review it all the time!

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Yes, I am sure that sometimes the "ignorant people" would skip author's notes or any warning and just read the story! Also, one time they criticized plot and said how M/M never fits that type of subject! I was like! WHO THE HELL READ IT IF THEY KNOW WHAT IT IS THEN FLAME IT FOR HATING THE TYPE OF COUPLE!(M/M) So yeah, I am sure that sometimes they do read it even if you put up signs.

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Posted (edited)

I'm not a Yaoi fan. I don’t get the attraction. Yuri on the other hand? I'm your girl. <_<

But rather than bash or flame, I just avoid Yaoi all together; it flat out does not interest me. The people who see the M/M codes in a story, then reads them anyway just to bash it, I'm fairly sure are closet homosexuals themselves, and lash out just because they're angry at themselves for living a lie.

But what do I know? I failed Physc 101 a decade ago.

Edited by YuriChampion
  • 2 weeks later...
  YuriChampion said:
I'm not a Yaoi fan. I don’t get the attraction. Yuri on the other hands? I'm your girl. :D

But rather than bash or flame, I just avoid Yaoi all together; it flat out does not interest me. The people who see the M/M codes in a story, then reads them anyway just to bash it, I'm fairly sure are closet homosexuals themselves, and lash out just because they’re angry at themselves for living a lie.

But what do I know? I failed Physc 101 a decade ago.

I agree completely, but see whereas you avoid it all together others who don't like it decide to bash and flame and it makes no sense whatsoever... it's like the others said... Why read it then? I mean they are the ones who chose to waste their time reading something that doesn't interest them or make them uncomfortable. *Shrugs her shoulders* It just comes to show some people can be complete idiots.


o.o; I've always found it strange that some haters go out of their way to wander into slash subsections just to bash. I mean.. wouldn't their time here be better spent reading something they enjoy instead? These things ARE clearly marked, after all.

That aside, I personally love malexmale couples and most things yaoi related. ( I can do without the mpreg, thanks! ) I don't think I -ever- really wrote about hetero couples simply because they didn't appeal to me and most of the female characters I knew at the time I started writing annoying the fucking shit out of me. I found an alternative with pairing guys together, though, and I eventually ended up branching off into original works from there and haven't gotten bored of yaoi yet. c: I've matured, of course, and I do include mentions of het relationships and add in female characters, but all of my sex scenes are yaoi only.

There's so much to do with yaoi couples and there's a lot of boundaries to toy with while writing, so it makes it a lot more fun that other types of stories. 8D That's just how it is for me, though. Reading, writing and reviewing yaoi is just what I do. <3

  • 2 weeks later...

I have the theory that the people flaming yaoi fics even though the warnings are very clear are my cousin's ex girlfriends. He's been married to his HUSBAND for six years now and yet these women keep showing up to 'fix their relationship'. Either that or it's my mom and aunt who keep trying to set him up with new girlfriends as his husband rolls his eyes in the background. I also don't approve of gender switching as at times I feel that people don't like that its two guys so they come up with some excuse to turn one of them into a girl, but I have the common sense to steer away from those fics as soon as I recongnize it instead of ranting about how I don't like it.


um, it's pretty simple... don't read it if you don't like it.  Can't take more than five or so tries before you know if you're into that kind of thing or not.

Personally, I read, write, and review it.


I'm a very open minded reader, I never really wrote M/M, till sometime in 2004 my co-writer and I started to write a story and suddenly I found myself writing M/M action and it turned me on, writing that stuff, I have hinted M/M action but never did it graphically till that year.

I ended up liking it and several of my stories that I have written to date are M/M stories.

If you go into a story that is marked M/M, you must have an open mind about it and not there to flame or bash unless you are the type of person who does that because they hate gay people or that pairing that is in the story itself.



What's wrong with it?

There's too many boy bits, that's what! I get their clothes off, get them all hot and bothered, and then... flop. I have no idea how to write what comes next. :)

Oh, wait, you mean what's wrong with it.

No, the question is what on earth people are doing coming to a fanfiction website and NOT expecting to run into it. D'oh!

It's an integral part of fandom. I'm sometimes puzzled why yaoi seems to be so prevalent to the exclusion of het and yuri, but there's certainly nothing wrong with it.

I just wish that more women would write yuri. Almost every piece I read seems to have been written by a desperately clueless teenaged male.

And to answer the poll question, I read/write het and yuri, don't usually read yaoi unless it's particularly well-written or it focuses on the characters more than the act. I see nothing wrong with gay male sex, I just don't find it a personal turn-on.

  • 2 weeks later...
  SasUke PepSi aDvErTiZeMeNt said:
I've seen a lot of useless flames and it really annoys me to no end! Why would you read a story or even review a story if you knew it was going to be based on a homosexual couple. I've seen so many nasty reviews before based on hate towards the gay community. I personally enjoy them and don't like even calling them a fag or stuff like that because I have the decency to know they are still people. They are only people who like their own gender! BIG DEAL! It may seem wrong to many people but that's your problem to deal with. I am sick and tired of seeing reviews like:

"Ewwwwww, I hate yaoi/malexmale/homosexual couples! It's so -beeping- nasty! Why would you write -beep- like this!?"

It gets worse people! I can't believe so much hate that is towards the gay community/Fanfic's/Original Stories! It disgusts me! I'm not gay/lesbian but I can understand what it is! People, please! Think for once and try and say-"Oh my god! They are people too! Why am I flaming this person just for writing a story! It's not real but I'm stressing the fact out!"

I wrote a story once and I got this really mean review! That person said that why would I post up stuff like that, and we should be banned for posting crap like this! I was so angry! I write Naruto Fanfiction and it's not real so why make the issue such a big deal for?

I also have some original fic's but flames still come and I am like-


I mean c'mon! Grow up.


*I stand up* yes.gif<_<two_thumbs.gif

Who else will too?

Allison AKA Pepsi-chan

I stand up in agreement! :clap:

  Iggy Lovechild said:
I've personally only gotten one flame that was like, "omg! Yaoi is gross!"

Honestly, I think the poor fucker was just looking to flame, tho'. I mean, I had disclaimers and warnings all over the damned place. What do I have to do, spell it out in big letters:


It's a bit annoying.

LOL yeah seriously! I don't have a problem with homosexuality and are friends with some of them, heck, I'm Bi myself! But people are so ignorant, immature, dumbasses who can't seem to read the warnings for some damn reason! I mean seriously people, LOVE has NO GENDER DAMMIT!!!! If it's real love for another person without it being lustful or selfish, it's LOVE! ENOUGH SAID! D< FUCKING HATERS!!!! (not to any of you guys, but towards the homophobes >.>) I don't write yaoi/yuri myself, but I do read it if it's done right. ^^;
Posted (edited)

I have nothing against gay people. Hell, even my religion has endores (Whatever) for the last five thousand years. I love lesbians (I'm a guy BTW) and I love FemSlash and although I'm gayish you won't catch me dead reading a M/M fic. No problem here but it just makes me twitch.

My 2 cents

Edit: And homophobes can go to hell for all I care

Edited by The_Pastmaster

I'm going to be honest here and say that I just don't like yaoi or yuri stuff. Not that there's anything wrong with it, it's just that I'm not too interested in it. Gay sex just isn't a turn-on for me. I probably won't ever write M/M or F/F stuff, but if the story's good and focuses more on the plot and other things and not just the sex, then I would be fine with reading it.

I think part of the reason is that I tend to not be able to relate with any of the characters in yaoi stories. I'm not a male nor am I gay, and since it's not a turn on, it just sort of... falls flat with me. Heck, there are a bunch of heterosexual stories that I don't like, just because I can't relate with any of the characters! I guess I'm just a picky reader when it comes to stories. I'm open to reading a bunch of things, sure, but if I don't like it, I usually won't review it. No use yelling at the author for my own personal tastes.

  Juno said:
I'm going to be honest here and say that I just don't like yaoi or yuri stuff. Not that there's anything wrong with it, it's just that I'm not too interested in it. Gay sex just isn't a turn-on for me. I probably won't ever write M/M or F/F stuff, but if the story's good and focuses more on the plot and other things and not just the sex, then I would be fine with reading it.

I think part of the reason is that I tend to not be able to relate with any of the characters in yaoi stories. I'm not a male nor am I gay, and since it's not a turn on, it just sort of... falls flat with me. Heck, there are a bunch of heterosexual stories that I don't like, just because I can't relate with any of the characters! I guess I'm just a picky reader when it comes to stories. I'm open to reading a bunch of things, sure, but if I don't like it, I usually won't review it. No use yelling at the author for my own personal tastes.

Yeah, agreed, I'm the same way. v__v I'm just as picky when reading as well as when it comes to writing, I prefer plots than just straight to the sex and then some. It has to flow together and make sense to me in order to keep me interested.

Okay....seriously.....I love the fact that people are sharing their thoughts on how they feel useless flames on hating anytype of fic(even though it is based on MalexMale here people! XD), I still appreciate the fact that you all actually took the time to post up your thoughts!*Cheesy grin* :D


Ah no problem! You got to share the love and stand up for those who are being harrassed by homophobes! I don't mind beating some homophobe asses myself. >.> Like to shove a pink dildo up their homophobe virgin asses. >D I'm telling ya, I think homophobes are really gay themselves, their just in denial and can't leave the closet cause their pussys! When there are people who are brave enough to come out and face who they really are and share it with others who are hopefully understanding. We shouldn't feel ashamed of our sexual preferences, love is LOVE!

It took my father (HUGE HOMOPHOBE and a FUNDY BAPTIST) awhile to come to terms with my decision (sexual preference) and still love me for who I am; I'm still his kid and has feelings who hasn't changed no matter what and should still be loved regardless. We got in a huge argument about this and I told him "If I was gay would you still love me!?" (at the time I was coming to my own conclusion of my sexual oreientation) took him awhile to answer that but he came to me later and said yes, he would still love me if I was gay. (It was a test to see how far my fathers love would go for me, cause I know he cant stand homosexuals and hates them, but I wanted to see for myself if he has that for me, because I am Bi. He's not happy about it, tries to be accepting of it, but we just don't talk about it and go on with our lives. Sad I know... -__-)

My family's way of love is... well... its complicating. >.>;

Ah no problem! You got to share the love and stand up for those who are being harrassed by homophobes! I don't mind beating some homophobe asses myself. >.> Like to shove a pink dildo up their homophobe virgin asses. >D

I might take you up on that offer..... :D awesome.....XDD


SWEET~! XD I'll meet you at the straight bar down the street at midnight. I'll be dressed in a blue coat and holding a dildo sword and standing in the shadows by the bar. XD; You bring the lube and rope and any other toys you would like to use as torture for the homophobes! >D

It's PARTY TIME! :rolleyes:

SWEET~! XD I'll meet you at the straight bar down the street at midnight. I'll be dressed in a blue coat and holding a dildo sword and standing in the shadows by the bar. XD; You bring the lube and rope and any other toys you would like to use as torture for the homophobes! >D


HELL YEAH! I'll be the one with the black trench coat and binoculars!! XD and will be holding handcuffs, rope, gag ball, a neon green didlo and some of that masochistic lube that makes asses burn! BWAHAHAHAHA! LET'S GO HOMOPHOBE HUNTING!

  SasUke PepSi aDvErTiZeMeNt said:
HELL YEAH! I'll be the one with the black trench coat and binoculars!! XD and will be holding handcuffs, rope, gag ball, a neon green didlo and some of that masochistic lube that makes asses burn! BWAHAHAHAHA! LET'S GO HOMOPHOBE HUNTING!

anyone else care to join? >.>



WOOT~! YEAH, LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED RIGHT!*Invades straight bar with two accomplces*



I love reading m/m fics...based on shows, movies, original characters, whatever.

I'm female, and bi, and (as far as humans go) they typically say "write what you know"...I don't know what an orgasm feels like for a man, so I'd be useless at trying to write one, so I don't write any.

I think I got my "whatever" attitude from the way I grew up. My grandfather was extremely racist (I was actually surprised we DIDN'T find any KKK material when we went through his shit)...and I was adopted. All the time growing up, I knew I wanted to find my birth parents and couldn't help thinking, if one of my parents/grandparents are anything but "white", is he going to hate me, too? Having him for a grandfather was actually a good thing, it opened my eyes a lot, at a very early age.

Because of that...and having a boyfriend who lived with a gay friend...well...we'd all get together to watch movies, I'd be kissing my boyfriend, his roommate would be kissing his boyfriend, all on the same couch. I will say it was a little weird at first, since I'd never really had it 'in my face", but I never had that "ew" or "that's SO wrong" thought form.

People are people...we grow up to love who we love whether it's someone of the opposite gender or someone of the same. We can't just turn off our feelings. With as much prejudice that's still out there today, I want sometimes just want to shout "Do you think someone would CHOOSE to be this way, knowing people like you are going to hate him/her JUST because they love someone of the same gender??" We can't help how we're born. Gay, straight or lesbian, it's about finding that one person who makes you feel secure, who takes your breath away, who you know will be there for you and with you no matter what...and knowing you effect them the same way.

All that said........Count me in on the invasion!!!!!! hehe You men can handle the male homophobes, I'll handle the females. There are female homophobes out there, too! Just not nearly as many. Now...to bring a strap on or not? Naaahhh...we want 'em to KNOW they're with a woman! LMAO :::goes off to look for a dental dam:::


I reiterate, Rev. Phelps must be the first target. This bastard protests funerals for homosexuals and verbally attacks families of AIDS victims, saying that God created AIDs to kill gays. I am totally for this movement! And so are most of my friends, the rest have too much homework to do, but send their hopes and wishes. My cousin lends his freaky BDSM equipment and knowledge of 'figging' (ginger root butt plugs, painful and itchy!).


Sure! we can attack Rev. Phelps! >D I can't believe someone would say shit like that! I'm a christian myself but I don't believe AIDS was created by God to kill the gays! Actually, how we got AIDS in the first place was some sick fuck who fucked a monkey in Africa. That's how AIDS was started, explaining you shouldn't fuck animals (beastiality is wrong)! And there are kids who have AIDS as well as women, not just gays! DUMBASS FUCKER PHELPS! D<

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