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Problems with Adding Stories in the Original Section

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Guest Atomica_Syndrome

Hey there,

I used to go by as Wandering_Thought on the archives, but it's been some years back and I've since lost my PW. I've considered for a long time to delete my profile and turn over a new leaf, but for ages I couldn't figure what my password was (there were also problems with having my account updated, since I've been offline for so long). So I decided to register on a different email, and a new password.

Everything worked great! The process was fast and easy.

Except when I decided to select 'Add story' in the Original section. The Original section, for some reason, remembers me as my old profile. I couldn't even upload a story under my new profile and new account there--and I couldn't access my old member directory to change or even logout.

I'm sorry this sounds like a complicated predicament, but if any of you awesome people can sort it out, I'd really really be grateful. This site is fantastic and I do want to contribute stories there.


I'm passing this along to see if we can't get the dual accounts resolved for you. It can take up to 48 hours to get this addressed, so bear with us. :)


you're merged. You'll want to clear cache and cookies again to be sure and clear the conflicting information from your browser. You'll also want to login using the upper right login boxes, with your new account information.

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