Solaris Posted December 1, 2007 Report Posted December 1, 2007 I hate how the stores as soon as mid November came, all the stores hung up their Christmas decorations and started to play Christmas songs. I don't know about you guys but after a while don't you think it would get boring listening to the same music over and over again even if it is sung by different artists. I wouldn't mind it if they had started playing Christmas music on December 1st but geez, November 15th? I know it means the best time of the year for selling products is here but your employees are probably fed up by the time the first day is out of hearing Christmas music being played. I know I would despise the two months of November and December if I had to listen to Christmas music day in and day out while I was working, I would be so pissed off to the point where I would probably go upstairs or to the backroom where they have the stereo system and with a baseball bat or just my foot yank it onto the ground and pummel it till it died. Needless to say, I am a Grinch when it comes to the holiday music. I have my favorite song and needless to say, I wouldn't torture people with playing Christmas songs all day long, I would put other songs on and have the Christmas songs play maybe one or two an hour. But all day and all night long? I would hate the music by the end of the day and I reckon that the employees of stores doing that are either ignoring the music or concentrating more on their job then the music that is being played. Beth Quote
cu-kid9 Posted December 3, 2007 Report Posted December 3, 2007's not just the stores I work in an airport and the day after Thanksgiving is dreaded by all because we know they're going to start playing Christmas music that day. The first few weeks are okay. I like Bing Crosby's version of "Jingle Bells," like Nat King Cole and Frank Sinatra, and the Rosemary Clooney version of "White Christmas" (none of these singers, obviously, are from my generation, but I grew up listening to them because of my dad). But, I'll tell you what, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day roll around and I walk into my parents' house where they're playing Christmas music and singing along with it...and I just shut it off. I want to pull my freakin' hair out if I hear one more version of "Santa Baby" or "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause." Luckily, they've decided not to play straight Christmas music this year (we'll see how long that lasts), but rather have chosen to intersperse it with 50's/60's/70's/80s/and early 90s songs...Yeah. Most of the time I can successfully ignore it, but I think they turn it up later at night (actually, the airport gets dead late, so that's probably why it seems louder -but I'd rather stick to my theory of they like torturing us). So I leave work with either a Christmas song or something like "Maniac" (you know, from Flashdance? ugh -always makes me feel like I should be running in place when I hear it) stuck in my head. Quote
Solaris Posted December 3, 2007 Author Report Posted December 3, 2007 I do try my hardest to ignore the music personally unless it is a song that I like, then it's different but realistically, the music gets on my nerves very quick and I start ranting about it out loud and people gives me weird looks and I just say, it's not Christmas yet, we still have Thanksgiving to go through and walk on. But with them pulling out the music two weeks before you realistically should does get on my nerves. But thankfully, the radio stations decide not to play all Christmas songs every minute of every hour, but a song or two an hour is just fine by me. Beth Quote
cu-kid9 Posted December 3, 2007 Report Posted December 3, 2007 I do the rant out loud thing in public places too, but it's usually "It's not even FREAKIN' THANKSGIVING yet!! How do they already have CHRISTMAS decorations out?!" I think it embarrasses my friends The first few weeks I like to antagonize my co-workers by singing the Christmas songs -or humming them loudly. I'm surprised I haven't spontaneously combusted from some of the looks I get. Right around mid-December, though, it loses its amusement factor and I just get grumpy -especially when I have customers come up to me singing "Rudolph..." OOoooo! I just want to jack someone -and I'm usually a laid back kinda gal. I have my ballbat...I just need to find out where that damn radio in the airport is Quote
Solaris Posted December 3, 2007 Author Report Posted December 3, 2007 LOL! For the most part, I have to throw a happy face during Christmas because of our family that comes to the house, thankfully we do not have to sing those songs or I would basically be murderous and my parents know my temper about things and they keep a wide berth around me when I have that look. Beth Quote
DarkCabaret Posted December 4, 2007 Report Posted December 4, 2007 At work it's nothing but Christmas. At any store I shop at, nothing but Christmas. At home it's whatever the hell I want because my mom and I don't really care about Christmas this year. It's just like last year. Second Christmas without my dad and if it weren't for my sister, I wouldn't even do anything on Christmas but work and sleep! Quote
Solaris Posted December 4, 2007 Author Report Posted December 4, 2007 It has been eight years since I didn't have my younger brother by our side at Christmas. David, my younger brother died a few days after his 27th birthday in 1999. David's dedication page. I never liked Christmas after that. Halloween is probably the only Holiday that I truly enjoy anymore. Beth Quote
cu-kid9 Posted December 4, 2007 Report Posted December 4, 2007 Halloween is my favorite, too, mostly because I like to sit around in the dark and watch scary movies (not that I wouldn't do that any other time, but around Halloween makes it seem Michael Myers is going to come get me or something )...which usually ends up happening by myself because all of my friends are wimps. I wish my parents backed off when I had "that look" at Christmas. My dad thinks it's hilarious and starts making all these little antagonizing comments about me having bunny rabbits and rainbows coming out of my eyes grrr! Quote
Solaris Posted December 4, 2007 Author Report Posted December 4, 2007 It was 1999 Halloween, I saw David's ghost on our steps leading towards the swimming pool and he faded from view slowly leaving only his smile behind before it too faded from view. The white candle that I held in my hand it had a flame on it when I saw David but when I looked down at it the flame was gone and there was no wind blowing that night and I didn't blow it out either. I knew it had to be David, who did it. After all the trick or treaters are home, I go out and get a bonfire started and start calling for David, hoping that he would come and pay me a visit. I have felt him but never seen him since that day. Beth Quote
DarkCabaret Posted December 4, 2007 Report Posted December 4, 2007 If I had to chose a holiday I like I'd say Halloween (everyone says I'm a gloomy dark cloud thing anyways) and 4th of July. I love fireworks, and wish we could have them year-round but NO Kansas had to make it against the law to have them so we have to go to Missouri to buy them, and shoot them off and that's only on the 4th. Quote
Solaris Posted December 4, 2007 Author Report Posted December 4, 2007 Missouri is making it a little harder to buy fireworks from the firework stores at certain stores, you have to show them your Missouri license to even get them, in St. Louis one year. We were heading home from visiting friends and decided to get some fireworks to shoot off that Sunday night and we walked in and got about $200 worth of fireworks and the guy behind the desk asked my dad for his driver's license. My dad asked why and the guy said only Missouri residents can buy fireworks from this store. But those people who sell them by the roads, you have no problems with your license as they don't ask. We haven't bought any since 2001 since we got a new mare who was pregnant, we didn't want to scare her into miscarrying which her dam had done several times. But the mare is no longer pregnant and we could shoot them off but the clean up afterwards is the worst! All that debris about the yard. It takes us a good two hours of cleaning it up even though the show is great, we prefer watching it on TV now. Beth Quote
cu-kid9 Posted December 5, 2007 Report Posted December 5, 2007 We have to border jump to get fireworks too (Indiana, since it's closer, and there's two huge warehouses of fireworks just over the state line ). I'm not sure what Illinois' laws about having fireworks are. I know we're not supposed to have them, but I think they let it go on the 4th -any other time, though, I'm pretty sure you can get fined. I hate chilly/cold weather and love fireworks, so you'd think that the 4th would be my favorite holiday. But there's something about Halloween...I love the decorations, I love carving pumpkins and making toasted pumpkin seeds, and going and picking up those crazy looking gourds and getting apple cider. My mother decorates for the Day of the Dead and she has a Day of the Dead tree in the front hallway with skeleton decorations all over it and these really cool light up skulls around the base -it's like a Halloween Christmas tree I love it. Quote
SFC_Omicronus Posted December 5, 2007 Report Posted December 5, 2007 Hey, this is my first post on the site. cu-kid, you might remember me, neh? Anyway, I agree with you all on some degree (but don't tell my fiancée this) that Christmas is just WAY too overdone. I live in Canada, and the mall I go to all the time started setting up their Christmas displays immediately the day after Halloween. Mid-November rolls around, and already I see the first Christmas commercial, advertised by Canadian Tire. My fiancée's and her family absolutely go bug-nuts once the season rolls around, and we already had our Christmas lists up and on the fridge. To some degree, I can understand the festive season, but it's not that I absolutely loathe it, it's that I just can't get into the hype. My family barely spent any effort in celebrating the season once I hit Grade 8, and after that, we just bought presents, didn't even get out the fake tree. I don't know. I guess I have the holiday blues, and I just needed to let it all out. Quote
Shirotaka Posted December 6, 2007 Report Posted December 6, 2007 Holiday season means family and drinking. Used to be I asked for more family and less drinking. This year I find myself wanting to drink so much I can see less of my family. But not all is lost, I can still escape them and come to read some good ole fashioned smut. Happy Holidays Everyone. ^^ Quote
Solaris Posted December 6, 2007 Author Report Posted December 6, 2007 It's like right after Halloween or even in one case before Halloween was even over with, one of our grocery stores had Christmas decorations out, mingled in with the Halloween items! I feel disgusted with the festive holiday that I asked my parents lets go on vacations around Christmas so we don't have to host it anymore, let the others do it for a change and yet I get shot down, but this year if we had the money we would be off in Mexico enjoying the warm weather and celebrate Christmas with the Mexicans and the other vacationers. It would be nice to go somewhere different for Christmas. Beth Quote
cu-kid9 Posted December 6, 2007 Report Posted December 6, 2007 They started playing all Christmas music all the time now at the airport where I work! ARGH!!! And it will go on until the 1st of January...Tomorrow I get to listen to it for eleven, yes ELEVEN, hours To make matters worse (like they could be), there are these HUGE inflatable decorations over the revolving doors. The one closest to me has Santa on a train and behind him is a penguin that pops out of a box. I wish I had a blow gun and some darts. The only bonus this year is that the gi-normous boxes wrapped like presents that they usually hang from the ceiling have gone "missing" -which I think means someone stole them. Sweet! Oh, and totally off the subject: Hi, SFC Omicron! Glad to see ya here! Quote
Guest orleans Posted December 7, 2007 Report Posted December 7, 2007 I don't like it when people think that they have to be merry all of a sudden... I just wish I could hide until New Year's Eve sometimes Quote
cu-kid9 Posted December 8, 2007 Report Posted December 8, 2007 "Every day's a holiday when you're pagan!" Not sure where I heard that, but I love it. Quote Holiday season means family and drinking.Used to be I asked for more family and less drinking. This year I find myself wanting to drink so much I can see less of my family. Man, do I agree with this. I'm pretty much of the mind that most of my extended family should be put in straight-jackets and sent to a psych ward...and that's on just regular days. During the holidays, it gets even worse. Quote
Shinju Posted December 10, 2007 Report Posted December 10, 2007 Solaris said: It has been eight years since I didn't have my younger brother by our side at Christmas. David, my younger brother died a few days after his 27th birthday in 1999. David's dedication page.I never liked Christmas after that. Halloween is probably the only Holiday that I truly enjoy anymore. Beth That is a beautiful dedication page. Quote
Shinju Posted December 10, 2007 Report Posted December 10, 2007 Holidays are the worst. I like Halloween if someone takes pity on me and invites me to a costume party. This year someone did, so it was good. Christmas time is the worst. It's not that I dislike the holiday, it used to be one of my favorites. But ever since I was about 19 or 20, the period of time between Thanksgiving and Christmas has just sucked. I mean really completely sucked. Every year around this time the horriblest of shit happens to me and my family. Thank goodness this year it's just me. And my poor cats my ex keeps taunting me with yet refuses to give me. My family has about a gazillion birthdays during this time, one of them mine, and I hate it. I hate my birthday. Always have. There are just tons of pictures of me from about six or seven years on with me blowing out a cake full of candles or holding a gift, my eyes just full of tears. There were a few happy years, I'll grant you that. But mostly my birthdays are just one big suckfest. I wish I could just pop a few muscle relaxers and sleep through the whole day, but people keep making me do things like go to a family restaurant and blow out f*****g candles. I hope nobody comes this year. No one ever really makes it a point anyway. But I'm so disoriented all the time I forget everyone else's birthdays now anyway, so I suppose I can call it even. This year, I don't want Christmas. If I had any way at all to get the hell out of here I would get as far away from this f*****g place as possible the 23rd-26th. I'm too injured to work and I have no money to buy anybody anything. I even f****d up my shoulder preparing the easiest food yesterday. There isn't really anything I can do without hurting myself. I had all the gifts I had wanted to give everybody planned out. But no money no gifts and I don't want anyone to give me anything this year either because I feel like a big enough mooch already having to take handouts from everyone else. Even if I did have the money, I don't have the physical stamina to go shopping. I could do it, but every day of shopping I would have to spend two days in bed. Anytime I do anything I have to spend two days in bed. This year, for Christmas, I just want someone to whisk me away to somewhere where I don't have to celebrate Christmas. A cheap motel, a friends crappy apartment, anywhere. Anywhere where I wouldn't have to go to a bathroom or something and cry my f*****g eyes out because I hate the holidays. Santa never brought me anything, the least he could do for me is this. You hear that, Santa? Just get me the f**K out of here for Christmas! Oh yeah, and most of all I want my cats back! There's my f*****g wish list for ya. Quote
Claire Posted December 11, 2007 Report Posted December 11, 2007 It's not as bad as here. In my country, our Independence Day is the 30th of November and some stores have out their Christmas decorations long before then. They don't even bother to put out Independence Day decorations...not even a flag. No, I'm not patriotic but everytime I see it, it ticks me off. Since when has Christmas become more important than the day we gained our independence as a country from the British? Christmas seems to start earlier and earlier each year. I personally think Christmas should start on the 14th. We only need 12 days of the song says...not a month and a half. The season just seems to drag on and it loses it's 'magic' and gets really old and really repetitive really fast, especially after hearing the same songs and watching the same movies over and over...and over again. And when you wake up on the 26th after eating all the food and opening all the presents, you're left with a feeling of 'what now?' And why do some stores still try to force Christmas down your throat days after the twenty-fifth? It's already over, the mood is gone and you're not going to get me into the Christmas Spirit again by blaring those tired songs in my ear. I stopped buying gifts for random people on Christmas, especially after I went broke that one year. I only have one real life friend anyway and he doesn't make a big deal about Christmas either. I also don't try to surprise him with a gift, I just ask him what he wants and buys it. My outlook will probably change when I have a family of my own but right now, I couldn't care any less. Oh, and what about the 'Christmas in July' they used to have on Cartoon Network? Anyone remembered those days? Quote
Solaris Posted December 11, 2007 Author Report Posted December 11, 2007 Shinju said: That is a beautiful dedication page. Thank you, it took me two years to finish that page. Beth Quote
manta2g Posted December 11, 2007 Report Posted December 11, 2007 I for one welcome chirtmas music since the rest of the year my boos had bad opera on and it drives me batty. other then that the two big holdays that get celebrated in my household is hte lunar new year (also referd to as chinese new years) abd good old July fist, the day all the smooth talking got us independent of the Brits. A little over 100 years as a dominion, the last 25 as a contry (indipendent contry status gained in 1982). Quote
Solaris Posted December 25, 2007 Author Report Posted December 25, 2007 manta2g said: I for one welcome chirtmas music since the rest of the year my boos had bad opera on and it drives me batty, Maybe they should get in their stocking or probably have received new opera CDs to play this coming year? Or maybe some Broadway showtunes would be good or maybe some nice 1960 to 1970 oldie music would be good as that's not the nasty music that is playing on the airways these days. Maybe talk to the bosses to see what type of light rock music that they like like Sir Elton John or the Rolling Stones or the Beatles or some of the older music that is out there, it can't help to see if they might be interested in spicing up the tunes a bit, make the place a little lively during the daytime. Beth Quote
Lost_Soul Posted January 23, 2008 Report Posted January 23, 2008 Solaris said: I hate how the stores as soon as mid November came, all the stores hung up their Christmas decorations and started to play Christmas songs.I don't know about you guys but after a while don't you think it would get boring listening to the same music over and over again even if it is sung by different artists. I wouldn't mind it if they had started playing Christmas music on December 1st but geez, November 15th? I know it means the best time of the year for selling products is here but your employees are probably fed up by the time the first day is out of hearing Christmas music being played. I know I would despise the two months of November and December if I had to listen to Christmas music day in and day out while I was working, I would be so pissed off to the point where I would probably go upstairs or to the backroom where they have the stereo system and with a baseball bat or just my foot yank it onto the ground and pummel it till it died. Needless to say, I am a Grinch when it comes to the holiday music. I have my favorite song and needless to say, I wouldn't torture people with playing Christmas songs all day long, I would put other songs on and have the Christmas songs play maybe one or two an hour. But all day and all night long? I would hate the music by the end of the day and I reckon that the employees of stores doing that are either ignoring the music or concentrating more on their job then the music that is being played. Beth I know how you feel and agree with you hugely! I too am not too crazy about the holidays myself. The holidays isn't all about buying STUFF but is about REALLY giving from the heart and helping people and spending time with the ones you love. I don't think we need a holiday for an excuse to get presents and have to be nice to people, ect. You should be like that all through the year! ...You know what I mean? Quote
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