kiix Posted December 5, 2007 Report Posted December 5, 2007 What a way to force users to come the forum section! This is actually quiet cool however, you have to log in and I don't think a lot will actually do it...that's my opinion anyways. So since I'm here....I would like to discuss the LOYAL & TRUE. I have recieved a number of emails from readers bemoaning the fact that they are not LOYAL nor TRUE and that the dessert cart will not entertain their suggestions. What do I have to say to that? Pshaw!! You read moi. You write to moi. You are even secretive and ANON but hey, you are LOYAL! As I have mentioned in the RANTs section (How do I write? Are you kidding me!!) that all authors (look I'm an author now, gigagity gigagity goo) appreciate anyone who clicks on the story to begin with. The fact that the hit counter is going up is gratifying. In order to improve the story and writing skills, feedback is necessary. Those who take the time to drop a line, poke with a sharp stick, point out plot bunnies and various inconsistencies as well as bitch are important. Writing is a solitary journey. My early work, while I won't say sucks rocks, is very dry. *ptooy...spitting dust* I have noticed that since coming online and especially finding AFF, my writing style has changed and improved. This instant gratification works for moi. Besides, I don't like long lonely journeys. I have a clown car -- just keep hopping in. Errr...I think you would rather be known as LOYAL rather than CLOWNS. *bwahhhahaha* Crap. If you made here and are reading this little drabble. You are LOYAL. And about that other stuff, about not entertaining suggestions for the dessert cart. I'm lazy. You know that right. Just poke me once in a while, make sure I'm not dead. Just stay away from the eyes. Quote
lavcea Posted December 7, 2007 Report Posted December 7, 2007 first off kiix-y: you're a goof. second, you know i'm loving the stories and proud to be part of the Loyal. Keep writing cause I'll keep reading. third, here's my obligatory poke. **poke** Quote
kiix Posted December 7, 2007 Author Report Posted December 7, 2007 hahaha youse are sooo funny. ahahahahah actually I love a good poke (in the creative sense...say out of the gutter.) I am working on a skelly & lanny piece for the dessert cake but they little mucker rakers are on strike. So the winglets & puppies are kicking in. Don't know where that is coming from. oh well. re-poking to you all. Quote
Devilofdarkness Posted December 8, 2007 Report Posted December 8, 2007 Hey, Kiix I just wanted to say that I've been reading your Dessert Cart lately and your Tentacles for the Bride story (The latter I've really been enjoying) I love your writting and some day I do plan on reading all of your Lord Vampire series (Yeah, I've been reading Dessert Cart without actually having read the books, I'm special like that ) The only reason I haven't is I've simply hadn't had the time and I want the chance to really sit down and be able to enjoy it to it's full extent. Just thought I'd throw in my two-cents and here's to hoping I become one of the Loyal soon! Quote
kiix Posted December 9, 2007 Author Report Posted December 9, 2007 hahahaha..I will have you know that it very difficult to type on a laptop that is missing the 'a' key. I just have a rubber nubby to toggle. Who the hell knew that cats like to chew keysboards. jeess..I'm searching, I haven't found it yet..yess ewww, I am even searching the litter box. (Yeah, I've been reading Dessert Cart without actually having read the books, I'm special like that tongue.gif ) Wow, do you even know what the hell is going on? I'm impressed. I wasn't expecting big hits on it, but kudos to youse. Glad you like Gan/Walter. I have no idea where it's going but tigerwiger is in trouble...again. cya kiix Quote
BrackCatMojo Posted December 11, 2007 Report Posted December 11, 2007 Kiix, I just have to pop in and say I love your writing. I have read and reread and read again most everything you have written. Your characters are so wonderful and lively. And I have to applaud you for your skill. Keep up the great work. Oh and if you get the chance a little Marcus/Az action would be nice to read. (Hint-hint) Also I'd love to see what really has been going on between Claudia and little Vlad. And I have to admit it. You may not have been the reason I stumbled onto this site. But your writing sure as hell kept me coming back. I can’t wait for your book to get published. But I know patience is a virtue and greatness ain’t created over night. Ok I’ll shut up now. Hopefully considered one of your loyal, BCM Quote
Vixie-Chan Posted December 11, 2007 Report Posted December 11, 2007 Hey kiix!! I would like to say I would also like to see some M&A you would make me one happy Loyal. I think I'm gonna go re read the series now (I'm so bored) Ja ne! Oh! and before I forget *Poke* Quote
kiix Posted December 12, 2007 Author Report Posted December 12, 2007 Ow, my eye. I'm not supposed to get pudding it it. A&M will be gracing a stage soon. tata for now Quote
staphanie Posted December 13, 2007 Report Posted December 13, 2007 (edited) Hey it bin a long time. i,m sure you don't recognise the name but i used to be one of your loyal a while back but i kind of got side tracked and was only now able to finish all you great stories. oh and before i forget congrats on getting cake published. YYYYAAAAYYYYYYY. all you have to do is tell us where we can buy it and you'll be a rich bitch. getting back to the last story that was just finish, i love it, i love skell, i especially love all the kids, i can't wait to see whats going to happen next. there is a next time right cuase i wasn't sure with how you ended it but there has to be. any way i hope every thing is gone great and i hope for more. Edited December 13, 2007 by staphanie Quote
kiix Posted December 13, 2007 Author Report Posted December 13, 2007 There will be a book 5 of the lord emperor vampire saga. Mostly like named CANDY. I was torn between Cider and Candy but I think the next one will deal more with the family than just Armor & Marcus. So tell your friends and's CANDY: Book 5 of the Lord Emperor Vampire Saga. (Just not pen to paper, or brian to muse yet...still working on CAKE --editing chapter 22 now.) Merry Seasons and Greetings Christmas Yule! I know -- bad and corny. Kiix Quote
Milky Posted December 28, 2007 Report Posted December 28, 2007 SpReAd ThE lOvE //_______________________________________________ when I say =poke= X3 oh! be sure to tell us when your 1st book comes out so we could all buy it! >D thanks! the world goes round _______________________________________________ . . . O v E r . . . Quote
demonakasha Posted December 28, 2007 Report Posted December 28, 2007 Ohhh! The forum thing is fancy and new! Just wanted to say hi Kiix! I haven't reviewed in quite sometime but I still read frequently. Re-reading Cake right now. I can guarantee I will purchase it when it comes into print. Keep up the good work! Quote
kiix Posted January 10, 2008 Author Report Posted January 10, 2008 Ohhh! The forum thing is fancy and new! Just wanted to say hi Kiix! I haven't reviewed in quite sometime but I still read frequently. Re-reading Cake right now. I can guarantee I will purchase it when it comes into print. Keep up the good work! You have no idea how much that means to little ole moi. Thanks!! Quote
kiix Posted July 27, 2008 Author Report Posted July 27, 2008 Howdie! It's me again. Just dropping a line to say that it looks like everything is still a go with the publishing of Cake. I have made to the publishers website -- and I am listed in the AUTHORS page and BOOKS. I have a synopsis listed and the first edited chapter of CAKE is up for preview. Now, based on the contract that I have signed, the rest of Cake has had to be pulled off the site. I have only left the snopsis and the *ahem* original second draft up to be read. What surprises me is that the hit counter keeps going up even though there isn't anything to read there. Wow. So...later! And thanks. I keep a running update under HUMOR, since RANTS is gone under the title HOW DO YOU WRITE?? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! Keep an eye for me there. Tah!! Quote
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